Convert multiple lines to single line using text editor - text

I have the following words each in a line in a text editor
Can some help me to convert the above content into a single line using a text editor
'about', 'above', 'across', 'after', 'afterwards', 'again', 'against', 'all', 'almost', 'alone',

Using Any Advanced Text Editor :
You could do it in some modern text editors that allow regex find and Replace. In such editors, you can do it using - Click on the Replace button and put \r\n or \n, depending on the kind of line ending (CRLF or LF). In the Search Mode section of the dialog, check the Extended radio button (interpret \n and such). Then replace all occurrences with nothing (empty string)
In Notepad++, you can do it as :
Select the lines you want to join (Ctrl + A to select all)
Choose Edit -> Line Operations -> Join Lines
I have also found an online tool where you could just paste the text and it would remove all the line breaks . Check to see if this tool helps -> or .You could find many such tools online where you could just paste your text and it will remove all the line breaks for you.

Using VS Code
Using awk
Assuming your text is in a file called break.txt, and the code below is in a file called `break.awk, then the follwing command will work:
awk -f break.awk break.txt > edited.txt
The output will be in output.txt and your original file will be unchanged.
line = ""
line = line " " $1
print line

You can do this in any of the more advanced text editors that support regular expressions or some form of control characters by simply replacing \n with a space. It would help to know which text editor you are using, but generally any of them should use the same, or very similar, syntax (YMMV: depending on the OS, some use \n, others use \r\n). To take care of any OS differences, you can use the Regular Expression to match EOL: (\r\n|\n|\r) and replace instances with a space.
-- Edit: I see this was tagged with word. You can replace ^p with a space ( ) character and it will do what you want.


Exact selected multiline string search in vim

I have a buffer. In that buffer exists a string that spans multiple lines:
... tens more lines...
I have one instance of this string readily available under my cursor. I want to search for other instances of this multiline string in the same buffer without having to manually copy/edit significant portions of said multiline string into the command buffer (n.b. manually replacing newlines with their regex equivalents is significant editing).
I've tried using How do I search for the selected text? (visual selection -> yank -> command buffer) + Exact string match in vim? (Like 'regex-off' mode in less.) (verbatim search), but the approaches do not appear to work for multiple lines.
How do I perform an exact multiline search of a selected string in Vim?
nnoremap <your keys> :<c-u>let #/=#"<cr>gvy:let [#/,#"]=[#",#/]<cr>/\V<c-r>=substitute(escape(#/,'/\'),'\n','\\n','g')<cr><cr>
Then visually select the lines with V (or v for part of lines), and then hit <ESC> and <your keys>.
Source is here (see answer by #Peter Rincker).
You could just search with \n as newline:
Depending on the newline characters that are in your file you can include the end of line characters in your search too,
e.g. for Unix line endings you can search for
for windows line endings you'd use \r\n instead.
The $ character above will search to the end of the line so will exclude any line endings but this is necessary to avoid matching on lines such as
Also see
I'd map * to search visual selected region with this:
vnoremap * "vy/\V<C-R>=substitute(escape(#v,'/\'),'\n','\\n','g')<CR><CR>

How does vim help files allow visual word selection to select text with periods?

I've noticed that when I use the commands viw in vim help files, it is able to select strings like: intro.txt
But when I create a basic file and add the text intro.txt and try to select the entire string using viw the visual selection stops at the ., so I am only able to select intro without the .txt portion.
Can someone explain why this is, and how I can force vim to select the entire string?
From the built-in help:
:help iw
iw "inner word", select [count] words (see |word|).
... word:
A word consists of a sequence of letters, digits and underscores, or a
sequence of other non-blank characters, separated with white space (spaces,
tabs, <EOL>). This can be changed with the 'iskeyword' option. An empty line
is also considered to be a word.
... 'iskeyword':
'iskeyword' 'isk' string (Vim default for MS-DOS and Win32:
otherwise: "#,48-57,_,192-255"
Vi default: "#,48-57,_")
local to buffer
{not in Vi}
Keywords are used in searching and recognizing with many commands:
"w", "*", "[i", etc. It is also used for "\k" in a |pattern|. See
'isfname' for a description of the format of this option. For C
programs you could use "a-z,A-Z,48-57,_,.,-,>".
For a help file it is set to all non-blank printable characters except
'*', '"' and '|' (so that CTRL-] on a command finds the help for that

How to remove blank line in Sakura editor?

