MongoDB add field to an object inside an array - node.js

I have an object user that looks like that
"_id" : ObjectId("5edbdf57ac52325464b054ec"),
"purchaseHistory" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("5ee7a8f6b438a1254cec3f74"),
"_id" : ObjectId("5ee7a8f6b438a1254cec3f88"),
What I wanna do is to add a new field to a specific object inside "purchaseHistory" by ID, for example I wanna add to "5ee7a8f6b438a1254cec3f88" a field "status": 0
What I tried is
_id: ObjectId(userId),
'purchaseHistory._id': ObjectId(saleId)
$set: { 'purchaseHistory.$.status': status}
But it gives me an error, how can I do it properly?

According to the website provided by D. SM, I was able to do it this way
'_id': ObjectId(userId),
'purchaseHistory._id': ObjectId(saleId)
$set: { 'purchaseHistory.$.status': status }

MongoDB provides the positional update operator for cases like this.


Prevent mongoose "Model.updateOne" from updating ObjectId(_id) of the model when using "$set"

I'm updating the age and name of a character with a specific _id from an array of characters that is inside a document of model Drama.
The document I'm working with:-
"_id" : ObjectId("619d44d2ec2ca20ca0404b5a"),
"characters" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("619fdac5a03c8b10d0b8b13c"),
"age" : "23",
"name" : "Vinay",
"_id" : ObjectId("619fe1d53810a130207a409d"),
"age" : "25",
"name" : "Raghu",
"_id" : ObjectId("619fe1d53810a130207a502v"),
"age" : "27",
"name" : "Teju",
So to update the character Raghu I did this:-
const characterObj = {
age: "26",
name: "Dr. Raghu",
{ _id: req.drama._id, "characters._id": characterId },
$set: {
"characters.$": characterObj,
function(err, foundlist) {
if (err) {
} else {
console.log("Update completed");
// req.drama._id is ObjectId("619d44d2ec2ca20ca0404b5a")
// characterId is ObjectId("619fe1d53810a130207a409d")
This updated the character but it also assigned a new ObjectId to the _id field of the character. So, I'm looking for ways on how to prevent the _id update.
Also, I know I can set the individual fields of character instead of assigning a whole new object to prevent that but it will be very tedious if my character's object has a lot of fields.
//Not looking to do it this way
$set: {
"characters.$.age": characterObj.age,
I found something here, just pre define a schema (a blueprint in a way) that affects the id
var subSchema = mongoose.Schema({
//your subschema content
},{ _id : false });
Stop Mongoose from creating _id property for sub-document array items
Or I would say, when you create a character assign it a custom id from the start, that way it will retain that id throughout.
I'm leaving this question open as I would still like to see a simpler approach. But for now, I did find one easy alternative solution for this issue which I'm will be using for some time now until I find a more direct approach.
In short - Deep merge the new object in the old object using lodash and then use the new merged object to set field value.
For example, let's update the character Raghu from my question document:-
First install lodash(Required for deep merging objects) using npm:
$ npm i -g npm
$ npm i --save lodash
Import lodash:
const _ = require("lodash");
Now update the character Raghu like this:-
const newCharacterObj = {
age: "26",
name: "Dr. Raghu",
{ _id: req.drama._id, "characters._id": characterId },
function(err, dramaDocWithSpecificCharacter) {
// ↓↓↓ console would log ↓↓↓
// {
// "_id" : ObjectId("619d44d2ec2ca20ca0404b5a"),
// "characters" : [
// {
// "_id" : ObjectId("619fe1d53810a130207a409d"),
// "age" : "25",
// "name" : "Raghu",
// }
// ],
// }
const oldCharacterObj = dramaDocWithSpecificCharacter.characters[0];
const mergedCharacterObjs = _.merge(oldCharacterObj, newCharacterObj);
// _.merge() returns a deep merged object
// ↓↓↓ console would log ↓↓↓
// {
// _id: 619fe1d53810a130207a409d,
// age: "26",
// name: "Dr. Raghu",
// };
{ _id: req.drama._id, "characters._id": characterId },
$set: {
"characters.$": mergedCharacterObjs,
function(err, foundlist) {
if (err) {
} else {
console.log("Update completed");
// req.drama._id is ObjectId("619d44d2ec2ca20ca0404b5a")
// characterId is ObjectId("619fe1d53810a130207a409d")
Note: We can also use the native Object.assign() or … (spread operator) to merge objects but the downside of it is that it doesn’t merge nested objects which could cause issues if you later decide to add nested objects without making changes for deep merge.
You can pass your payload or request body like this if we provide _id it will prevent update to nested document
"characters" : [
"_id" : "619fdac5a03c8b10d0b8b13c",
"age" : "updated value",
"name" : "updated value",
}, {
"_id" : "619fe1d53810a130207a409d",
"age" : "updated value",
"name" : "updated value",
}, {
"_id" : "619fe1d53810a130207a502v",
"age" : "updated value",
"name" : "updated value",
It works for me for bulk update in array object

