Chat / System Communication App (Nodejs + RabbitMQ) - node.js

So i currently have a chat system running NodeJS that passes messages via rabbit and each connected user has their own unique queue that subscribed and only listening to messages (for only them). The backend can also use this chat pipeline to communicate other system messages like notifications/friend requests and other user event driven information.
Currently the backend would have to loop and publish each message 1 by 1 per user even if the payload of the message is the same for let's say 1000 users. I would like to get away from that and be able to send the same message to multiple different users but not EVERY user who's connected.
(example : notifying certain users their friend has come online).
I considered implementing a rabbit queue system where all messages are pooled into the same queue and instead of rabbit sending all user queues node takes these messages and emit's the message to the appropriate user via socket connections (to whoever is online).
Proposed - infrastructure
This way the backend does not need to loop for 100s and 1000s of users and can send a single payload containing all users this message should go to. I do plan to cluster the nodejs servers together.
I was also wondering since ive never done this in a production environment, will i need to track each socketID.
Potential pitfalls i've identified so far:
slower since 1000s of messages can pile up in a single queue.
manually storing socket IDs to manually trasmit to users.
offloading routing to NodeJS instead of RabbitMQ
Has anyone done anything like this before? If so, what are your recommendations. Is it better to scale with user unique queues, or pool all grouped messages for all users into smaller (but larger pools) of queues.

as a general rule, queue-per-user is an anti-pattern. there are some valid uses of this, but i've never seen it be a good idea for a chat app (in spite of all the demos that use this example)
RabbitMQ can be a great tool for facilitating the delivery of messages between systems, but it shouldn't be used to push messages to users.
I considered implementing a rabbit queue system where all messages are pooled into the same queue and instead of rabbit sending all user queues node takes these messages and emit's the message to the appropriate user via socket connections (to whoever is online).
this is heading down the right direction, but you have to remember that RabbitMQ is not a database (see previous link, again).
you can't randomly seek specific messages that are sitting in the queue and then leave them there. they are first in, first out.
in a chat app, i would have rabbitmq handling the message delivery between your systems, but not involved in delivery to the user.
your thoughts on using web sockets are going to be the direction you want to head for this. either that, or Server Sent Events.
if you need persistence of messages (history, search, last-viewed location, etc) then use a database for that. keep a timestamp or other marker of where the user left off, and push messages to them starting at that spot.
you're concerns about tracking sockets for the users are definitely something to think about.
if you have multiple instances of your node server running sockets with different users connected, you'll need a way to know which users are connected to which node server.
this may be a good use case for rabbitmq - but not in a queue-per-user manner. rather, in a binding-per-user. you could have each node server create a queue to receive messages from the exchange where messages are published. the node server would then create a binding between the exchange and queue based on the user id that is logged in to that particular node server
this could lead to an overwhelming number of bindings in rmq, though.
you may need a more intelligent method of tracking which server has which users connected, or just ignore that entirely and broadcast every message to every node server. in that case, each server would publish an event through the websocket based on the who the message should be delivered to.
if you're using a smart enough websocket library, it will only send the message to the people that need it. did this, i know, and i'm sure other websocket libraries are smart like this, as well.
I probably haven't given you a concrete answer to your situation, and I'm sure you have a lot more context to consider. hopefully this will get you down the right path, though.


performance of real time chatting techniques

I assigned myself with the task of implementing the chat app (1:1) for my curriculum.Among the various options I used SSE for real time chats.From the example projects I am able to implement the non persistent chat between two clients.In every examples they uses js object and array to store the res object and by iterating them they sent events to particular user.But when implementing the real time chat app the users may increase dramatically So it is not good to exhaust server resources.
I found the some of the other ways to achieve same
functionality but not sure about the performance
I used redis Queue to push offline messages to the user.
when the user establishes the connection push all the unread chats to client.
This process happens immediately when client establishes connection with server.
I faced some problem here, as I have no way of triggering the messages in real time(when both users online).
So I used setInterval with time interval of 1 second for real time communication and write a callback function to check if the Queue is empty else pop message from Queue and sent to user as an event.
Will the above solutions affect performance ? Because I am calling the function for each connected user x 1 second interval.
Long polling
In long polling how can I find if there is new message for user and complete the request ?
Still here setInterval should be used in server side but what about performance?
In websockets we have an unique id to find the client in the pool of clients, so we can forward message to particular user when event occurs.
Still websockets uses some ping pong mechanism to make connection persistent but resource utilization is very small as they are network calls with comparatively small data and handled asynchronously so no wastage in server resource.
How to trigger res.write only when the new message arrives to particular user?
Does SSE+setInterval or longpolling+setInterval degrades performance when user increases?
Else is there any design pattern to achieve this functionality?
Simply use websocket.
It's fast, convinient and simple.
To send message in realtime when both users are logged, find second user by id in users Array or Map and send received message to his websocket.
If you have buffered messages for disconnected user (in memory/database/redis) check it when user connects and send if it exists.

How to build a scalable realtime chat messaging with Websocket?

