Orchard Core Cascade Delete - orchardcms

I have created a content item "Company" that has List Part of items "Offer".
When I delete Company all of it's Offers children are NOT being removed and leave no way to do it later (possibly manually in DB, but that's not the way I'd like to achieve it). Those items are still accessible in the customer user interface (Razor Page).
All of the above happens manually in the Orchard admin panel. I'm using decoupled cms mode.
Is there a possibility to get Orchard to do cascade delete on those items?

I’ve just prepared some fragment of code. Maybe it would be appropriate in your context. Firstly, you should create ContentPartHandler with ListPart as a generic type and override the RemoveAsync method. Then you can get all list items and remove them (as in the example below).
public class MyListPartHandler : ContentPartHandler<ListPart>
private readonly IOrchardHelper _orchardHelper;
private readonly IServiceProvider _serviceProvider;
public MyListPartHandler(IOrchardHelper orchardHelper, IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
_orchardHelper = orchardHelper;
_serviceProvider = serviceProvider;
public override async Task RemovedAsync(RemoveContentContext context, ListPart instance)
var items = await _orchardHelper.QueryListItemsAsync(instance.ContentItem.ContentItemId);
var contentManager = _serviceProvider.GetService<IContentManager>();
var tasks = items.Select(item => contentManager.RemoveAsync(item));
await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
Finally, you should register your handler in the ConfigureServices method of the Startup class.


Orchard CMS: Create OnPublished event on existing content type

I have a content type called Article. We created the part inside the CMS admin console, so I do not have a corresponding ArticlePart and ArticlePartRecord in the module. Now I need to run an operation when an article is published. I'm having a hard time finding out where to intercept the publishing of an item. I would normally do this in a Handler, but I don't know how to create a handler in this scenario (not having the part and part record objects).
I think you can just override the Published method, like this:
protected override void Published(PublishContentContext context) {
if (context.ContentType == "Article") {
// do something
Just for those who are new, create a class and add below code.
Make sure to inherit from ContentHandlerBase class.
also add services.AddScoped<IContentHandler, MyCustomPublishHandler>(); to startup class.
And Done!
public class MyCustomPublishHandler : ContentHandlerBase
private readonly IContentDefinitionManager _contentDefinitionManager;
private readonly ILogger _logger;
public MyCustomPublishHandler(
IContentDefinitionManager contentDefinitionManager,
ILogger<ContentPartHandlerCoordinator> logger)
_contentDefinitionManager = contentDefinitionManager;
_logger = logger;
public override async Task PublishedAsync(PublishContentContext context)
// do something
var contentTypeDefinition = _contentDefinitionManager.GetTypeDefinition(context.ContentItem.ContentType);
_logger.LogInformation($"published {contentTypeDefinition.DisplayName}");

Using Catel with Repository Pattern, EF6 and View Models

I cannot find any documentation on connecting a view model to a repository using Catel.
I have set up the Repository Pattern and my Models with EF6 Code First (all extending from ModelBase) but need to know how to use it with a ViewModel.
Do I need to create a service for the UnitOfWork? And if so, how? How will I use this in a ViewModel?
I am currently using the repository as a model in my viewmodel, but i do not think this is the correct way to do it? See my CompaniesViewModel below:
IUnitOfWork uow;
public CompaniesViewModel()
uow = new UnitOfWork<SoftwareSolutionsContext>();
CompanyRepository = uow.GetRepository<ICompanyRepository>();
public override string Title { get { return "Companies"; } }
protected override async Task Close()
await base.Close();
protected override async Task Initialize()
Companies = new ObservableCollection<Company>(CompanyRepository.GetAll());
await base.Initialize();
public ObservableCollection<Company> Companies
get { return GetValue<ObservableCollection<Company>>(CompaniesProperty); }
set { SetValue(CompaniesProperty, value); }
public static readonly PropertyData CompaniesProperty = RegisterProperty("Companies", typeof(ObservableCollection<Company>), null);
public ICompanyRepository CompanyRepository
get { return GetValue<ICompanyRepository>(CompanyRepositoryProperty); }
private set { SetValue(CompanyRepositoryProperty, value); }
public static readonly PropertyData CompanyRepositoryProperty = RegisterProperty("CompanyRepository", typeof(ICompanyRepository));
Essentially, I have 2 scenarios for working on the data:
getting all the data to display on a datagrid
selecting a record on the datagrid to open another view for editing a single record
Any guidance would be appreciated.
This is a very difficult subject, because there are basically a few options here:
Create abstractions in services (so the VM's only work with services, the services are your API into the db). The services work with the UoW
There are some people thinking that 1 is overcomplicated. In that case, you can simply use the UoW inside your VM's
Both have their pros and cons, just pick what you believe in most.

