Webhook warnings before purging an envelope - docusignapi

I am working on integrating DocuSign into our product, and I have noticed that demo envelopes are being purged every 30 days as stated in the documentation. We have set up our product to use a webhook to keep up-to-date with DocuSign's envelope data. However, there doesn't appear to be any warning via webhook before the envelope is purged, it is just suddenly inaccessible. Is there any way to allow notification via webhook before an envelope is purged? Is there any way to find out that an envelope was purged other than hitting an endpoint and then receiving an ENVELOPE_DOES_NOT_EXIST error?
Additionally, does the purging of demo envelopes behave in the same way that setting rules for Document Rentention purges envelopes?

It's worth noting that the Demo removal of envelopes isn't the same as Document Retention in Production.
In Production, envelopes targeted for purge will send a warning to signers that have a DocuSign account and they are placed in a two-week queue. After the two weeks, the documents are removed, but there is still a stub record that contains the certificate of completion.
In Demo envelopes are immediately removed without warning once they've hit the 30 day mark, and once they're gone there's zero record that the envelope ever existed.
But to answer the immediate question: No, Connect cannot be used to notify about a document that is pending removal in Demo.

Demo (also known as developer sandbox) is a testing and demonstration environment and cannot be used for real work.
The documents signed in demo are not legally binding. You get to play with all the functionality for free without any limits.
Except that DocuSign has to clean it so that storage size don't get out of hand.
So, there are no warnings or notifications in demo.


Docusign integrated with Ariba CLM - Signature status takes hours to update

Good day to all,
In the context of my project, we integrated Docusign to SAP Ariba CLM (contract Lifecycle management).
We are using the esignature task in our contract workspaces.
Once all parties have signed the contract in Docusign, it takes hours for the esignature task status to move from "signing" to "signed" in Ariba. It also takes hours for the contract signed PDF to be pushed from Docusign to the contract workspace in Ariba.
I have already worked with other esignature providers (for instance AdobeSign) and the update of the signature status took 5 minutes at most.
I think we need to change the esignature status refresh frequency but i'd like to know where this would be done. In Ariba ? or in the DocuSign Account ?
Many thanks for your insights and my apologies for my question phrased with simple words. I'm functional, not technical.
screenshot of the Ariba-Docusign integration configuration
Signature status and document could be transmitted by Docusign to Ariba either through API request or a Connect configuration. You would need to verify what has been implemented.
In the 1st case, it would mean to change the frequency when Ariba makes his API call against Docusign to check the envelope status. If you are in this situation, you should contact SAP support to operate this change.
In the 2nd case, you would need to verify if Connect configuration uses aggregate or SIM (Send Individual Messages) mode. When using aggregate mode, messages are not systematically sent to the 3rd party as soon as a Docusign event occurs, but an algorithm will wait to aggregate several messages together, and could explain the delay you observe
If you are in this situation, you should open a support case to Docusign if you need further help.
The default refresh interval for syncing the task status is 120 minutes. You can create a support request with SAP Ariba to have this updated to be more frequent (the minimum is 30 minutes).

Why DocuSign draft envelopes not visible under draft?

There are two issues I am facing for draft envelopes:
Envelope with status created i.e. draft created through REST API not visible under users draft folder but create envelope REST API request returns success with created envelope id and path for envelope
Draft envelope created directly in DocuSign gets displayed for sometime under draft but once after browser refresh that draft request somehow gets removed from draft folder.
Here is how I am doing that directly in DocuSign:
Create new envelope request
Save and close as draft
I agree that it appears to be a bug:
Create an envelope in the web app
Add a document to the envelope
Click Actions / Save and Close
The draft envelope appears in the drafts folder for a minute or two. Refreshing the drafts folder page then shows no entries.
I've submitted internal bug report NDSESEND-3161.
You can ask your DocuSign customer support rep to add your company's information to the bug report.
Update Oct 28
This bug has been confirmed as a release_blocker (EC-3808). It had also been caught by DocuSign's automated tests. It will be fixed on the developer (demo) environment and will block the Nov release until it is fixed.
It has already been fixed in the stage environment. (Stage is an internal environment. It precedes the Developer environment.)
Update Oct 29 8:30 AM GMT
The bug should be fixed on the developer (demo) environment by Oct 29, 9am Pacific time.
Please post a comment at that time to confirm that the bug has been fixed. Thank you.
When it comes to envelopes via the API, you didn't share your code, but here are a few possibilities:
Different account and/or different user. The API is using a token that uniquely identifies the user. There's also an account GUID in the API endpoint that uniquely identifies the account. If these don't match the one you manually used to log in the browser - you'll not see the envelopes in there.
Confusion between developer and production accounts. You may have two environments. Make sure it's account-d and demo.docusign.net URLs if you use the developer account.
Envelope is not in draft. Maybe it was set to another status other than "created" (which is what it's called from the API).
Envelope was not created because of error. The most likely option is that you had an error in the API call and didn't realize it. It can be because you didn't properly provide at least one document, at least one recipient and the subject message for your envelope.

DocuSign API Webhook for add/remove signers?

