API Keys section missing in Dialogflow settings > General section - dialogflow-es

I could see API Keys section, when I initially created an agent and I could get the client access token under this and use this in my app successfully. But then, when I updated Dialogflow agent with some more input, it wasn't reflected, when I ran the app.
Then I thought, the client access token could have been updated and checked for API Keys section. To my surprise, this section is completely missing now. Even deleting the agent and recreating a new agent, didn't help. API Keys section is still missing. Please help

API Keys were a feature of v1, which has been shut down.
You should be using Google Cloud service accounts with Dialogflow v2.


Azure Application Insight Work items authorization error

My purpose is to create bug in Azure DevOps directly from Azure Application Insight, I am doing to attach the work item (bug) feature available in Azure Application Insight but on clicking Authorize button it give me following error
Authorization token provided through OAuth does not have access to read/write work items for requested uri/project collection/project
for reference please find the below image.
I didnt understand what you meant by private browser, and I have full admin access over Azure Portal.
basically I have the https://dev.azure.com/HealthTechnologies/ReportItNow link in which
https://dev.azure.com is the devop url
HealthTechnologies is the organization
ReportItNow is the Project
so in Azure insight workitem section, URL I am putting https://dev.azure.com/HealthTechnologies/ and in project I am putting ReportItNow, I dont know what i am doing wrong.
Still waiting for this glitch to solve.
Oky let me make it more simple, if I want to automatically create bug in Azure DevOps when ever any new exception came in to the Azure
Application Insight How I can get this into real practical.
I solve this when I took a detailed look at the error message url. It's saying that the missing authorization is for https://uri/Project Collection/Project. Based on that, I changed my url from https://dev.azure.com/organization to https://dev.azure.com/ and it worked,

Not able to configure endpoint keys in LUIS

How to publish in the new UI of Luis? The tenant id is not getting listed in my account. I have generated keys in the azure portal but not able to configure it in LUIS. Earlier we had a keys tab and we could add the key there. It seems they have changed it now. Any help on this?
I see what you mean: there was previously a My Keys tab in LUIS.ai website.
This tab seems to have been removed, but you can still change your key inside your project, using Publish App: there is an item called Assigned endpoint key.
Based on the image you put in your question, I suppose you have found it. On my side it is successfully listing my Tenant IDs, then my subscriptions and keys so I am able to managed them.
If you are talking about creating a new key, it must be done from the Azure portal.

How to configure Azure Notification Hub to use APNS token authentication mode?

I am trying to add APNS connection in Azure Notification Hub with Token as authentication mode.
I have searched around but I am not able to find any guides anywhere to make this work.
Maybe someone has a link to a guide showing how to find the information needed?
I tried to create a "APNs Auth Key" in Apple developer console, but that gives me a .p8 file and the token inside that file does not seem to be accepted, so I guess I need to find the token somewhere else.
I hope someone have a link to a guide for setting this up and find the information needed.
Update (Apr 2018): #Krumelur reports in the comments that the blog article is out of date. Check out his suggestion on how to fix it to avoid getting errors.
Update (June 2017): There is now an official Microsoft post about Token-based (HTTP/2) Authentication for APNS.
Original answer (May 2017):
Token Based Authentication and HTTP/2 Example with APNS is a good step by step guide of how to get those values from your Apple Developer Account.
Key ID in Azure Portal is what APNS_KEY_ID is in the sample above
App Name in Azure Portal is your app name
App ID in Azure Portal is what TEAM_ID is in the sample above
Token in Azure Portal is the contents of the file referred to in APNS_AUTH_KEY variable in the sample above
Do not forget to keep track which keys and tokens are sandbox and which are production endpoint ones.
Looks like this is out of date. It is now looking for
Key ID
Bundle ID
Team ID
Everything is described now in the documentation here.

