.net core 3.1 Azure Deploy issues 500 then 404 - azure

Image #1 from "Help Support"
Image #2 from "Help Support
Image #3 from "Help Support
First off THANK YOU for looking at this and providing any help you might be able to provide me. I have a .net core 3.1 website I have deployed to azure and made changes and update regularly without and issue before. I updated it to .net core 3.1 recently and deployed it to azure without any issues. I then made more changes and updated it and not get 500 error and clearly can not assess the site online anymore. I initially got a 500 error and then removed a some code that i thought was incomplete from my startup.cs file that was for AspNet.Security.OAuth.LinkedIn nugget package. I then redeployed and got a 404 error. I am a bit lost since i get no errors on local host. At no point have I had any issues with loading my site on local host. I have included images from the "help / support" part in azure. I do see it is asking me to move up to higher tier. I had been using the highest option of dev/test with no issues before. Is that issue? I doubted it since i had never had issues before.
Please feel free to ask any questions you might have. I am still looking for answers on my own and plan to post an answer if i can find one on my own but am feeling a bit stuck. Thank you for any help you might be able to provide.

The "App Service Plan Density Check" and "SNAT Port Exhaustion" were do to being on too low of tier. The rest was due to me updating code but then not creating a new "App Service". If you are updating to .net core 3.1 create a new "App Service" with 3.1 from the beginning and everything should work. Using my older "App Service" instance did work for a while but ultimately broke.


Why does my Umbraco installation from within the Azure Marketplace always fail?

I am trying to install Umbraco by using the Azure Marketplace. There they offer a template for it. I am always receiving the error below. I tried to install it a couple of times now but I always get the same error.
Does anybody know what this error message means? Is anybody able to install Umbraco by using the template in the Azure Marketplace?
You're asking 2 questions above.
Please see my answers and proposed troubleshooting guide/workaround below:
The error message means that the MSDeploy process failed due to some error which renders it unable to deploy the web deploy package for your Umbraco web app.
Yes I am able to provision a Umbraco web app from the Azure Market successfully (Location: Central US) and couldn't reproduce your issue
Troubleshooting Guide:
Append .scm in front of the azurewebsites.net of your Umbraco Web App as shown below and go to the Url.
Click on the Diagnostic Dump. You will be prompted to download a .zip file
Extract the zip file. You should see 2 folders at root level
Go into
You should see the detail log files for MSDeploy
Detailed MSDeploy log messages are in the appManagerLog.xml file.
If it is related to client side issue which can be resolved by yourself, you can try to resolve it and try again.
If it is related to server side issue, you should create a support ticket for Microsoft to look into with the detailed MSDeploy log which pinpoints the root cause which will help them a lot.
Hope this is useful.
A Microsoft employee confirmed this is a bug in the application currently. I have to wait for a fix.
I have encountered numerous problems with the Azure installer of Umbraco, try setting it up in VS2015 then publishing it to Azure. I have found that this works well.

Infamous 'Load operation failed for query 'GetUser'. The remote server returned an errror: NotFound'

It looks like I have just happened to find an easy reproducible solution for infamous:
'Load operation failed for query 'GetUser'.
The remote server returned an errror: NotFound'
issue for WCF RIA Services (Silverlight 5) web setup: when using VS2012 Web Publishing Wizard with 'Precompile during publishing' option checked-on then the issue does raise its ugly head. When the 'Precompile during publishing' option is checked off then deployed WCF RIA Services works well with Silverlight client. Please check on your system.
I have used fuslogvw etc.etc. - nothing helped. Never used Web Publishing Wizard before - xcopy was my friend, this time I wanted to automate the whole deploying process - and lost a couple of hours of precious time.
I still don't know what is the cause of the issue but I can proceed with my work. Next time when there will be more free time I will probably use this technique to localize the causes of the subject issue.
Edit for clarification: I have effectively solved the subject issue on my localhost but I have it still appearing in one program but not in another when releasing on an external web hosting environment, and I'm yet to find what causes this issue - do you know any good sources where this issue's various solutions are classified and accompanied with solution walk-throughs?

