If I have multiple clients subscribed to a pusher channel, can I have only one of them receive the message? - pusher

I have a load balanced situation, in which I have multiple instances running. I'm subscribing to a channel in each instance, but I only want one of them to trigger when a message comes through.
Is there any way to accomplish this?

If you want to have different subscribers and some are only interested in a subset of the messages distributed by a your publisher. Then your messaging service must allow subscribers to specify the topics relevant for them and/or inspect the messages and specify the content they are interested in.

that kind of goes against pub/sub pattern. Even if you added a streaming application in between you channel and your clients, this will still need to read all messages to decide which one to filter out to different clients

If you mean, for example, Android or IOS notifications, then you are able to store push tokens in your database, filter them and send a message only selected users.
P.S. It could help if you provide more details about the environment of push notifications you ask, and an architecture of the application you develop.


Correct way to build an in-app notification service?

I have a monolith Node.js + PostgreSQL app that, besides other things, needs to provide real-time in-app notifications to end users.
It is currently implemented in the following way:
there's a db table notifications which has state (pending/sent), userid (id of the notification receiver), isRead (did a user read the notification), type and body - notification data.
once specific resources get created or specific events occur, a various number of users should receive in-app notifications. When a notification is created, it gets persisted to the db and gets sent to the user using WebSockets. Notifications can also get created by a cron job.
when a user receives N number of notifications of the same type, they get collapsed into one single notification. This is done via db trigger by deleting repeated notifications and inserting a new one.
usually it works fine. But when the number of receivers exceeds several thousands, the app lags or other requests get blocked or not all notifications get sent via WebSockets.
Examples of notifications
Article published
A user is awarded with points
A user logged in multiple times but didn't perform some action
One user sends a friend request to another
One user sent a message to another
if a user receives 3+ Article published notifications, they get collapsed into the N articles published notification (N gets updated if new same notifications get received).
What I currently have doesn't seem to work very well. For example, for the Article created event the api endpoint that handles the creation, also handles notifications send-outs (which is maybe not a good approach - it creates ~5-6k notifications and sends them to users via websockets).
How to correctly design such functionality?
Should I stay with a node.js + db approach or add a queuing service? Redis Pub/Sub? RabbitMQ?
We deploy to the k8s cluster, so adding another service is not a problem. More important question - is it really needed in my case?
I would love some general advice or resources to read on this topic.
I've read several articles on messaging/queuing/notifications system design but still don't quite get if this fits my case.
Should the queue store the notifications or should they be in the db? What's the correct way to notify thousands of users in real-time (websockets? SSE?)?
Also, the more I read about queues and message brokers, the more it feels like I'm overcomplicating things and getting more confused.
Consider using the Temporal open source project. It would allow modeling each user lifecycle as a separate program. The Temporal makes the code fully fault tolerant and preserves its full state (including local variables and blocking await calls) across process restarts.

Suggestion for message broker

I need some help when choosing for message broker(RaabitMQ, Redis, etc) or other right tools for this situation.
I am upgrading my game server. It is written by Node.js. it consist of several process, i.e. GameRoom, Lobby, Chat, etc. When a user make request, the message will be routed to relevant process to process it. I do this by routing by my code and each process communicate with each other by node-ipc. However, this is not too efficient and is not scalable. Also, some process has very high work load(Lobby as many requests are related to it), we create several process of Lobby and route message randomly to different process of Lobby. I think message broker can help in this case and also I can even scale up by putting different process in different physical servers. I would like to know which message broker is suitable for this? Can a sender send a message to a queue which multiple consumers compete for a message and only one consumer consume it and reply the message to the sender? Thanks.
I'm not going to be able to talk about Kafka from experience, but any message-queue solution, as will RabbitMQ and ActiveMQ will do what you need.
I assume you're planning a flow like so:
REST_API -> queue -> Workers ----> data persistance <--------+
| |
+------> NotificationManager ----> user
The NotificationManager could be a service that lets the user know via Websockets or any other async communication method.
Some solutions will be better put together and take more weight off your shoulders. Solutions that are not just message-queues but are also task-queues will have ways with getting responses from workers.
Machinery, a project that's been getting my attention lately does all of those , whilst using MongoDB and RabbitMQ itself.

Push notification to millions of device + Apns + node.js

My application stack is ios(front-end) and node.js(back-end). I have to send notification to devices. In my node.js part im using apns module to send notification, its working fine......
Now i have to send Mass notification like at a time consider i have 10,000 devices to notified, the logic what im following is
I'm looping through 10,000 devices and calling apns provider.
1.Why this for loop approach
I have to store each notification details in my mongodb collection, so i followed this approach.
The problem is the notification is received by some devices and that too very late(next day).
I read the link also
saying apns will reject.
Is the above approach is correct also any way to make all notification deliverer.
Please share your ideas. Thanks in advance.
If you need to process each individual notification before/after it is sent I would instead recommend a design change from a loop and have you look at job queue instead.
With this design pattern, instead of your only step being to loop over notifications and send via APN, you push these notification into a queue/messaging system and have workers which pull from the queue and process (send via APN and write to mongo) the notifications. The nice part of this design is that as your application grows you can add on more workers to handle the increased load without rewriting your application/architecture. Once you have it built it may look something like this:
I personally use RabbitMQ for my job queue, but that decision is something you need to research on your own. For example if you don't want to manage the messaging system you could look into something like AWS Simple Queue Service.
I think looping through 10,000 devices ids and calling APNS provider is not the right way forward. The documentations strictly says here node-apn readme file to reuse apn.Provider rather than recreate it every time to achieve the best possible performance.
If you send notification using arrays of device ids rather than just a device id then you will get a response from the APNS mentioning all the details for each device.

