I can't install node.js on Windows 7 - node.js

I got a new machine with Windows 7 built-in and it is also activated. But when I tried to install node.js it gave me this prompt. It is 64-bit operating system
Is there a way I can install it or I should install Windows 10 then.

Apparently some newer versions don't support win 7, what you can do is try to download an older one like 10.14.2 LTS

Here i do this
Go to System-Properties (run: systempropertiesadvanced.exe),
in Advanced tab, click Environment Variables.
Still on the System variables,
click 'New', add name: NODE_PATH with value: C:\nodejs64\node_modules, and click OK.
click 'New' again, add name: NODE_SKIP_PLATFORM_CHECK with value: 1, and click OK.
Click OK of all dialogs close.
Restart your machine, so explore and cmd will get the fresh set of variables.

How to Install node.js in windows 7 Lastest Version?
Ans :
Download Node.js.msi ver. 13.14.0
Download Lastest version of nodejs zip form
install node.js 13.14.0 version
Go C:/nodejs delete all files from this folder
Extract Lastest node.js zip format
Restart Your Terminals or VsCode.
See Results
Download Node.js LTS Version in Windows
(Windows Binary (.zip))
Before you Extract Delete All files in C:/nodejs folder
You Not needs to Set Variables or other processes of installation.
Thanks You.


NVM for Windows successfully installed but CMD prompt informs my version of Node.exe not compatible with my Windows version

I'm on a Microsoft Surface Pro X (it features Windows 10 Home on ARM 64-bit processor) trying to install Node.js. I've decided to use NVM for Windows. I can successfully install and get NVM for Windows running correctly. To my understanding, I'm able to install different versions of Node (i.e. 16.16.0 and 16.13.1, for example, both LTS) as shown in below graphic. But when I try to run Node, I get the error "This version of C:\Program Files\Nodejs\node.exe is not compatible with the version of Windows you're running. Check your computer's system information and then contact the software publisher."
I am not clear on the why this is happening. Am I not downloading a version of Node that is compatible on my ARM 64-bit processor? I've read through several closed issues on the GitHub page but I haven't encountered someone bringing up this same error. I'm pretty confident it does NOT have to do with the integrity of my symlinks too, or my system environment variables. See below:
Your help and insight is appreciated. Thanks.

nvm windows installation of node getting stuck on "Extracting..."

I installed the latest nvm Windows cli tool; and when I try to run nvm install lts it shows "Downloading..." then "Extracting..." and freezes there. Never errors, but never moves on, either. If I kill the process and do nvm list, it lists 16.15.0. But if I say nvm use 16.15.0, or nvm uninstall 16.15.0, it says it isn't installed.
I've tried uninstalling nvm and starting over from scratch; same result every time. How do I get past 'Extracting'?
Ok this was a bizarre problem and solution.
Looks like my (work) laptop had previously had win-zip or 7-zip installed, but when it was uninstalled, it didn't re-associate zip files with Windows Explorer.
That meant that the option to click Extract All on a zip file, even manually, was grayed out/disabled. I followed the instructions here: to re-associate .zip files with Windows Explorer:
START menu > Settings (the cog) > Apps > Default Apps. Scroll to the bottom
of that list and look for "Choose default apps by file type". Then
scroll down that until you find ".ZIP" make sure the default is
selected to "Windows Explorer".

Cant Add WSL Interpreter to Intellij Idea 2018

I need to add WSL node interpreter to Intellij Idea(2018.2.2) but NodeJs(version 12.14.1) installed on WSL2 is not detected by Idea. I have installed Node with NVM on WSL2 and the distro is UBUNTU 20.04.1 LTS through Windows Store.
When I open the Settings/Preferences dialog (Ctrl+Alt+S), go to Languages and Frameworks | Node.js and NPM, and click the Browse button next to the Node Interpreter field the only interpreter visible is the Node interpreter installed in windows. I fI click "+" and say "Add" the only option available is "Local",
the "WSL" option is missing.
I tried re-installing NodeJs on WSL2 but no luck
I tried installing UBUNTU distro but no luck.
The Node Interpreter option is available if I install a higher version of Idea 2019.1.4 but My contractor doesn't have a license for the higher version.
Add WSL... is there for me in 2018.2.8:
it should be available since 2018.2, see https://blog.jetbrains.com/webstorm/2018/06/webstorm-2018-2-eap-182-3208/
I'd suggest contacting support on this, providing your idea.log (Help > Show Log in Explorer)

Missing mfc140u.dll when trying to run windows application using Wine in Ubuntu

I want to run a c++ application written in vs2017 in Ubuntu 16.04. I've installed Wine version 3.0.3 as well as Winetricks version 20140817. When trying to run the application using 'wine app_name.exe' command, i get an error saying
002e:err:module:import_dll Library mfc140u.dll (which is needed by L"path_to_my_application_library") not found
I tried to install mfc140u via Winetrichs GUI using 'Install a Windows DLL or component' option but it seems not to be listed anywhere on the list of the available packages. Does anyone know how to make it available?
Make sure you are using the most up-to-date version of Wine (currently Wine 4). You can check by running:
wine --version
If you need to upgrade Wine, check out the instructions here.
That dll is a part of Visual C++ redistributable. You'll need to install it so the application will work. Instructions are here.
I don't use Wine, so there could be additional steps, but in the interest of helping:
I believe you need the appropriate version of the VC++ redistributable (Visual Studio C++ runtime). You need to install the version that the application you try to run was compiled with. Just start with the latest one and install and then install older versions if need be. MSDN Forums.
from console run
wine uninstaller
uninstall any existing runtime version, then select "install" and browse for the vc_redist.x64.exe file, accept. Execute your Windows appplication

Update nodejs in cygwin

Sometime back I've installed nodejs via cygwin which shows me the version 0.4.12 when I do node -v in bash.
Recently I've installed nodejs with the window installer which shows me the version 0.10.20 in window command prompt.
My Problem is I'm using Claymate for GumbyFramework in cygwin and it requires nodejs version above 0.8.0. How can I update the Nodejs in cygwin to the latest version?
Btw I'm using Windows Vista OS.
Pls. help!! Thanks in Advance..
Please know that Cygwin is not a supported platform. There would be a node version which would break things for you. The latest version that compiles natively on Cygwin is 0.4.12. Though the wiki page mentions some people had success building Node.js 0.10 on MinGW+MSYS. Try the following instructions : http://opensourcepack.blogspot.co.uk/2013/06/nodejs-with-posix-path-support.html
Don't mess with compile on Windows. You may want to just replace the old version Node.exe file with the newer Node.exe file on disk. You should be able to find the Cygwin folders within Windows explorer. You can search the entire disk, in windows not cygwin, for the file name node.exe. You should see the node.exe windows is finding, and the one cygwin is finding, under the cygwin folders.
Rename the cygwin node.exe and copy in the newer node.exe. Now, you nay get an issue with npm, in which case you may want to try the same thing with the npm folder.
I know cygwin isnt officially supported, but when you get it installed correctly it works.
