formatter error when run program using rubymine tools - cucumber

When i run some multiplication program in rubymine tool, below error appears. How to fix it
Error creating formatter: Teamcity::Cucumber::Formatter (LoadError)
Please let know


How to resolve error in debugging a program in totalview?

I installed TotalView on Ubuntu. For the begining I just tried to debug a very simple Hello Word program in but I got the following error:
"Fatal Error: Can't set up library cache directory -- cannot debug this target. Do you want to run the TotalView Diagnostic Tool?"
I don't know what is the library cache directory. Any idea about the library cache directory in ubuntu can be helpful.

Julia integration with VS Code in Linux

I am using Pop_os! system (ubuntu based system) and just installed VS Code. I would like to use Julia with it and installed Julia Extension in the VS Code Extension Marketplace. In the extension settings, I typed in the Julia executable path as where I installed it (in my case is: /opt/julia-1.5.3-linux-x86_64/julia-1.5.3/bin/julia.exe). It is able to run code and print hello world in the output window. However, when I try to click "julia: Execute file" button and run it in Julia REPL, it shows me error message:
Command failed: "/opt/julia-1.5.3-linux-x86_64/julia-1.5.3/bin/" --startup-file=no --history-file=no -e "using Pkg; println(dirname(Pkg.Types.Context().env.project_file))"
/bin/sh: 1: /opt/julia-1.5.3-linux-x86_64/julia-1.5.3/bin/: ***Permission denied***
`"/opt/julia-1.5.3-linux-x86_64/julia-1.5.3/bin/" --startup-file=no --history-file=no -e "using Pkg; println(dirname(Pkg.Types.Context().env.project_file))"` (exited with error code 126)
I noticed in the previous error message it says "permission denied", so I change the path to where the static link is located "/usr/local/bin/julia.exe", but in this case it shows me the same "permission denied" error message.
Does anyone know how to get around this issue?
The cause of the issue is when I installed vs code on linux, I accidentally synced the accounted settings I used in a windows laptop, and that seems to mess up the Julia extension (I used to use Julia extension in windows vs code). I tried uninstall and reinstall vs code, and make sure I don't sync my windows account settings, this time julia extension works for me right after installing it. I don't even need to define any paths.

Unable to compile first Haskell Programme in VSCode

I just installed Stack GHCI and Visual Studio Code in my Windows. And I was trying to build and run the first simple Haskell putStrln programme, but with a big compile fail.
In VS Code terminal, I entered:
PS C:\Users\rmili\Documents> stack new TryHaskell
And a new folder "TryHaskell" was created, with the automatically created files "Lib.hs" and "Main.hs"
I tried to build and run the hs files. But I encountered the following errors:
In a new terminal, after I entered PS C:\Users\rmili\Documents\TryHaskell> stack build, this will result in the following error:
Error Messages:
exited with an error:
ghc-pkg.exe: hLock: permission denied (Access is denied.)
At the top of Main.hs and Lib.hs, the lines module Main where and module Lib both have curly lines underneath, with error message:
readCreateProcess: stack "exec" "ghc" "--" "-rtsopts=ignore" "-outputdir" "C:\\Users\\rmili\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\hie-bios-98c9848bfed41b00" "-o" "C:\\Users\\rmili\\AppData\\Local\\hie-bios\\wrapper-4da94d68375fab32d2147da1837e9611.exe" "C:\\Users\\rmili\\AppData\\Local\\hie-bios\\wrapper-4da94d68375fab32d2147da1837e9611.hs" (exit 1): failedcompiler
Peek Problem (Alt+F8)
No quick fixes available
My GHCI directory looks fine, as shown below:
UPDATE: It seemed that antivirus is the problem for me, as whenever I tried to build a new hs file, there will be a pop up from Norton, saying data protector has blocked an action by Haskell server. After I asked Norton to exclude specifically such action, I could successfully compile and run my hs files.
However, the problem is that the curly lines under "module Main where" and "module Lib" remain. How can I remove the curly lines and its associated error messages as shown in point 2) above?
Welcome to Haskell!
Unfortunately, it seems Haskell on Windows has various "permission denied" bugs. ( I have no direct workaround to suggest, other than make sure all software is up-to-date, try different configurations, and try and build using ghc directly without stack.
Other things to try include making sure you are running as Administrator, and disabling your antivirus.

IntelliJ publigin: ghc-modi error output: NG quit

I'm just using GHC 7.8.4 and cabal with IntelliJ Haskell plugin. After starting my project, I receive this error log
ghc-modi failed
ghc-modi failed with error: NG BUG: cabal: createProcess: runInteractiveProcess: exec: does not exist (No such file or directory)
You can disable ghc-modi in Settings | Haskell
IOException: Broken pipe
IOException: Broken pipe
How can I solve or get more information on this error?
I had the same problem on Mac OS X and solved it by launching IntelliJ IDEA with open /Applications/IntelliJ\ IDEA\ shell command.
If you write some scripts for Haskell in .bashrc, it doesn't affect IntelliJ IDEA launched from Desktop or Launchpad e.t.c. Using open shell command let IntelliJ IDEA affected.

Not able to execute groovy script from command ".GroovyRuntimeException: Conflicting module versions."

I have run groovy script for a while from command line. Recently I have started to work with spock/groovy in the eclipse. I have run couple of test using Groovy Console when console was loaded from eclipse. Any way after these activities I have tried to execute groovy from command line and it failed with the following error:
Caused by: groovy.lang.GroovyRuntimeException: Conflicting module versions. Module [groovy-xml is loaded in version 2.4.3 and you are trying to load version 2.4.1
I was using gvm tool to reinstall groovy and set is a primary version but still have the problem. Something was changed from eclipse where my groovy installation gets affected and can not be fixed by by reinstalling.
I have some search done but did not find solution. most solution were mentioning this problem but they were trying to fix this withing eclipse, where in my case I am trying to fix it outside of eclipse. Also will be nice if I be able to prevent this from happening in the future. If somebody have similar experience please share.