I'm trying to build a realtime (private) chat between users of a video game with 25K+ concurrent connections. We currently run 32 nodes where users can connect through a load balancer. The problem I'm trying to solve is how to route messages to each user?
Currently, we are using &, where each websocket joins a room with its user ID, and we emit each message they should receive to that room. The problem with this design is that we are reaching the limits of Redis Pubsub, and which doesn't scale well ( emit messages to all nodes which check if the user is connected, this is not viable).
Our current stack is composed of Postgres, Redis & RabbitMQ. I have been thinking about this problem a lot and have come up with 3 different solutions :
Route all messages with RabbitMQ. When a user connects, we create an exchange with type fanout with the user ID and a queue per websocket connection (we have to handle multiple connections per user). When we want to emit to that user, we simply publish to that exchange. The problem with that approach is that we have to create a lot of queues, and I heard that this may not be very efficient.
Create a queue for each node in RabbitMQ. When a user connects, we save the node & socket ID in a Redis Set, so that when we have to send a message to that specific user, we first get the list of nodes, emit to each node queue, which then handle routing to specific client in the app. The problems with that approach is that in the case of a node failure, we may store that a user is connected when this is not the case. To fix that, we would need to expire the users's Redis entry but this is not a perfect fix. Also, if we later want to implement group chat, it would mean we have to send duplicates messages in Rabbit, this is not ideal.
Go all in with Firebase Cloud Messaging. We have a mobile app, and we plan to use it for push notifications when the user isn't connected, but would it be a good fit even if the user is connected?
What do you think is the best fit for our use case? Do you have any other idea?
I found a better solution : create a binding for each user but using only one queue on each node, then we route each messages to each user.

Suggestion for message broker

I need some help when choosing for message broker(RaabitMQ, Redis, etc) or other right tools for this situation.
I am upgrading my game server. It is written by Node.js. it consist of several process, i.e. GameRoom, Lobby, Chat, etc. When a user make request, the message will be routed to relevant process to process it. I do this by routing by my code and each process communicate with each other by node-ipc. However, this is not too efficient and is not scalable. Also, some process has very high work load(Lobby as many requests are related to it), we create several process of Lobby and route message randomly to different process of Lobby. I think message broker can help in this case and also I can even scale up by putting different process in different physical servers. I would like to know which message broker is suitable for this? Can a sender send a message to a queue which multiple consumers compete for a message and only one consumer consume it and reply the message to the sender? Thanks.
I'm not going to be able to talk about Kafka from experience, but any message-queue solution, as will RabbitMQ and ActiveMQ will do what you need.
I assume you're planning a flow like so:
REST_API -> queue -> Workers ----> data persistance <--------+
| |
+------> NotificationManager ----> user
The NotificationManager could be a service that lets the user know via Websockets or any other async communication method.
Some solutions will be better put together and take more weight off your shoulders. Solutions that are not just message-queues but are also task-queues will have ways with getting responses from workers.
Machinery, a project that's been getting my attention lately does all of those , whilst using MongoDB and RabbitMQ itself.

Node.js - Handling hundreds of user preferences

I'm learning node.js (my web background is mainly PHP) and I'm loving it so far but I have the following question. In PHP and other similar languages, each request is a single lived execution of the script. All user preferences can be loaded, etc can be loaded and there's no issue there as once the script execution has been completed, all resources will be released.
In node.js, especially in a long running process like a chatroom (I'm using, you will have hundreds/thousands of users being handled by one process. Assuming for instance I have a chatroom with 200 people, and I want messages to be highlighted if it comes from a participant the user has deemed a "Friend", then I will have to loop through 200 users to see if the user is a friend or not (especially if chats are to be only sent to friends and not publicly).
Won't this be really slow, especially over time? Is there something I'm missing out on? In my small tests as the number of users as well as number of messages go up, the responsiveness of the server goes down noticeably.
If you are going to develop a complex chatroom, you have to consider design the server side code and maintain the clients information at the server side. For example, you have to map the newly connected client socket to variables at the server side, also if you want to introduce "Friend" feature you have to maintain those information at server side. So your server don't have to look up each client see if they are the correct message receivers.
With all those implemented, in the scenario of sending message to the public, at the server side we could first find all the "friend" sockets, then send the message highlighted as "Friend" to those sockets, then send normal text to others. For private message to Friend, it will be much easier as we only consider friends sockets.
So you still need to reuse some of your design patterns you've used in PHP, would only maintain the long connections for you, and that is all.

Redis Publish/Subscription Data Persistance

I am implementing a TCP chat server using node js and redis, however i dont seem to be able to persist chat data on redis using Publish and Subscribe, and hence when i have left the chat room and reentered, i will not be updated on the newest messages, how should i implement something like this?
Publish is not meant to be stored in Redis, even if you chose the disk storage. When it recieves message, it just finds the connections with requested channels and forwards to each. So, it is not storing anything. Even if it did, It should continously try to forward messages (because it's a pub/sub model) which is not very effective. Instead, you should also push (by lpush the messages to a queue, so they can be stored. And when a client connects and has no messages, it can retrieve those messages from queue (without popping, so other newcomers can also use) and then subscribe to channel and recieve new messages.
By default, redis is in memory only. You have to enable persistence explicitly.
There are multiple options, AOF every query being the safest, but probably the slowest.
More details here:
