How To Restrict Transaction between states in azure devops server? - azure

I am decided to restrict transaction between two states in azure devops server in inherited process
but i donot know support or not?
if support , how to do it?
i read this link but not found in my azure devops web admin

I am afraid this release has not been updated to the azure devops server. I also did not find the "Restrict the transaction to state" in the Actions on my side.
The release of this feature is currently only for azure devops service. For the release note of Azure DevOps Server, please follow this.


Azure DevOps agent pool creating using Terraform

I need to create Azure DevOps agent pool using Terraform.
In Terraform I'm using microsoft/azuredevops provider. And resource azuredevops_agent_pool
In conclusion, I have an error Error creating agent pool in Azure DevOps: Access denied. user needs Manage permissions to perform the action. For more information, contact the Azure DevOps Server administrator.
I have Administrator permissions in Azure Devops.
What can I try with this error?
UPD. I can create agent pool from Web UI azuredevops.
I am using authentication with PAT. PAT configured for FULL access.
UPD2. I understood that access on Project Level is other than access on Organization Level. So I have full access on Project Level but terraform is trying to create agent pull on Organization Level.
It's not possible at the moment. I face the same issue.
The issue is still opened since 2020.
As mentioned on the
Before running this module, you need to create an agent pool in your
Azure DevOps organization and a personal access token that it
authorized to manage this agent pool.
So it's not possible to automatically create an agent pool from the official Terraform azure DevOps provider
You might try to find a way through Azure DevOPS REST API:
You might also find this GitHub issue comment useful:
Someone has already developed a way to do with Terraform using local-exec combined with azure cli/PowerShell/rest api

Azure Analysis service deployment using Azure DevOps

I am working on Azure Analysis service directly from Instead i want AAS be save as some file in git repo and deployed is managed through Azure DevOps. Not sure if this possible? How to proceed further on this
Currently, Azure Analysis Service don’t support implementing using Azure Devops.
I would request you to provide the feedback here:
All of the feedback you share in these forums will be monitored and reviewed by the Microsoft engineering teams responsible for building Azure.
You could have a script task make a REST call to Azure from Azure DevOps, building the URL and payload from code, say passing in parameters, or by utilising a variable group.

Azure Active Directory and Azure DevOps

We're planning on migrating our TFS on premise to Azure DevOps. I understand that to migrate, we need Azure AD. My question is, what would be the subscription level should I get?
I'm fairly new to this so please go easy on me. Thanks!
Do you mean Azure Subscription?
DevOps doesn't requires Azure Subscription. But if you anticipate needing to purchase any additional user plans, build/deployment pipelines, hosted build services, hosted load test services, or other developer services, we highly recommend making sure that you have an Azure Subscription ready for linking to your imported Azure DevOps Services organization once the import has completed.
You could refer to the migration guide first, which can be downloaded from website below:

How to integrate Azure Policy with Azure DevOps?

I created the ARM templates for Azure Web App, Azure SQL Database, Key vault and Azure Storage. And deployed these ARM templates in to azure using Azure DevOps process CI and CD.
But I want to enforce policies as part of the development process. I know Microsoft released the feature of Azure Policy integration with Azure DevOps is now available. But I don’t know how to integrate policies with Azure DevOps.
Can anyone suggest me or provide any useful documentation?
After creating and assigning policies, they are automatically evaluated on every template deployment. If there is an attempt to deploy a template that violates a policy with a deny effect, you can see this in Azure DevOps:
Edit: How to use steps for creating and assigning policies and finding the output can be found on the docs: Also, you can now evaluate Azure Policies via an Release Gate. See:
Azure Pipelines has Policy gates that can also be used to check if the underlying resources/resource group/subscription is compliant before proceeding.
You can find details here.

Deploying AzureRM Web App with VSTS automatically

I am trying to follow
I have no issues deploying the web app manually from Visual Studio using PublishingSettings and Publish option. I just want to automate the process and I am stuck at this step:
The article clearly advises
Select the Certificate Based connection. This is very important when
you are trying to deploy. Credential based Microsoft Account
(#outlook, #hotmail) are no longer supported and only Organizational
accounts are. Even then, if they use Two-Factor Authentication(2FA),
the build will fail trying to connect to Azure.
This is correct and if I try to use Credentials, my deployment fails with unknown_user_type: Unknown User Type
There was an error with the Azure credentials used for deployment. message.
So >> Certificate. But in my PublishSettings file there is no Management Certificate and as per this article
Azure Management Certificates and Publishing Setting files (...) are
only intended and limited to manage Azure Service Management (ASM)
I tried this option:
But VSTS is not connected to the Azure environment (considering that Azure belongs to one Customer and VSTS to another, is it even possible?).
My questions:
* Is it the deployment somehow possible with PublishSettings file?
* Should the "Credentials" option work if I am using an organizational account
* How else can I try?
Your solution could be creating a service principal in Azure and connect it to VSTS. The automatic Build from VSTS should then be published to Azure automatically. Here you find how to setup the service principal and connect it to VSTS:
I am not sure right now, whether you are using TFS or VSTS?! When I publish a Web App in VSTS, the ARM Service Endpoints works well:
