Why DocuSign draft envelopes not visible under draft? - docusignapi

There are two issues I am facing for draft envelopes:
Envelope with status created i.e. draft created through REST API not visible under users draft folder but create envelope REST API request returns success with created envelope id and path for envelope
Draft envelope created directly in DocuSign gets displayed for sometime under draft but once after browser refresh that draft request somehow gets removed from draft folder.
Here is how I am doing that directly in DocuSign:
Create new envelope request
Save and close as draft

I agree that it appears to be a bug:
Create an envelope in the web app
Add a document to the envelope
Click Actions / Save and Close
The draft envelope appears in the drafts folder for a minute or two. Refreshing the drafts folder page then shows no entries.
I've submitted internal bug report NDSESEND-3161.
You can ask your DocuSign customer support rep to add your company's information to the bug report.
Update Oct 28
This bug has been confirmed as a release_blocker (EC-3808). It had also been caught by DocuSign's automated tests. It will be fixed on the developer (demo) environment and will block the Nov release until it is fixed.
It has already been fixed in the stage environment. (Stage is an internal environment. It precedes the Developer environment.)
Update Oct 29 8:30 AM GMT
The bug should be fixed on the developer (demo) environment by Oct 29, 9am Pacific time.
Please post a comment at that time to confirm that the bug has been fixed. Thank you.

When it comes to envelopes via the API, you didn't share your code, but here are a few possibilities:
Different account and/or different user. The API is using a token that uniquely identifies the user. There's also an account GUID in the API endpoint that uniquely identifies the account. If these don't match the one you manually used to log in the browser - you'll not see the envelopes in there.
Confusion between developer and production accounts. You may have two environments. Make sure it's account-d and demo.docusign.net URLs if you use the developer account.
Envelope is not in draft. Maybe it was set to another status other than "created" (which is what it's called from the API).
Envelope was not created because of error. The most likely option is that you had an error in the API call and didn't realize it. It can be because you didn't properly provide at least one document, at least one recipient and the subject message for your envelope.


DocuSign Envelop Correction and DocuSign Limits (Violations) for Go Live

We have ASP.ET MVC Web application. We are using Docusign SDK For C#.
We are planning to go Live with DocuSign Integration and We looked at DocuSign limits (specially 15 minutes get request limit).
We need an advice on how to avoid violation in Envelop Correction scenario. Steps are as given below.
Get status of envelop
Get recipients of envelop and show it user in the GUI
User updates email in the GUI and submits form
On backend we Get recipients again with all tabs and custom fields, Update email address
Call Update recipients method
You see on number 4. It is 15 minutes violation. How to handle this scenario?
We don't want to create Whole mechanism for Saving/Caching DocuSign Recipients data and statuses. As those statuses can change from DocuSign or some of the recipient can decline or void envelop. We want to fetch latest recipient data to update on the time of execution.
I agree with Inbar that you could store the results of the first get_recipients call. You could either store it in the user's session state (server side) or send it all to the browser and then have the browser return it.
I'd go with session state
Saving data in the session state isn't a big deal.
As those statuses can change from DocuSign or some of the recipient can decline or void envelope.
So you're worried that while the application user is updating an email address, the envelope will be declined by a recipient?
In that case you could lock the envelope while your user is updating it. Or you could not send the envelope until after the user has updated it. Or if you get an error while updating the recipients, that would be the time to do the extra recipients_get.

Getting issue with Docusign Envelope View response Url

I am getting an issue in the sandbox account of DocuSign I need to create an envelope and send it through Url so I used an envelope View response give and Url it is working fine with the same browser were where I logged in with the DocuSign sandbox account but in the incognito mode, it gives an error.
need to know it will work in the production account or not?
The URL for the embedded signing view should be used immediately and must be used within 5 minutes.
In addition, any specific envelope cannot have more than one embedded signing view active at a time. So if an envelope has two embedded signers, your application must ensure that only one the signers will be signing at a time.
I think you let the url expire.
Whatever works in demo (developer account) will work in production. (Assuming your paid account includes the features that your app is using.) Your app should never cause the error that you're seeing.
I suggest that you start with the QuickStart code examples and see how they handle embedded signing.

Webhook warnings before purging an envelope

I am working on integrating DocuSign into our product, and I have noticed that demo envelopes are being purged every 30 days as stated in the documentation. We have set up our product to use a webhook to keep up-to-date with DocuSign's envelope data. However, there doesn't appear to be any warning via webhook before the envelope is purged, it is just suddenly inaccessible. Is there any way to allow notification via webhook before an envelope is purged? Is there any way to find out that an envelope was purged other than hitting an endpoint and then receiving an ENVELOPE_DOES_NOT_EXIST error?
Additionally, does the purging of demo envelopes behave in the same way that setting rules for Document Rentention purges envelopes?
It's worth noting that the Demo removal of envelopes isn't the same as Document Retention in Production.
In Production, envelopes targeted for purge will send a warning to signers that have a DocuSign account and they are placed in a two-week queue. After the two weeks, the documents are removed, but there is still a stub record that contains the certificate of completion.
In Demo envelopes are immediately removed without warning once they've hit the 30 day mark, and once they're gone there's zero record that the envelope ever existed.
But to answer the immediate question: No, Connect cannot be used to notify about a document that is pending removal in Demo.
Demo (also known as developer sandbox) is a testing and demonstration environment and cannot be used for real work.
The documents signed in demo are not legally binding. You get to play with all the functionality for free without any limits.
Except that DocuSign has to clean it so that storage size don't get out of hand.
So, there are no warnings or notifications in demo.

How can I pull a list of all the envelopes sent/received by all the users (like in report tab) through Docusign REST API?

I am an admin account user and to get insights from data I need to pull the details of all the envelopes from all accounts. The similar thing is what a report provides in Docusign dashboard but I need the list of recipients as well. Can anyone please help me. Thanks.
Listing envelopes sent by your users: Envelopes::listStatusChanges
I think that call may cover envelopes sent by anyone in your account (if the accessToken represents a user with admin privileges). But I'm not sure.
If it doesn't then you can loop through the account's users.
Tracking who has received an envelope through their DocuSign account is done with the Folders::listItems API call. You may need to list both the Inbox and Deleted folders. You also need to check that the person signed the specific envelope vs receiving it for some other reason (cc, certified copy, etc).
Finally, an alternative if you have higher volumes is to purchase the DocuSign Report Feed product (see note below). It will send you DB table dumps about your account activity on a regular basis so you can do your own reporting on DocuSign activity. It is the best way to have full access to report data. Ask your DocuSign contact for more info.
Note: I'm not sure of the exact name for the reporting product.
This can be done if you install DocuSign for Salesforce managed package and use Connect feature in DocuSign. Configure your webhooks to create DocuSign Status and DocuSign Recipient Status records for each send. Any DocuSign objects or custom object can be used in the Connect configuration, after selecting objects, select which events you want the results to be pushed back to Salesforce.
Use a parent object to store envelope details and child object for the recipient data. Use Envelope Id to relate the child records to the parent. Eventually, you will be able to build various reports on Salesforce.
More info here: https://support.docusign.com/guides/dfs-admin-guide-ds-connect-for-salesforce

Change Document/Template After Envelope Has Been Generated

I am playing with a sanbox account for docusign. I have created a template in the sandbox website, and am using the API to generate envelopes using that template.
If I edit the document or template at the website after the email has been sent and viewed by signer 1 (but not yet signed), will it invalidate the envelope?
No, it will not invalidate the envelope. Once an envelope is sent it has all the information it needs to process towards completion, even if you modify or delete the template it was created from. The template is simply used to help streamline the sending process and once the envelope is sent there is no attachment to it or anything like that.
