How can I open a Word document from within Power Apps running in Teams? - sharepoint

I have created a Power Apps application that runs within a MS Teams channel.
The app lists a number of MS Office documents located in a master SharePoint library.
When a document is clicked the app copies the document from the master SharePoint library across to the local Teams Channel Files library.
Anyone know how I can automate the open of the document that now lives in the MS Teams channel Files library?
-- Edit --
I'm using Power Automate to copy the file between the SharePoint libraries. Power Automate returns the destination file path. Unfortunately If I Launch() that url, the file is downloaded - Not opened.

You can use deeplink to automate. You can generate a deeplink to your file and automate. Here is a sample format for deeplink to files -
This is the serialization of this object:
tenantId: “72f988bf-86f1-41af-91ab-2d7cd011db47”,
filetype: = “pptx”,
objectUrl: “ Documents/FC7- Bot and Action Infra/Kaizala Actions in Adaptive Cards - Deck.pptx”,
baseUrl: “”,
serviceName: “teams”,
threadId: = “”,
groupId: “ae063b79-5315-4ddb-ba70-27328ba6c31e”


(-2147024891, 'Access is denied.', None, None)

I am developing a Django (v 3.2.6) application (Python 3.9.1.) which needs to write into an Excel file using
On the client side it works fine, but when I put in production using IIS (v 10) on a Windows 11 server, I get the error above.
I have a routine that reads in a file input by the user and writes to the project directory:
if request.method == 'POST':
# Create a form instance and populate it with the file from the request (binding):
form = Name1_uploadForm(request.POST, request.FILES)
if form.is_valid():
# Create variable for uploaded file
uploaded_excel_file = form.cleaned_data['excel_file']
# Write it to BASE_DIR
with open(os.path.join(settings.BASE_DIR, form.cleaned_data['excel_file'].name), 'wb+') as destination:
for chunk in uploaded_excel_file.chunks():
# Allow the write process to conclude
# Close the file
# Call conversion function
Name1_extraction(os.path.join(settings.BASE_DIR, form.cleaned_data['excel_file'].name))
# redirect to a new URL:
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('index') )
form = Name1_uploadForm()
This calls another function (below) that should open that same file:
def Name1_extraction(uploaded_excel_file):
const = win32.constants
# Need to run CoInitialize to use win32com.client
# Open Name1 excel with Win32com
excelFile = win32.gencache.EnsureDispatch('Excel.Application')
The complete error is the following:
enter image description here
enter image description here
enter image description here
The error occurs when the following line of code is executed:
excelFile = win32.gencache.EnsureDispatch('Excel.Application')
The application pool is IIS AppPool\DefaultAppPool.
DefaultAppPool has been granted full access to folders C:\Windows\SysWOW64\config\systemprofile\Desktop and C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\Desktop
With these actions I would not expect to see any errors
Thank you for any help provided.
Microsoft does not recommend or support server-side Automation of Office, and Microsoft strongly recommends that developers look for alternatives to Automation of Office when they need to develop server-side solutions.
Due to limitations in the design of Office, changing the Office configuration alone is not sufficient to resolve all issues. Microsoft strongly recommends some alternatives that don't require a server-side installation of Office and can perform most common tasks more efficiently and faster than Automation.
Most server-side automation tasks involve document creation or editing. Office 2007 supports the new Open XML file format, which allows developers to create, edit, read, and transform file content on the server side. This is the recommended and supported method of handling changes to Office files from the service.
How to use the Open XML SDK 2.5 for Office, please refer to the Microsoft documentation:
Considerations for server-side Automation of Office, please refer to this Microsoft blog:
I've had a similar problem:
I had a Python program with the xlwings library and I created a .bat file.
When I launched it by hand it worked perfectly, but with Windows 10 Scheduler I received an error "(-2147024891, 'Access denied.', None, None)".
I carried out the automatic correction of the Excel file which can be done by going to Excel > File > Info > Verify document.
My problem was that the Windows Scheduler didn't accept comments in the .xlsm file.
I deleted all the comments and then the Windows Scheduler started

Auto load Office Centralized deployed custom Add-in using upload XML manifest file

I have created a customized add-in to PowerPoint and I deployed that through Centralized Deployment using upload manifest file in the Office 365 admin center.
I want this add-in to be loaded automatically when the user opens a document, for this I was used Open XML SDK to configure Office documents to automatically open a specified add-in
But currently, I am not able to load it automatically. I am getting an error "Add-in Warning This add-in is no longer available."
I have mentioned two lines of code used in the program , here we used two ids for webextension and WebExtensionStoreReference.
please advice on these two lines to what parameter and values I want to use correctly
We.WebExtension webExtension1 = new We.WebExtension(){ Id = "{52811C31-4593-43B8-A697-EB873422D156}" };
We.WebExtensionStoreReference webExtensionStoreReference1 = new We.WebExtensionStoreReference() { Id = "af8fa5ba-4010-4bcc-9e03-a91ddadf6dd3", Version = "", Store = "EXCatalog", StoreType = "EXCatalog" };
please help if anyone knows about this....!!