Access Orchard Content Part Buttons (Save and Publish Now)

I want to disable Orchard Content Part buttons (Save and Publish Now) in the EDITOR template (when Content Item is created) based on some conditions. Can I do that ? How do I access the buttons in the EDITOR view.
Here are come examples,
To build a content fully from a Controller example, taken from the Blog Module
public ActionResult Create() {
if (!Services.Authorizer.Authorize(Permissions.ManageBlogs, T("Not allowed to create blogs")))
return new HttpUnauthorizedResult();
BlogPart blog = Services.ContentManager.New<BlogPart>("Blog");
if (blog == null)
return HttpNotFound();
dynamic model = Services.ContentManager.BuildEditor(blog);
// Casting to avoid invalid (under medium trust) reflection over the protected View method and force a static invocation.
return View((object)model);
[HttpPost, ActionName("Create")]
public ActionResult CreatePOST() {
if (!Services.Authorizer.Authorize(Permissions.ManageBlogs, T("Couldn't create blog")))
return new HttpUnauthorizedResult();
var blog = Services.ContentManager.New<BlogPart>("Blog");
_contentManager.Create(blog, VersionOptions.Draft);
dynamic model = _contentManager.UpdateEditor(blog, this);
if (!ModelState.IsValid) {
// Casting to avoid invalid (under medium trust) reflection over the protected View method and force a static invocation.
return View((object)model);
return Redirect(Url.BlogForAdmin(blog));
BuidEditor does the work for you.
And you should use a alternative version of this template, but remove the edit link and publish link.
Note, you need a route for you custom create action, and a menu link on the dashboard may come in handy.

Orchard CMS 1.4.2 - Edit view for my custom content type doesn't show content part data

