Type 'Subscription' is missing the following properties from type 'typeof Subscription': prototype, EMPTY - nativescript-angular

import { Component, OnInit, OnDestroy, ViewChild, AfterViewInit, ChangeDetectorRef } from "#angular/core";
import { UIService } from "./shared/ui.service";
import { Subscription } from "rxjs";
import { RadSideDrawerComponent } from "nativescript-ui-sidedrawer/angular";
import { RadSideDrawer } from "nativescript-ui-sidedrawer";
//These are my imports
selector: "ns-app",
templateUrl: "./app.component.html"
export class AppComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy, AfterViewInit {
#ViewChild(RadSideDrawerComponent, { static: false }) drawerComponent: RadSideDrawerComponent;
enteredChallenge: string[] = [];
private drawerSub = Subscription; //I have put subscription here
private drawer: RadSideDrawer;
constructor (private uiService: UIService, private changeDetectionRef: ChangeDetectorRef) {}
onChallengeInput(enterText: string){
this.drawerSub = this.uiService.drawerState.subscribe(
() => {
this.drawer = this.drawerComponent.sideDrawer;
I have 2 errors
1 -> Property 'unsubscribe' does not exist on type 'typeof Subscription'.
2 -> Type 'Subscription' is missing the following properties from type 'typeof Subscription': prototype, EMPTY
I have included Subscription and the stuff I need but I don't understand why I still get this error. Can someone help me out?

I also made this simple mistake and couldn't spot the typo.
The line:
private drawerSub = Subscription;
Should be:
private drawerSub: Subscription;


Property-based injection with an Abstract Class

I am trying to add an Abstract method to serialize my response objects in order to hash the id's. That would require to have a property-based injection in order to not pass lots of variables through the constructor.
The class that will be used to Serialize :
import { AbstractHash } from 'src/global/abstract.hash';
import { IItems } from '../items.interface';
import { Injectable } from '#nestjs/common';
export class ResponseItem extends AbstractHash implements IItems {
name: string;
price: number;
type: string;
constructor(partial: Partial<IItems>) {
Object.assign(this, partial);
The abstract class :
import { HashIdHelper } from 'src/hash-id.helper';
import { Exclude, Expose } from 'class-transformer';
import { Inject, Injectable } from '#nestjs/common';
export abstract class AbstractHash {
id: number;
//#Inject('HASHID_HELPER') // Neither works
public readonly hashIdHelper: HashIdHelper;
#Expose({ name: 'id' })
encodedId() {
console.log(this.hashIdHelper); // -> undefined
return this.hashIdHelper.encode(this.id);
The controller :
// imports
export class ItemsController {
private readonly itemsService: ItemsService,
#Inject('HASHID_HELPER') private readonly hash: HashIdHelper, // <-- Ok
) {}
async findOne(#Param('id') id: string) {
console.log(this.hash.encode(+id)); // <-- Ok
const item = await this.itemsService.findOne(parseInt(id));
console.log(new ResponseItem(item));
return new ResponseItem(item); // <-- undefined attribute, see above
The repository : https://github.com/befabry/caddie/tree/hash_id
Thanks for the help
You're calling new ClassInstance() so you are 100% in control of the class and it's properties. Nest will not inject anything on a manually instantiated class, because it's not managed by Nest's lifecycle in the first place. You can use moduleRef.create to have Nest create an instance for you, but once you use the keyword new you are in charge of that instance.

Injecting custom repository using inversify

I'm practicing mikroorm with inversify.
I have TodoEntity
import { Entity, Property, PrimaryKey, EntityRepositoryType } from '#mikro-orm/core'
import { TodoRepository } from '../../repositories'
#Entity({tableName: 'todo'})
export class TodoEntity {
// [EntityRepositoryType]?: TodoRepository;
id?: number
title: string
description: string
constructor(title: string, description: string) {
this.title = title
this.description = description
And this is the custom repository TodoRepository
import { EntityRepository } from '#mikro-orm/mysql'
import { Repository } from '#mikro-orm/core'
import { TodoEntity } from '../models/entities'
import { injectable } from "inversify"
export class TodoRepository extends EntityRepository<TodoEntity> {}
I'm injecting the repository into the service via
import { injectable, inject } from "inversify"
import { TodoRepository } from "../repositories"
import TYPES from "../../di/types"
import autoBind from "auto-bind";
export class TodoService {
private todoRepository: TodoRepository
constructor (#inject(TYPES.TodoRepository) todoRepository: TodoRepository) {
this.todoRepository = todoRepository
public async getTodos() {
return await this.todoRepository.findAll()
and this is my controller
import { injectable, inject } from "inversify"
import { TodoService } from "../services/todoService"
import { Request, Response, NextFunction} from "express";
import TYPES from "../../di/types";
import autoBind from "auto-bind";
export class TodoController {
todoService: TodoService
constructor(#inject(TYPES.TodoService) todoService: TodoService) {
this.todoService = todoService
public async getAllTodos(req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction) {
res.send(await this.todoService.getTodos())
This is the types
const TYPES = {
TodoRepository: Symbol.for("TodoRepository"),
TodoService: Symbol.for("TodoService"),
TodoController: Symbol.for("TodoController")
export default TYPES
import { TodoRepository } from "../todos/repositories"
import { TodoService } from "../todos/services/todoService"
import { TodoController } from "../todos/controllers/todoController"
import { Container } from "inversify"
import TYPES from "./types"
const container = new Container();
export { container }
How can I inject the custom repository to service, i'm having an error saying
Error: Missing required #injectable annotation in: SqlEntityRepository
But when I did not include the repository only the service and the controller and I tried to test dump. the DI is just working fined
Im following this example Inversify example with mikro orm
but on the example he's not using the custom repo, any idea where can I start to fix the issue?
You should be able to add decorator with decorate utility that inversify is providing.
import { decorate, injectable } from "inversify";
import SomeClass from "some-module";
decorate(injectable(), SomeClass);
return SomeClass;
Read docs over here: https://github.com/inversify/InversifyJS/blob/master/wiki/inheritance.md#what-can-i-do-when-my-base-class-is-provided-by-a-third-party-module
Also there is global Container option skipBaseClassChecks that will skip #injectable check on all base classes.