Chat / System Communication App (Nodejs + RabbitMQ)

So i currently have a chat system running NodeJS that passes messages via rabbit and each connected user has their own unique queue that subscribed and only listening to messages (for only them). The backend can also use this chat pipeline to communicate other system messages like notifications/friend requests and other user event driven information.
Currently the backend would have to loop and publish each message 1 by 1 per user even if the payload of the message is the same for let's say 1000 users. I would like to get away from that and be able to send the same message to multiple different users but not EVERY user who's connected.
(example : notifying certain users their friend has come online).
I considered implementing a rabbit queue system where all messages are pooled into the same queue and instead of rabbit sending all user queues node takes these messages and emit's the message to the appropriate user via socket connections (to whoever is online).
Proposed - infrastructure
This way the backend does not need to loop for 100s and 1000s of users and can send a single payload containing all users this message should go to. I do plan to cluster the nodejs servers together.
I was also wondering since ive never done this in a production environment, will i need to track each socketID.
Potential pitfalls i've identified so far:
slower since 1000s of messages can pile up in a single queue.
manually storing socket IDs to manually trasmit to users.
offloading routing to NodeJS instead of RabbitMQ
Has anyone done anything like this before? If so, what are your recommendations. Is it better to scale with user unique queues, or pool all grouped messages for all users into smaller (but larger pools) of queues.
as a general rule, queue-per-user is an anti-pattern. there are some valid uses of this, but i've never seen it be a good idea for a chat app (in spite of all the demos that use this example)
RabbitMQ can be a great tool for facilitating the delivery of messages between systems, but it shouldn't be used to push messages to users.
I considered implementing a rabbit queue system where all messages are pooled into the same queue and instead of rabbit sending all user queues node takes these messages and emit's the message to the appropriate user via socket connections (to whoever is online).
this is heading down the right direction, but you have to remember that RabbitMQ is not a database (see previous link, again).
you can't randomly seek specific messages that are sitting in the queue and then leave them there. they are first in, first out.
in a chat app, i would have rabbitmq handling the message delivery between your systems, but not involved in delivery to the user.
your thoughts on using web sockets are going to be the direction you want to head for this. either that, or Server Sent Events.
if you need persistence of messages (history, search, last-viewed location, etc) then use a database for that. keep a timestamp or other marker of where the user left off, and push messages to them starting at that spot.
you're concerns about tracking sockets for the users are definitely something to think about.
if you have multiple instances of your node server running sockets with different users connected, you'll need a way to know which users are connected to which node server.
this may be a good use case for rabbitmq - but not in a queue-per-user manner. rather, in a binding-per-user. you could have each node server create a queue to receive messages from the exchange where messages are published. the node server would then create a binding between the exchange and queue based on the user id that is logged in to that particular node server
this could lead to an overwhelming number of bindings in rmq, though.
you may need a more intelligent method of tracking which server has which users connected, or just ignore that entirely and broadcast every message to every node server. in that case, each server would publish an event through the websocket based on the who the message should be delivered to.
if you're using a smart enough websocket library, it will only send the message to the people that need it. socket.io did this, i know, and i'm sure other websocket libraries are smart like this, as well.
I probably haven't given you a concrete answer to your situation, and I'm sure you have a lot more context to consider. hopefully this will get you down the right path, though.

What is the best way to listen to a lot of channels and events using Pusher

I have 40 categories and each category has 10-100 subcategories. By default, the user listens to all categories and subcategories. I want to give each user the ablity to select to unbind from the whole category or from a specific subcategory. So, right now what I have is each category is a channel, and each subcategory is a event.
Now, I have something like each user is bound to 2000-3000 events, and I know this is wrong, so what is the right way to let the user to filter between 3000 events? Is it okay to bind to that many events?
It's important to remember that when you subscribe to a channel all events for the channel will be sent to the client (Pusher - clients), even if you have not bound to the event.
With the information above in mind, I'd recommend using channels to filter data. The overhead when subscribing to a channels isn't great. For example, subscribing to 40 channels wouldn't represent any significant resource usage. You will need to consider if the channels are public (anybody can subscribe) or private where each call to pusher.subscribe( 'private-channel-x' ); will result in an authentication request to your server. There is a multi-auth plugin that allows batching of authentication requests to take place.
One solution is to have each user subscribe to their own notification channel and send them events for the things that they are interested in on that single channel. You can use the multi publish functionality for this, which lets you send the same event on many channels. This may be useful if you wish to send the same event to multiple users. However, this solution may not be as elegant from an information architecture point of view.
The best solution here really depends on your application. But with the above you now have all the facts which will let you make the most efficient choice.