I am creating a module so that my clients can manage their own corporate emails as content.
The idea is to avoid putting people's real email addresses on a public website, so for a website user to send an email, I get Orchard to display a form. No problem with that. My problem (see below) is related to how Orchard displays content items in the dashboard, not the public facing part of the website.
Moving on:
I have created (see migration.cs below) a content type called EmailAddress. It is basically just a content type wrapper around a content part called CorporateEmailPart.
The other relevant bit of my setup is the driver (see CorporateEmailPartDriver.cs below). I have followed Kevin Kuebler's videos on PluralSight.com to write the driver. Debugging shows it working fine.
The shapes are placed using the Placement.info file in my module.
So, everything would be working fine if it wasn't for...
The Problem:
The driver correctly allows me to create the shape for the editor of my content type, which displays fine.
Or rather, displays fine to allow me to create a NEW EmailAddress. I can save the CorporateEmailPart to the database just fine.
However, when I save the new EmailAddress content type, or try to edit an existing one, the fields for the CorporateEmailPart don't display at all on my EmailAddress editor.
Ie, when in my POST DriverResult Editor method I return the GET Editor ContentShape, only the CommonPart of my Content Type is displayed (ie, the owner field of the ContentItem). No CorporateEmailPart data is displayed. Not even empty text boxes.
I must be missing something simple, cos everything else works.
But I just can't see what...!
using Orchard.ContentManagement.MetaData;
using Orchard.Core.Contents.Extensions;
using Orchard.Data;
using Orchard.Data.Migration;
using Wingspan.CorporateEmails.Models;
namespace Wingspan.CorporateEmails {
public class Migrations : DataMigrationImpl {
public int Create() {
ContentDefinitionManager.AlterTypeDefinition("EmailAddress", builder =>
SchemaBuilder.CreateTable("CorporateEmailPartRecord", table =>
ContentDefinitionManager.AlterPartDefinition(typeof(CorporateEmailPart).Name, p => p.Attachable());
ContentDefinitionManager.AlterTypeDefinition("EmailAddress", builder =>
SchemaBuilder.CreateTable("EmailMessageRecord", table =>
.Column<int>("Id", col => col.PrimaryKey().Identity())
return 1;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Web.Routing;
using Orchard;
using Orchard.ContentManagement;
using Orchard.ContentManagement.Drivers;
using Orchard.Data;
using Orchard.Services;
using Wingspan.CorporateEmails.Models;
using Wingspan.CorporateEmails.ViewModels;
using System.Linq;
namespace Wingspan.CorporateEmails.Drivers {
public class CorporateEmailPartDriver : ContentPartDriver<CorporateEmailPart>{
private readonly IRepository<EmailMessageRecord> _repositoryEmailMessage;
private readonly IEnumerable<IHtmlFilter> _htmlFilters;
private readonly RequestContext _requestContext;
private const string TemplateName = "Parts/CorporateEmail";
protected override string Prefix
{ return "CorporateEmail"; }
public IOrchardServices Services { get; set; }
public CorporateEmailPartDriver(IRepository<EmailMessageRecord> repositoryEmailMessage)
_repositoryEmailMessage = repositoryEmailMessage;
public CorporateEmailPartDriver(IOrchardServices services, IEnumerable<IHtmlFilter> htmlFilters, RequestContext requestContext) {
_htmlFilters = htmlFilters;
Services = services;
_requestContext = requestContext;
protected override DriverResult Display(CorporateEmailPart part, string displayType, dynamic shapeHelper)
return ContentShape(TemplateName, () => shapeHelper.Parts_CorporateEmail(CorporateEmailPart: part));
protected override DriverResult Editor(CorporateEmailPart part, dynamic shapeHelper)
var model = BuildEditorViewModel(part);
return ContentShape("Parts_CorporateEmail_Edit", () =>
shapeHelper.EditorTemplate(TemplateName: TemplateName, Model: model, Prefix: Prefix));
protected override DriverResult Editor(CorporateEmailPart part, IUpdateModel updater, dynamic shapeHelper)
updater.TryUpdateModel(part, Prefix, null, null);
var model = BuildEditorViewModel(part);
return ContentShape("Parts_CorporateEmail_Edit",
() => shapeHelper.EditorTemplate(TemplateName: TemplateName, Model: model, Prefix: Prefix));
#region Private Utilities
private CorporateEmailEditorViewModel BuildEditorViewModel(CorporateEmailPart part)
return new CorporateEmailEditorViewModel
Alias = part.Alias,
EmailAddress = part.EmailAddress,
DisplayOrder = part.DisplayOrder,
DisplayTitle = part.DisplayTitle,
IsDefault = part.IsDefault,
EmailMessageSummaries = part.EmailMessages.Select(ue => ue.Summary).ToList()
Any suggestions much appreciated.
OK, a more careful debugging session with a clear mind and I found the issue:
An error is caused when building the viewmodel in my driver:
private CorporateEmailEditorViewModel BuildEditorViewModel(CorporateEmailPart part)
return new CorporateEmailEditorViewModel
Alias = part.Alias,
EmailAddress = part.EmailAddress,
DisplayOrder = part.DisplayOrder,
DisplayTitle = part.DisplayTitle,
IsDefault = part.IsDefault,
EmailMessageSummaries = part.EmailMessages.Select(ue => ue.Summary).ToList()
The offending line is:
EmailMessageSummaries = part.EmailMessages.Select(ue => ue.Summary).ToList()
The reason is that there is some problem with retrieving data from the EmailMessageRecord table using the CorporateEmailPartRecord_Id foreign key. I still haven't figured out what (have never used nHibernate which is what orchard uses), but the existence of this error answers the current question.
A Word of Advice:
Orchard works fine.
In fact, it works really well.
What doesn'twork is the code in your module.
So be more careful with your debugging.
Kevin Kuebler's videos are a great orchard learning resource.
When you refactor the name of something, double check to make sure they have ALL been changed.
I have found what was causing the hHibernate error: shoddy refactoring.
I originally called the project CompanyEmails, but then refactored everything to call it CorporateEmails. The only problem being, I didn't refactor everything, did I? There was still a CompanyEmailPartRecord_Id field on the EmailMessageRecord model class, whereas in the database, I had changed it to CorporateEmailRecordPart_Id. So, just another bug, just a failure to refactor properly.

Create Orchard ContentItem programmatically from Command

I've written the following simple command inside my module. The Faq type has one custom part with a single field, and one BodyPart. After _cm.Create(item) is run, the item has an Id assigned but I can't find any trace of it in the database and it doesn't appear in Orchard's content tab. Why does the item get an Id but isn't found in the database? And does it need a driver, view, and placement info before it appears in the content tab?
public class ApiCommands : DefaultOrchardCommandHandler
private readonly IContentManager _cm;
public ApiCommands(IContentManager cm)
_cm = cm;
[CommandName("api seed")]
public void Seed()
var item = _cm.New("Faq");
item.As<FaqPart>().Question = "Why is the sky blue?";
item.As<BodyPart>().Text = "Shut up and do your homework.";
My custom part has no driver this is the Handler:
public FaqHandler(IRepository<FaqPartRecord> repository)
It turns out my type didn't attach a CommonPart. After I attached one and set the Owner property of the part, I was able to save it.