How to compare array mongodb query

I am currently building a cart system on my mongodb ecommerce app. I need help on how to query and compare array.
here document of cart:
"_id" : ObjectId("5d0531e27c8fa1029017ea20"),
"user" : ObjectId("5d0371319315c715fc34b0b0"),
"active" : true,
"item" : [
"product" : ObjectId("5d013eb63a2bdd11a46c8dd3"),
"option" : [
"name" : "Ukuran",
"value" : "Biru"
"quantity" : 1
"product" : ObjectId("5d013eb63a2bdd11a46c8dd3"),
"option" : [
"name" : "Ukuran",
"value" : "Biru"
"quantity" : 1
"created_at" : ISODate("2019-06-15T17:58:58.762Z"),
"updated_at" : ISODate("2019-06-15T17:59:13.334Z"),
"__v" : 0
I want to compare object of item.option field, so my cart system is if cart on database have same object option i will add quantity, otherwise push new object to item.
so current I am not asking on how to implement my cart system, but I want to compare each item.option object
I've already tried this
const cart = await CartModel.find({
"item.option": option
and get error Error: Query filter must be an object, got an array
Solved by myself, after many experiment finally i combine $in and $elemMatch for compare each array of object
// this is will dynamic
const optionArray = [
"name": "Warna",
"value": "Biru"
"name": "Ukuran",
"value": "XL"
const compareOptionQuery = []
for (let i = 0; i < optionArray.length; i++) {
$elemMatch: {
const cart = await CartModel.aggregate([
$and: [
_id: cartId,
user: userId
'item.option': {
$in: [...compareOptionQuery]
The issue with your implementation is that in CartModel.find("item.option": option) your filter (first parameter) encounters an array instead of an object.
This is because you are trying to call for an object option from item, however option is as element of an array field item.
If you wish to access item from an array field, you must specify conditions on the elements in the array field item using {<array field>: {<operator1>: <value1>}} like so:
item: {$option: option}

$pulling an object from an array based on _id in Mongoose [duplicate]

_id: 5150a1199fac0e6910000002,
name: 'some name',
items: [{
id: 23,
name: 'item name 23'
id: 24,
name: 'item name 24'
Is there a way to pull a specific object from an array? I.E. how do I pull the entire item object with id 23 from the items array.
I have tried:
db.mycollection.update({'_id': ObjectId("5150a1199fac0e6910000002")}, {$pull: {id: 23}});
However I am pretty sure that I am not using 'pull' correctly. From what I understand pull will pull a field from an array but not an object.
Any ideas how to pull the entire object out of the array.
As a bonus I am trying to do this in mongoose/nodejs, as well not sure if this type of thing is in the mongoose API but I could not find it.
{ '_id': ObjectId("5150a1199fac0e6910000002") },
{ $pull: { items: { id: 23 } } },
false, // Upsert
true, // Multi
I have a document like
I have to delete address from address array
After searching lots on internet I found the solution
Customer.findOneAndUpdate(query, { $pull: {address: addressId} }, (err, data) => {
if (err) {
return res.status(500).json({ error: 'error in deleting address' });
my database:
"_id" : ObjectId("5806056dce046557874d3ab18"),
"data" : [
{ "id" : 1 },
{ "id" : 2 },
{ "id" : 3 }
my query:
"_id" : ObjectId("5806056dce046557874d3ab18"),
"data" : [
{ "id" : 1 },
{ "id" : 2 }
You can try it also:
db.getCollection('docs').update({ },{'$pull':{ 'items':{'id': 3 }}},{multi:true})
For a single record in array:
{ },
{'$pull':{ 'items':{'mobile': 1234567890 }}},
For a multiple records with same mobile number in array:
{ },
$pull: {
items: { mobile: 1234567890 }
{ new:true, multi:true }
Use $pull to remove the data
return this.mobiledashboardModel
.update({"_id": args.dashboardId}, { $pull: {"viewData": { "_id": widgetId}}})
.then(dashboardDoc => {
return {
result: dashboardDoc
Kishore Diyyana:
If you want to remove all elements including the key of the element attributes list.
Here is the example of mongoDB unset operator:
{ 'Id' : 123}, { $unset: { dataElements: ""} } )
JSON Look like this:
{ "Id":123,"dataElements" : [ { "createdBy" : "Kishore Babu Diyyana", "createdByUserId" : 2020 }, { "createdBy" : "Diyyana Kishore", "createdByUserId" : 2021 } ] }

Issue: updating value inside the subdocument of a subdocument

I am having some trouble trying to update some fields of a subdocument inside a subdocument in mongodb.
First of all, let's find exactly the document I need to update to see how the document structure looks like:
// query:
application: ObjectId("568b3a2feaa4171d03734776"),
_id: ObjectId("568b3a2feaa4171d03734779"),
status: 'sent',
'': '' // an index
'mailingList.$.recipients': true
// query result:
"_id" : ObjectId("568b3a2feaa4171d03734779"),
"mailingList" : [
"id" : 55,
"recipients" : [
"metadata" : {
"name" : "Example",
"surname" : "Example"
"email" : "",
"message" : {
"events" : []
What I would like to achieve is exactly being able to update any of the fields in the object inside recipients[]: let's say, for example, email. I've tried the following so far, using the $set operator:
application: ObjectId("568b3a2feaa4171d03734776"),
_id: ObjectId("568b3a2feaa4171d03734779"),
status: 'sent',
'': ''
$set: {
'mailingList.$': ''
but I get the following error:
cannot use the part (recipients of to
traverse the element ({recipients: [ { metadata: { name: "Example",
surname: "Example" }, email: "", message: { events:
[] } } ]})
What am I missing? I had already worked with embedded subdocuments before (not like this where there is a subdocument inside another subdocument) and using $set was enough to update any field inside a single subdocument, i.e:
$set: {
'mailingList.$.email': ''

mongodb deep update - mongoose .id() causing performance issue

mongoose level collection schema
sublevel: [{
"deeplevel": [{
"deeplevel2": [{
dlDoc = { "dl1": "dl1" };
db.levels.update({ _id: ObjectId(levelId), "sublevel._id": ObjectId(sublevelId) }, { $push: { "sublevel.$.deeplevel1": dlDoc } }, function (err, updatedDoc) {
if (updatedDoc) {
res.json({ "status": 1 });
//calling external apis to update more
result = externalApiResult();
db.levels.findById(level._id, 'sublevel._id sublevel.deeplevel1', function (err, levelFound) {['result'] = result; (err, savedDoc) {
I need to create and update the level collection's deeplevel1. in my case, the deeplevel1 will be inserted more than 2000 sub docs per day. when i want to update using mongoose .id(deepLevelId) function it is causing me performance issues in the server. is there any way to find the position of deeplevel document inserted once i update the level collection?. so that i can use the position in the update query. And please tell me a best way to update my deeplevel subdocuments without causing performance issues and works fast. thanks in advance.
db.collection.findOne() will be like this.
"_id" : ObjectId("563b35d1f07cc9d80a26436b"),
"_id" : ObjectId("569bede3c717b670097519c7"),
"name" : "name",
"deeplevel2" : [{
"_id" : ObjectId("569c559329cc880c18989349"),
"logTime" : new Date("1/18/2016 03:30:48"),
"areaId" : ObjectId("568a6129de552e7dba98d547"),
}, {
"_id" : ObjectId("569c561929cc880c18989354"),
"logTime" : new Date("1/18/2016 03:30:48"),
"areaId" : ObjectId("568a6129de552e7dba98d547"),
}, {
"_id" : ObjectId("569c5945626ffb680e4512e9"),
"logTime" : new Date("1/18/2016 03:30:48"),
"areaId" : ObjectId("568a6129de552e7dba98d547"),
}, {
"_id" : ObjectId("569c594d626ffb680e4512eb"),
"logTime" : new Date("1/18/2016 03:30:48"),
"areaId" : ObjectId("568a6129de552e7dba98d547"),
