I want to use C/C++ on jupyter notebook so I installed archiconda3 on my development board which has arm64 architecture.
After create and activate an conda environmemt, when I try to install xeus-cilng with
conda install -c conda-forge xeus-cling
I get the following error message:
PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from current channels:
Current channels:
To search for alternate channels that may provide the conda package you're
looking for, navigate to
does it means that xeus-cling is not supported for linux aarch64?
I am unable to install any packages with miniforge 3 (conda 4.11.0).
I am attempting this on a Jetson Nano Developer Kit running Jetpack. Initially it had conda installed but it seems to have gone missing, so I decided to reinstall conda. It looks like the base version of anaconda/miniconda is having issues running on ARM processors, and so I downloaded miniforge which apparently is working.
I have set up an environment successfully, but attempting to download pytorch gives the following error:
Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done
Solving environment: failed with initial frozen solve. Retrying with flexible solve.
Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): done
Solving environment: failed with initial frozen solve. Retrying with flexible solve.
PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from current channels:
- pytorch
Current channels:
- https://conda.anaconda.org/pytorch/linux-aarch64
- https://conda.anaconda.org/pytorch/noarch
- https://conda.anaconda.org/abinit/linux-aarch64
- https://conda.anaconda.org/abinit/noarch
- https://conda.anaconda.org/matsci/linux-aarch64
- https://conda.anaconda.org/matsci/noarch
- https://conda.anaconda.org/conda-forge/linux-aarch64
- https://conda.anaconda.org/conda-forge/noarch
To search for alternate channels that may provide the conda package you're
looking for, navigate to
and use the search bar at the top of the page.
This is for Python 3.7.12. It seems this issue persists no matter what version of pytorch I try to install.
I am however able to install some other packages, as I was able to install beautifulsoup4.
There is no linux-aarch64 version of pytorch on the default conda channel, see here
This is of course package specific. E.g. there is a linux-aarch64 version of beautifulsoup4 which is why you wre able to install it without an issue.
You can try to install from a different channel that claims to provide a pytorch for aarch64, e.g.
conda install -c kumatea pytorch
I need to use opencv and it needed python version older than 3.9. So I created a conda environment with python 3.7.9 and tried to use
pip install opencv-python
It installed but when I tried to import it gave an error:
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'cv2'
After I installed it on the anaconda environments tab I could import. I need to install pylibdmtx, too, but again I cannot import it after installing.
I see the version of python is 3.7.9 on the environment. But when I use pip it is using this:
/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages (0.1.9)
I do not know what I am missing here. What should I do?
Recommended Solution
Prefer specifying what you want in an environment up front, e.g.,
name: py37_opencv
- conda-forge
- defaults
- python=3.7
- opencv
Create Environment
conda env create -n py37_opencv -f opencv.yaml
Troubleshooting Issue
Otherwise, if you want get the version you have working, try ensuring that pip is actually installed in the environment of interest:
conda activate your_env
conda install pip
# then use pip …
I tried to install pybox2d through anaconda navigator with Python 3.7 , but it shows this error, I could not solve
I read all the library documentation!
(user) user#euser:~$ conda install -c https://conda.anaconda.org/kne pybox2d
Solving environment: failed
UnsatisfiableError: The following specifications were found to be in conflict:
- jeepney
- notebook==5.7.4
- pybox2d
Use "conda info " to see the dependencies for each package.
I had the same problem. My tensorflow and pybox2d where conflicting.
I followed these steps by anuj:
conda create -n stackoverflow_env python=3.7
source activate stackoverflow_env
conda install -c kne pybox2d
and then installed tensorflow from anaconda navigator in this environment.
I created a new conda environment to avoid being influenced by the existing installations and followed the steps given below. After this, Box2D is importing fine for me.
conda create -n stackoverflow_env python=3.7
source activate stackoverflow_env
conda install -c kne pybox2d
I am trying to install pytorch using conda on power 8 IBM machine. Although, I read articles from IBM blog, I couldn't install with success because I got stuck with compiling magma.
Assuming that conda is already installed.
Simply run the following command
conda install -c engility pytorch
conda install -c engility torchvision
1. Goto this anaconda page
2. Search for pytorch
3. Scroll down to see which one has linux-ppc64le as platform
4. Click into that specific package
5. You will get the command to install pytorch
I finally installed PyTorch 1.5.0 on ppc64le server using conda environment.
Install anaconda (in my case I just installed miniconda3):
Add a new config channel:
conda config --prepend channels https://public.dhe.ibm.com/ibmdl/export/pub/software/server/ibm-ai/conda-early-access/linux-ppc64le/
Create a new conda environment and activate it:
conda create --name early_access python=3.6
conda activate early_access
Install pytorch:
conda install pytorch
That's it! Credits to this blog: https://gauravm.gitbook.io/about/blogs/installing-pytorch-and-transformers-on-ibm-powerpc-architecture
Nowadays you can use powerai - MLDL framework from IBM, which includes PyTorch:
conda install powerai
It installs correct version of pytorch for PPC64.
I have successfully installed anaconda with python3.6.1 on my mac. I followed the instruction from the internet:
first enter this on terminal:
conda create -n venv_demo python=3.6.1
then activate:
source activate venv_demo
However, when I tried to install openv3
I either tried the cmd line
conda install -c https://conda.anaconda.org/menpo opencv3
conda install -c menpo opencv3
it gave me the error as following:
error showing on terminal
Could someone tell me how to fix it? Do I need to remove python 2.7? Now I have installed python 3.6.1 and have 2 versions on my mac. Thanks!
Have a look at the list of conda installers for OpenCV in under the menpo package on Anaconda's package list:
Notice the Python versions listed in each installer. For macOS, the newest menpo installer is OpenCV 3.1.0 and works on Python 3.5. So if you want to use the menpo installer, simply create a new environment with Python 3.5, activate, and then install:
conda create -n <opencv virtual env> python=3.5
source activate <opencv virtual env>
conda install -c menpo opencv3
Otherwise if you want to use Python 3.6 (which is a really great Python release), you'll need to build from source. See the great answer from this Stack Overflow question: Can't install OpenCV3 on Anaconda3 python3.6 on macOS.