Microsoft Cognitive Services - Computer Vision: Invalid Subscription Key

I'm trying to use the Computer Vision API from Microsoft's Cognitive Services. However, my keys don't seem to be working. I created an account using the free trial of that API and got the two keys from it. Trying to use the key with the ProjectOxford.Vision SDK always yields:
Access denied due to invalid subscription key. Make sure to provide a valid key for an active subscription.
I tried the API console, however I get the same error with my key in the Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key field. I tried both keys and neither of them work. I even got the free version of Face API and tried its console, but encountered the same issue with its keys. I even tried different datacenters, but they all seem to return the same error.
This would need to be some problem with the key then right? This can't be a problem with my C# code, since the console doesn't work either. And since it's failing in the API console, there's nothing more I can do to rule out any other possibilities is there? I'm not sure what else I can do to debug this. I'd like to regenerate my keys (I saw a tutorial video which showed an older UI of getting the API keys and they used to have a "regenerate" link) but I don't see a way of doing that anymore.
I only just made the account and registered for the APIs, so there's no way I'd be over quota. Is there something else I need to do to enable these keys or something?
I managed to skirt around the issue of 'Access Denied' by performing the following actions:
I created a free Azure account
I set up an instance of the Cognitive Services Api (this generated a pair of new keys for me to use)
Utilizing the new key, I had to use the following link:
Instead of
(I obtained this link from the Cognitive Services Test Dashboard).
Look at the request pattern on the test dashboard and you should be able to tell how to use the api.
Even when #Xuan Hu response states correctly to the solution, I scratched my head some time trying to figure out how to change the end point. Here are my 2 cents:
Go to portal.azure.com, in the dashboard of your subscription to the Cognitive Services > General Information > End Point take note of the URL. You need it.
Find in the code of your VisionAPI samples where the VisionServiceClient is instantiated:
VisionServiceClient VisionServiceCliente = new VisionServiceClient(SubscriptionKey);
and change including the URL that you found in Azure:
VisionServiceClient VisionServiceCliente = new VisionServiceClient(SubscriptionKey, StringOfMyURLTakedFromPortal);
That worked for me.
If you are using the free trial keys got from azure.microsoft.com. You need to change the API endpoint region to westcentralus. The previous default region is westus and I think that is the reason of the invalid key problem.
FYI, there is a blog post that covers all of the 401 Access Denied scenarios, including this one regarding the free API keys and region specific API endpoint. Adding it here for folks in the future who find this SO post - https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/kwill/2017/05/17/http-401-access-denied-when-calling-azure-cognitive-services-apis/.
Using the incorrect regional endpoint
Most of the Cognitive Services APIs are region specific, which means that during API account creation you select which region you want to create the account in. These APIs have region specific endpoints such as westus.api.cognitive.microsoft.com or eastus2.api.cognitive.microsoft.com, and an API key for an account created in one region will only work using the endpoint for that specific region. This means that if you create an API account in West US you will not be able to call the eastus2.api.cognitive.microsoft.com API endpoint.
You can verify the region and endpoint in the Azure management portal.
Trial API Keys
The free trial API keys have 30 day expiration dates, and the same restrictions for region and version. If you are using the trial keys you can go to https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/try/cognitive-services/my-apis/ to manage your API keys (if you are not already logged in then just click one of the ‘Create’ buttons and you can go through the wizard to login and see your existing API keys), and you will also see the expiration date and endpoint.
One thing to remember if using Postman to get the results is to use GET and put your keys in the Header.

Push notification - Server API Key

We have been using GCM to send Push notifications for a long time, in the past days, the sending log starts give me the error:
The Push Notification System rejected the request because of an invalid credential
After searching on the web, it seems that a Server API Key is now required to get service working again.
The API Key was created and restricted to IP of my production server on Amazon.
When I try to register the Server API Key in Azure GCM, I got an error 401 unauthorized.
Can anyone give me any suggestion? I don't know what to do anymore, my users can't access our system because authentication token is not being sent. Thanks.
Screen errors:
There is now a visible note in the GCM docs saying:
Starting from Sept. 2016 new server key can only be created in the Firebase Console using the Cloud Messaging tab of the Settings panel. Existing projects that need to create a new server key can be imported in the Firebase console without affecting their existing configuration.
Migrating from GCM to FCM fixes the issue for 401 Unauthorized Error.
If you are just starting to use GCM, instead of creating a project in the Google Developers Console, do it in the Firebase Console. After creating the project, simply use the auto-generated Server Key. Here are the steps where to find the Server Key:
Go to your Firebase Console and click on CREATE NEW PROJECT.
Fill in your desired Project Name and select your Country. After this, the new Project should be active.
Then on left-side panel, click on the gear button and select Project Settings.
Then go to the Cloud-Messaging Tab.
For old GCM projects, you can simply Import the project to the Firebase Console:
Go to your Firebase Console and click on IMPORT PROJECT.
Select the project you want to import and your country.
Click on ADD FIREBASE. After this, the new Project should be active.
Then on left-side panel, click on the gear button and select Project Settings.
Then go to the Cloud-Messaging Tab.
See my answer here for more details.