How to handle data import and export from a Windows Universal app

I am developing a Windows Universal app that collects results of races. It saves each race result in a sql-lite database in an application folder so the user can view previous results. I have further requirements, however, for saving and opening race results.
I need to be able to export the results of a race as a CSV file so that they can be opened by a third-party application that might be running on a separate machine on a different operating system.
I need to be able to export the results as an HTML file that can be uploaded/included in the user's own web site.
I need the user to be able to print the results (which I was thinking could just be done by printing the HTML file from a browser)
I would like the user to be able to choose to import the results of a race created by my own legacy application in my own format.
It seems, however, that we are restricted in a Windows Universal app to saving files to just very specific folders under very specific circumstances if we have requested that app capability. Therefore I am getting access denied errors both saving and reading files using the FileOpenPicker and FileSavePicker.
I think I probably need to view the export and import of results in a different way, but after a lot of searching I have not been able to come up with the right and recommended solution to this. So the question is how should I be handling the import and export of results? Should I be using the user's documents folder, or their OneDrive? Do I need to create a web application for my app so that the user can store results in the cloud and download them from there?
CSV and HTML are both text files with some encoding. So your question is about how to read/write files with JS.
Here is example how to create html page with FileSavePicker:
var savePicker = new Windows.Storage.Pickers.FileSavePicker();
savePicker.suggestedStartLocation = Windows.Storage.Pickers.PickerLocationId.documentsLibrary;
savePicker.fileTypeChoices.insert("Web page", [".html"]);
savePicker.suggestedFileName = "New page";
savePicker.pickSaveFileAsync().then(function (file)
if (file) {
var _WriteThis="<!DOCTYPE html>" + "\r\n";
_WriteThis = _WriteThis + "<html><head><title>Web page title</title>" + "\r\n";
// .....
Windows.Storage.FileIO.writeTextAsync(file, _WriteThis, Windows.Storage.Streams.UnicodeEncoding.utf8);
This example doesn't required any special rules and you can save file anywhere on you PC HDD or USD stick without setting capabilities in manifest (except system folders)
Same way you can save in csv format

How to Download Documents from a a Sharepoint Document Library using Workflow Foundation?

I have some Test, Security, Project Management and some other word documents in TFS2010 source control under Documents folder. Does anybody know how to access them in order to download and copy to a local path?
Those files are not physically under $/... folder, though they have a Sharepoint web server path like: "http://myServer/sites/MyProyect/Test/Tests_P13_F00120.doc". I have tried to use DownloadFiles activity without success due to it needs a path which starts with $/. Any suggestion please?
DownloadFiles is not an activity you can make use of, it's meant to deal with files residing in Source control.
Instead, you need to establish a connection to the Sharepoint Copy service of your TFS, which resides at http://<Site>/_vti_bin/Copy.asmx. We did this by adding a Service Reference in our build solution.
We then implemented a build activity that does basically the opposite of what you are after: during TFS build it uploads documents into Sharepoint.
The instantiation looks like this:
BasicHttpBinding binding = new BasicHttpBinding();
binding.Security.Mode = BasicHttpSecurityMode.TransportCredentialOnly;
binding.Security.Transport.ClientCredentialType = HttpClientCredentialType.Ntlm;
binding.Security.Transport.ProxyCredentialType = HttpProxyCredentialType.None;
binding.Security.Message.ClientCredentialType = BasicHttpMessageCredentialType.UserName;
EndpointAddress endpointAddress = new EndpointAddress("http://<Site>/_vti_bin/Copy.asmx");
CopySoapClient copyService = new CopySoapClient(binding,endpointAddress);
This copy service exposes a GetItem method, this is the one you should probably be invoking.
I 'm not aware if this GetItem is capable of supporting a http://myServer/sites/MyProject/Test/*.doc kind of thing

WSS 3.0 Site Provisioning

Is there any way to do WSS 3.0 site provisioning? My client's requirement is attributes as variables that will be defined in XML format: Organization Name, Logo, Address, User and Role information. The client should be able to install this web application to any WSS production server by just defining the attributes in the XML file.
Is it possible to to write a utility to parse that well defined XML and provision the site accordingly?
It's possible to provision sites from the object model, but creating entirely customized sites is beyond the scope of a single question. To get you started, you should take a look at the SPWebCollection.Add as well as the SPSiteCollection.Add.
To create a site collection and some subsites into one of your web applications, you could use something like this:
var farm = SPFarm.Local;
var solution = farm.Solutions.GetValue<SPSolution>("YourSolution.wsp");
var application = solution.DeployedWebApplications.First();
var sites = application.Sites;
using(var site = sites.Add("/", "Root Site", "Description", 1033, "YOURTEMPLATE#1", "YOURDOMAIN\SiteCollectionAdmin", "Site Collection Admin", "admin#yourcompany.example")) {
using(var rootWeb = site.RootWeb) {
// Code customizing root site goes here
using (var subSite = rootWeb.Webs.Add("SubSite", "Sub Site", "Description", 1033, "YOURTEMPLATE#2", false, false)) {
// Code customizing sub site goes here
Yes, there are more than one.
Take a look at SharePoint Solution Generator which is in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Tools: Visual Studio 2005 Extensions.
You may create a site with all requirements of yours (pages, lists, document libraries...) and then generate a VS project that will create a SharePoint feature with all of your site. Then you may deploy that feature to any WSS production server.
You may alter the VS project to implement the logic to read your attributes from an additional xml file.
If the structure of your site is plain or you can save it as a template you may also write a small console application that reads the attribute xml file and create the site.
Create a regular solution, or use the aforementioned solution generator to generate the .wsp file. Then create a small console application, that expects the variables you mentioned as parameters.
With the code listed above, provision the new sitecollection from that solution, and store the entered parameters (Company name etc.) in the site in a list, or in the SPSite.Properties propertybag, from which you can then read them in custom webparts etc..
The SharePoint Data Population Tool available on CodePlex allows you to define sites with XML.