How to further debug a 500 Internal Server Error after upgrade to ASP.NET 5 beta5

I had a site running asp.net 5 beta4, and decided to upgrade to beta5. The site runs locally fine. I pushed the changes to master and it was picked up from bitbucket and deployed successfully.
When I try to hit the site in azure, I get a 500 Internal Server Error. I've tried a number of things, but can't seem to track down the root cause of the failure. I'm looking for suggestions as I'm hitting a wall. From what I've tried below it seems like some fundamental initialization is failing.
Here's what I've tried:
Enabling customerrors="off". I added a web.config to the wwwroot folder with system.web/customErrors mode="Off". I've verified that the web.config is populated correctly in the deployed wwwroot and had the appsettings containing the dnxversion etc merged correctly.
Customizing the custom error page, adding runtimeinfo. I have the following set in my Startup.cs:
app.UseErrorHandler("/Home/Error");. I also have set the error page to display the exception. This doesn't seem to be hit.
Attached to the remote process to debug. Visual studio eventually freezes, so haven't gotten anywhere with this.
Enabled application insights. This registers events when I debug locally, but doesn't capture anything from the azure instance.
Enabled application logs and request failure tracing. The detailed errors show a 500.0, without much detailed information.
I've also verified through the console that the runtime is set correctly to beta5.
I set the ASPNET_ENV to Development and it loaded with appsettings loaded via the azure portal. Setting ASPNET_ENV to something else isn't working. I also removed any custom code from startup.cs pertaining to the non-development environments, with no help. I'm still looking for a means of capturing the original error.
Assuming you are targeting DNX451 and not dnxcore50, there is a good chance Azure it still trying to run it against the beta4 runtime instead of beta5. If that's the case, you won't get a decent error message.
Try adding an environment variable in Azure "SCM_DNX_VERSION" and set it to 1.0.0-beta5. It looks like kudu was recently upgraded to support beta5 https://github.com/projectkudu/kudu/commit/55175a017779bf493ff8e6ce87b96dd1451f7d7b, so you might want to try to redeploy from bitbucket in the case that the Kudu team has already deployed this change.
For a little more detail, you can check out my previous answer (although it is very dated and references the old "K" names) here:
Deploying ASP.NET vNext beta 2 on Azure with Kudu
Every time you update to a new beta, you will have to update your SCM_DNX_VERSION environment variable.

Loading profiler failed during CoCreateinstance - error, but I'm not using a profiler

Recently I published to my Azure Staging server (Asp.Net MVC App) and my app wouldn't come up. I checked the Event logs on the machine, and this was the error:
.NET Runtime version 4.0.30319.18033 - Loading profiler failed during
CoCreateInstance. Profiler CLSID:
'{F1260058-1A1F-4738-8BE2-0BF9D3A64219}'. HRESULT: 0x8007007e. Process
ID (decimal): 1872. Message ID: [0x2504].
The thing is that I am not using a profiler, everything worked fine yesterday (day old publish) - any ideas what could be causing this, and how I could fix it? Thank you.
Not to say there is not a better fix (I tried all I could find elsewhere, nothing seemed to relate to my specific problem) but here is what I ended up doing. Simply delete your deployment, and re-publish. This must re-set whatever turning on your profiler sets.
Remember that if this is a non domain dns instance, your address will be changed. Hope this can save someone a few hours.
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Windows azure deployment

I just built a simple hello world windows azure service containing just one web role, I used visual studio 2008 and Windows azure tools for VS 1.2 I am pretty new to this and I have been trying to deploy an application all afternoon now. I'm in australia and deploying in the region Asia anywhere.
I have pretty much followed the info provided on MSDN and it says uploaded 95% then after about ten minutes the deployment disappears. I have tried using the old windows azure developer portal and 30minutes later I can not access the service and it's status is either busy or stopped.
I have the introductory offer for an extra small compute instance on the subscription I am deploying to. Can anyone with experience with windows azure elaborate on the subject of deploying apps and the status on my application, I am very keen to get into the platform and this issue has just about spoiled my weekend.
Most likely it is related to the UseDevelopmentStorage=true for a connection string. I have accidentally done this a couple of times myself and things just magically don't work and there is no explanation. Missing DLL's are usually a little harder to track down as the application may or may not start depending on where the failure happens. Trace logging and/or infrastructure logging is the best way to find out if the DLL is missing if you can get your application to run that far.
As pointed out already, the best place to start is making the simplest "Hello World!" you possibly can and start extending from there. Yes it will take you a while to make progress but the experiences you gain from this will be invaluable moving forward.
Two things to check before deployment
1. Change Roles' Connection Strings to point to Azure Storage instead of UseDevelopmentStorage
2. All References not belong to asp.net framework should be set to "Copy Local=True"
I would guess that the deployment is going successfully but that the role instances are not able to start. The most common causes of this are eithe referrences to development storage while deployed (UseDevelopmentStorage=true) or a referrence to an assembly with copylocal!=true.