I need to prepare test data having around 10K lines with many blank lines, same has to be removed. Earlier I was using editplus (Text editor) and could able to solve very easily by using Find (Find text: "\n\n" Regular expression) and Replace (empty) option.
Here in this project I am using Sakura editor and tried the below option to remove blank lines but its not working.
Need to remove line 6 and 7.
Find text
More information about using of regular expression in sakura editor
Click here
PS: I have some restriction in my current project to download and install any other software/tools.
Any help is appreciated.
Finally found solution. Like to share with others.
In sakura editor, we can remove the empty lines by using find and replace option.
Find ^\r\n 【Option:Regular expression】 and replace
^ Beginning of the line
\r carriage-return character
\n newline (line feed) character

^A and ^B separated values

I have a file that has contents that are separated by ^B and ^A values. This file has an extension .tsv but the values are separated by ^A and ^B. I want to add more lines to this file with the same delimited values but I'm not sure what the values of ^A and ^B are.
I read around and I think ^A can also be represented as \001
I'm not sure how to recreate the balues ^A and ^B. I tried entering contrl + A and control + B but I dont get the same outputs. Also tried \001 but I still cant seem to recreate it.
^A and ^B are caret notation for the ASCII control characters 1 and 2 respectively.
There is no universal way of typing these. Here are some options:
echo $'foo\001bar\002baz' >> file
This appends "foo^Abar^Bbaz" to the file.
Vim: Ctrl+V Ctrl+A
In insert mode, this inserts a ^A (and similarly for B)
Emacs: Ctrl+Q Ctrl+A
This inserts a ^A (and similarly for B)
You can also simply copy-paste these characters in any graphical editor. However, if you use a terminal based text editor, you have to use the editor's keyboard controls instead of the mouse to copy/paste them.
You can use the "tr" command to make a temporary file, edit it and then return it to the original. Requires you to have two characters not in the original data (~ and % in this example).
First translate to get rid of the offending characters:
tr "\001\002" "~%" < original-File > temp-file
Edit "temp-file" as you need to.
Translate back to the original:
tr "~%" "\001\002" < temp-file > modified-file
You can check the original and check your work with:
hexdump -C file

Remove/Add Line Breaks after Specific String using Sublime Text

Using Sublime Text 2 - Is it possible to insert a line break/text return after a specific String in a text file e.g. by using the Find ‣ Replace tool?
(Bonus question: Is it possible to remove all line breaks after a specific String)
Here's how you'd do it on a Mac:
Command+F > type string > Control+Command+G > ESC > Right Arrow > line break
and Windows/Linux (untested):
Control+F > type string > Alt+F3 > ESC > Right Arrow > line break
The important part being Control+Command+G to select all matches.
Once you've selected the text you're looking for, you can use the provided multiple cursors to do whatever text manipulation you want.
Protip: you can manually instantiate multiple cursors by using Command+click (or Control+click) to achieve similar results.
Using the Find - Replace tool, this can be accomplished in two different ways:
Click in the Replace field and press Ctrl + Enter to insert a newline (the field should resize but it doesn't, so it is hard to see the newline inserted).
Inside the Find - Replace tool, activate the S&R regex mode (first icon on the left .*, keyboard shortcut is Alt + Ctrl/Cmd + R to activate/deactivate it).
Type \n in the Replace field wherever you want to insert a newline.
Both solutions also work if you want to find newlines, just do it in the Find field.
Edit->Lines->Join Line (Ctrl+J)
You should probably use multiple cursors. See the unofficial documentation, or this nice tutorial. Here's some brief instructions to set you on your way:
Put the cursor on the string of interest.
Type Command+D (Mac) or Control+D (Windows/Linux) to select the current instance of the string.
Type Command+D (Mac) or Control+D (Windows/Linux) to select successive instances of the string.
Alternately, type Control+Command+G (Mac) or Control+Command+G to select all instances of your string.
Now you have multiple cursors, so insert or remove your newline as you please.
(type esc to exit multiple cursor mode.)
Have fun!
