Debug wkwebview on existing production app on iOS - wkwebview

How to debug/inspect existing production app's wkwebview on a production app?
I've tried to use safari debugger but couldn't connect.

Sorry, you cannot do this. Only apps with the entitlement can be connected to, and apps with this entitlement can't be distributed through the app store.


Enabling Web Socket has disappeared from App Service configuration

Within my App Service property in Azure I normally have an option to enable Web sockets. It seems that this option has been very recently removed. Is anyone able to advise if this is no longer supported or if I am doing something wrong?
Additional Information:
Azure App Plan is a B1
Enabling Web Socket has disappeared from App Service configuration
If you have hosted your Web App using Linux OS,
then as per this MS Doc)
Web Sockets are not currently supported for Linux apps on Free App Service Plans.
I have created another App Service with Windows OS with B1 Plan , I am able to see the option of Web Sockets in Configuration section
As MS said, you don't need to enable it because it's always enabled

Can one Azure Mobile Apps service be used for an Android and iOS app?

I want to develop an app using Xamarin for Android and iOS. I also want to use the Azure Mobile Apps service. Do I need to pay for two Mobile Apps service plans or can one be used for both, the Android and iOS version of my app?
You don't need to pay for two Mobile Apps service plans for Android and iOS project. iOS app and Android app can share those resources in backend.
In the document it says:
In App Service, an app runs in an App Service plan. An App Service
plan defines a set of compute resources for a web app to run. These
compute resources are analogous to the server farm in conventional web
hosting. One or more apps can be configured to run on the same
computing resources (or in the same App Service plan).
For Xamarin.Forms apps: app-service-mobile-xamarin-forms
For Xamarin.iOS apps:app-service-mobile-xamarin-ios
For Xamarin.Android apps: app-service-mobile-xamarin-android
My guess is that you are using it as a backend, so you can have one app service plan for both, android and iOS.
When connecting to the backend, depending on how you abstracted this layer(with Xamarin, with mvvmcross for example or xamarin forms), you would have to use just dedicated client sdk.

Start hybrid development with Heroku

I finished a website with Rails, Heroku & Salesforce and now i must create the same but as mobile application.
In the website project, Heroku was usefull to access Salesforce data with Heroku Connect and Heroku Postgress. I want to know if it's possible to use them for a mobile app.
I guess no, i did not fount lot of documentation about it and it's focus on iOs. I want to create hybrid app on Ionic
Is it possible do to it ?
Or a second idea is to create a REST API in Node as they suggest here to send Json to a connected mobile app dev with Ionic cordova. Another way to create an app connected to the Salesforce Data
I tried Salesforce MobileSDK but I always encouter issues.
What do you think is the best solution ?
if you have some ideas do not hesitate. I'm still "in the sandbox"
Yes, you can expose your Rails app as REST endpoints that your custom / Ionic mobile app can talk to. However, if you just want a mobile UI for the Salesforce parts then you can use Salesforce1 or the MobileSDK for custom mobile apps that just use Salesforce.

How can i integrate Azure Mobile App win Azure API app

We are building a mobile cross platform solution with Xamarin (Xamarin.Forms).
We developed a backend API in Azure with Azure API Apps.
Now we want to integrate and use Mobile Apps (Mobile Services) but using Azure API Apps we created previously.
I see this BUILD presentation
and the idea i think is to use ApiController and call to Azure API Apps there.
Is this correct? Some sample? How can i do? I must have 2 projects API Apps + Mobile Apps? or I must integrate in one (only one API)?
You could potentially have your mobile clients connect to your API app, but you'll have an easier time if you convert your API App to use the Mobile App backend packages. Another option is to have your Mobile App backend connect to the API app, but that's a lot of hops without much benefit.
For details on these packages, see How to work with the .NET backend server SDK for Azure Mobile Apps.
For a step-by-step tutorial, start with Create a Xamarin.Forms app on Azure Mobile Apps.

WP8 app with large signalr component only works on Emulator

I have a SignalR enabled Web API server on Azure, and I have created a Windows Phone 8 client app that works perfectly well with the server on my WP8 Emulator.
After deploying to my Nokia Lumia 925 device, none of the components that demonstrate Server - Client push work.
Like, literally, nothing Signal R works on the app, but when I run it again on my Emulator everything works.
I just don't get what is going on.
I need help, please.
The REST API and the SignalR powered streaming API are live on Azure.
Basically, I can make posts to the rest API, but then the Streaming API which is meant to broadcast that post to all connected clients including the originating client fails on the deployed device, but not on the emulator.
Could be proxy/connection related.
On the emulator you could be using a debug/emulated version of your Azure Service in which case the WP8 client app can see it fine. You may want to make sure the WCF Service has actually been deployed to Azure it is accessible over the web and its not actually pointing to locahost.
Then once your sure of all that just make sure your phone's browser can see the services end-points on azure and the client app should see it fine.
Maybe also try using Fiddler to see what network traffic is coming from your emulator and also the app once on-device. Also check you're not trying to hit "localhost" once deployed to your device. See here for how to use Fiddler with WP8 emulator and devices:
