postman environment variables not working? - node.js

Not getting data with environment variable but when putting with hardcoded url: http://localhost:3000/api/v1/store it be getting data:
Get data with hardcoded url
What something went wrong ? please advise

At the end of your environment variables, you have an "/" who don't have to be here, if you concat it, it give you http://localhost:3000**//**api/v1/store


Grafana query parsing error with label_values

There are two CouchDB servers and I am using variable in Grafana to visualize some metrics, issue is query with variable end up with wrong prasing:
I do not why it includes the slash, that leads to empty result. am I using correct query "label_values"?
Here is my variable setting, which the result shows two servers:
and here is how I use it:
it is fixed! I had to disable Include All Option

Search file in a folder from Onedrive in Azure logic app

I'm having an issue using the OneDrive for Business - List files in folder action.
I'm setting the path of the action to be a parameter received from a previous step via http request.
The value of the path is for example - /Clients/ER/EDI/ERGL/Source
When I hard code the path by selecting it in the OneDrive action, its value at runtime is
"datasets/default/folders/01RODCPVEAQQCC4IDDRBF3JHJW2GR43CXZ" and at design time it is set to
However, when I try and set the path via parameter, which at design time looks like this
and is at run time - /datasets/default/folders/%252FClients%252FER%252FEDI%252FERGL%252FSource
it does not work. I'm obviously missing something here, with encoding the path parameter? Any suggestions?
Actually you get the true path, it's just in a encode format. You could find the example , the encodeUriComponent will return the URI-encoded string with escape characters.
So you could decode what you get with this expression:
Then you will get the absolute path.
Hope this could help you, if you still have other questions, please let me know.

Using env variables in swagger.yaml in nodejs

Trying to figure out how can i access the env variable inside swagger.yaml configuration file.
The variable can be access inside the nodejs application using process.env.VARNAME. I want to use the same variable inside swagger.yaml file.
something like
myvariabledetail: "${process.env.VARNAME}"
. I already tried different combinations including "${process.env.VARNAME}",${process.env.VARNAME},${VARNAME} etc.
YAML as a text file format doesn't know anything about environment variables. A solution would be to load the YAML and then have code that uses a regex to find the environment variables and replace them with the current values. Then finally pass that resulting string into your YAML parser.
You can use envsub:
const envsub = require('envsub');
templateFile: `${__dirname}/input.yml`,
outputFile: '/dev/null', // or filename to save result
.then(({ outputContents }) => console.log(outputContents));

python str replace '\'

i'm new to python, i wrote script that query from db, and getting path looking like this:
when i print the result i see that:
the \14
change to hexa- x0c
i want to access this link, in order to do so i need to add \ so the link will look like this:
I tried to os.path.dirname
re.find split and didnt get what i needed.
please i tried so many suggestions i saw in xda and non helped me.
Thanks for the response.
I know the escape , like: r'MyString', or \ when there is \
The problem is that i get the path from DB
and in the DB the path i receive is like this .. \AUTOMATION\Logs\15-01-16_15-50-57_143
and python load it immediately to x0c
I hope the problem sounds more clear..
When you print a string, you need to escape the backslashes with another backslash. \14 is getting read as a hex value, but \\14 will be printed correctly.

IMAP fetch() returns command error: BAD [b' Command Argument Error. 12']

I'm having trouble finding examples/troubleshooting tips online, and am not quite sure that I'm interpreting the documentation correctly. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
I'm connecting to an e-mail server, and want to read the e-mail subjects, and bodies. I first make my connection like so:
import imaplib
c = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(hostname, port)
c.login(username, password)
foldername = 'INBOX/SSR', readonly = True)
today ='%d-%b-%Y')
searchcriteria = '(SENTON '{}')'.format(today)
typ, msg_ids =, searchcriteria)
msg_ids = [s.decode('ascii') for s in msg_ids]
for idnumber in msg_ids:
print(c.fetch(idnumber, "(BODY.PEEK[HEADER])"))
The code and works and output looks as expected, up until the last line, at which point, I get
imaplib.error: FETCH command error: BAD [b' Command Argument Error. 12']
My line of thought, and subsequent testing examined the following possible issues:
bytes vs. string. I converted input back to bytes, but the error remained constant
improper syntax: I tried other commands, such as BODY, SUBJECT, and ENVELOPE but still got the same message.
I'm not sure how to interpret the error, and don't really know where to start. Referencing from pp. 102+, I noticed that the values are labeled differently, but don't understand what the issue is with my implementation. How should I interpret the error? What is wrong with my syntax?
P.S. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the shouldn't change my directory, yes? As in, by selecting foldername, I "navigate" to the selected folder, but just searching only returns values and shouldn't change my location?
I encountered the same problem while I tried to list or select a new mailbox - BAD [b' Command Argument Error. 12'], in my case, it didn't work with “Sent Box”, but it worked well with “Outbox”, so the space symbol is the point.
So it worked with'"{}"'.format("Sent Box")...
Hope this information could help you.
Your last line is not correct msg_ids = [s.decode('ascii') for s in msg_ids]
msg_ids is a list with bytes string, not with elements of a list - example: [b'123 124 125']
Change the last line into msg_ids = msg_ids[0].split(b' ') and it will work as expected.