NestJs - How to modify interceptor

I have following JSON response from my NestJS Controller:
"data": [{ ... users ... }]
To achieve this "envelop" thing, I use the interceptor:
import {
} from '#nestjs/common'
import { Observable } from 'rxjs'
import { map } from 'rxjs/operators'
import { plainToClass } from 'class-transformer'
import { ResponseObjectInterface } from './response-object.interface'
interface ClassType<T> {
new (): T
export class TransformInterceptor<T>
implements NestInterceptor<Partial<T>, ResponseObjectInterface<T> | T> {
private readonly classType: ClassType<T>,
private readonly envelope = true
) {}
context: ExecutionContext,
next: CallHandler
): Observable<ResponseObjectInterface<T> | T> {
return next
map(data =>
? { data: plainToClass(this.classType, data) }
: plainToClass(this.classType, data)
It works as expected.
Now I have to change it and add another root property on the response. This:
"data": { ... user ... },
"_signed": "jwt" --> String or NULL
I have other objects (products, subscriptions...etc). All of them have the same JSON signature. But they will have NULL in the _signed. It will be empty. Only user is signed.
I thought to have some logic in the the interceptor that will add the property, but I am not sure how to do it. What would be the best way of achieving this functionality?
I managed to resolve my issue without using Interceptor whatsoever.
I used concept of two DTO objects. One is generic, and another one is plain one.
To make story short:
import { IsNumber, IsString } from 'class-validator';
import { Exclude, Expose } from 'class-transformer';
import { ApiProperty } from '#nestjs/swagger';
export class GenericResponse {
constructor(data) {
this.data = data
data: any
public getData() {
return this.data
private _sign: string;
public setSignedPayload(signedPayload: string) {
this._sign = signedPayload
public getSignedPayload() {
return this._sign
And when I land in userService, I set the Data, also I set the jwt.
If I end somewhere else, I can choose whether to set the jwt or not.

Know property of table dtOptions

How to know property of table dtOptions?
I do not understand what would be happening or what is missing, If I get to list and draw the table and IF it loads the data the only drawback is that I get unknown property as shown in the capture
at app.module.ts
import { DataTablesModule } from 'angular-datatables';
imports: [
In my user.component.ts
export class UserComponent implements OnInit {dtOptions: DataTables.Settings = {}; ....}
ngOnInit(): void {
this.dtOptions = {
But in my HTML component it marks me as unknown property
Try this.
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
export class AngularWayComponent implements OnDestroy, OnInit {
dtOptions: DataTables.Settings = {};
dtTrigger: Subject = new Subject();
constructor(private http: Http) { }

Nestjs How to extend service from Generic

I've been implemented a code, written by https://github.com/krazibit
import { Type } from '#nestjs/common'
import { InjectRepository } from '#nestjs/typeorm'
import * as DataLoader from 'dataloader'
import { keyBy } from 'lodash'
import { Repository } from 'typeorm'
export interface IDataService<T> {
readonly repository: Repository<T>
load: (id: string | number) => Promise<T>
loadMany: (ids: Array<string | number>) => Promise<T[]>
type Constructor<I> = new (...args: any[]) => I // Main Point
export function DataService<T>(entity: Constructor<T>): Type<IDataService<T>> {
class DataServiceHost implements IDataService<T> {
#InjectRepository(entity) public readonly repository: Repository<T>
private get primaryColumnName(): string {
return this.repository.metadata.primaryColumns[0]?.propertyName
private loader: DataLoader<number | string, T> = new DataLoader(async ids => {
const entities = await this.repository.findByIds(ids as any[])
const entitiesKeyed = keyBy(entities, this.primaryColumnName)
return ids.map(id => entitiesKeyed[id])
public async load(id: string | number): Promise<T> {
return this.loader.load(id)
public async loadMany(ids: Array<string | number>): Promise<T[]> {
return this.loadMany(ids)
return DataServiceHost
It should be a generic function to extend to services.
But, I'm trying to implement it using:
export class MyService extends IDataService(MyEntity)
But now, I'm trying to use the methods load and loadMany but every time I try to do it, I get an error.
Does someone knows how to do reference to those methods to execute them?
You need to inject repository inside constructor, so:
export function DataService<T>(entity: Constructor<T>): Type<IDataService<T>> {
class DataServiceHost implements IDataService<T> {
constructor(#InjectRepository(entity) public readonly repository: Repository<T>) {}
// ...