I've already been successfully using the envelope eventNotification webhooks to receive status updates for various envelope and signer events (Sent, Delivered, Completed, etc.), but I'm trying to solve one last event case: adding and removing signers from the envelope.
Suppose in a situation where envelopes are shared among multiple people in a company:
1. Someone creates an envelope through the API, and adds 3 signers.
2. Someone else makes corrections to the envelope using DocuSign's web site, and removes a signer...
Is there any way for my app to know that action #2 took place? Or do I have to wait for one of the regular signer events to take place before I will know that the signers on the envelope have changed?
Connect event triggers for the start and finish of Envelope Correct are a good idea. You'd use the finish trigger to figure out what has happened.
This enhancement request is internally logged at DocuSign as CONNECT-510.
Ask your DocuSign Account Executive or Account Manager to add your organization's interest in the enhancement. It is not yet scheduled to be released, other Connect architectural work is needed first.
The history of the envelope, including correct operations is available from Envelopes: listAuditEvents. You could use that today to see if someone is correcting the envelopes you're interested in.

DocumentPDFs elements not consistently returned from DocuSign Connect

I have successfully implemented a system that creates documents to be signed via a template using the .NET API, and then has a DocuSign Connect listener that gets called upon the envelope being signed (right now only have Connect reporting on envelope signatures and declines). I have the option set to "Include Documents" on my DocuSign Connect settings. When I create the envelope for signature programmatically with one signer it all works - my Connect listener gets called, the /DocuSignEnvelopeInformation/DocumentPDF/PDFBytes element has Base64 data in it, and I have successfully decoded that and stored it in our doc management system. Cool. Demos well, management loves it.
However, I have noticed at least two scenarios where the /DocuSignEnvelopeInformation/DocumentPDF section isn't being returned at all:
When there are multiple signers.
When the envelope is created manually, even if it uses the same template.
I can still use the Connect response to get the /DocuSignEnvelopeInformation/EnvelopeStatus/DocumentStatuses and extract the document IDs from the DocumentStatus child elements, and then go retrieve those programmatically using the .NET API. But I am wondering why the PDF bytes aren't being consistently returned all the time? Is the above expected behavior? Am I missing something?
I would prefer to save "round trips" and just have Connect deliver all the signed PDFs to me when it calls (and yes, I have read the Recommendations for Receiving Documents section of the DocuSign Connect Guide and understand the trade-offs. Just wondering if I need to code around this issue, or what I am missing?
Hmmm. Envelopes don't get "signed," they get "sent" and "completed." See the envelopeEvents vs the recipientEvents lists in the Connect::Create call.
Currently, there is an existing issue which is that the connect daemon can miss an event if it is quickly superseded by another event. This might be what is happening when you have multiple signers for an envelope. The safest thing to do is to subscribe to all events and then ignore the notifications that are not of interest to you.
The terminal event of an envelope being "completed" will always be sent if you've subscribed to it.
Also, to make your app more bulletproof, I suggest subscribing to the Connect events via the API call (link is above) rather than depending on the human to setup up the subscription correctly. Since an account can easily have more than one connect subscription, you can track which one is your app's by using a specific name for the subscription.
Just now, I created a Connect subscription for just the Envelope Completed event, for all users in my account on demo.docusign.net. As the subscription (listener) url, I used a free account from requestb.in
Using the web user interface (not the API), I created an envelope with two signers. After I completed the envelope, the requestb.in received the notification, it included:
<Name>House architectural overview.pdf</Name>
as expected. So I'm unable to reproduce your problem. I suggest that you use requestb.in to double-check exactly what is being sent in the notification messages.

How to set an option to delete envelope in docusign

am in the process of understanding Docusign and API.
I am trying to achieve with docusign that I should have the document removed after x days and also the envelope.
I see a settings for document purge in the feature tabs.
But i am not seeing an option for deleting the sent envelope itself as i am taking the backup in my database myself.
Any reference to online material or explanation would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!!!
The "Document Retention" feature in DocuSign will purge documents from the DocuSign servers (for Completed, Declined, and Voided envelopes) N days after the envelope becomes Completed/Declined/Voided, where N is the number you specify in Preferences > Features > Document Retention (link). See page 31 of the Admin guide for details about this setting: https://10226ec94e53f4ca538f-0035e62ac0d194a46695a3b225d72cc8.ssl.cf2.rackcdn.com/account-administration-reference-guide.pdf.
DocuSign retains Envelope-level information for all envelopes indefinitely -- even if you purge an envelope's documents. This is done so that the transaction metadata (i.e., audit trail data like who it was sent to / when, what forms of authentication were used, who signed it / when, etc.) is always available should you need to prove the authenticity of the transaction at a later date. So, you'll still see an Envelope listed in the Sent Items folder even after envelope documents are purged -- so that you can always access Envelope history and Certificate of Completion -- but if you open an Envelope after its documents have been purged, you'll simply see "placeholder" documents in place of what used to be the 'real' documents. (Each placeholder doc contains a one-sentence message to indicate that the original document no longer exists within DocuSign.)
Also, keep in mind that the "Document Retention" feature is an account-wide setting that will apply to all Envelopes sent through the account. If you only want to purge documents for specific envelopes, you can do so via the API ("Purge Documents" operation).
