Add menus into Roles in framework - menu

I have customize homepage in framework project with side menus. Now I want to add these menus into Roles. How can I add menus into roles ?

You can set which permission/role is required before adding it to MenuConfigurationContext.


Can we customize Master page and Page Layouts with SPFx?

I am working on SharePoint Framework and have one take to do in this. I want to know that can we add our custom master page and page layouts in SharePoint Online using the SharePoint Framework ?
If yes, then can you guys please provide me some details or links to understand this ?
I have a requirement to have my own custom master page and layouts deployed in SharePoint Online using my custom client web part.
No, as of now there is nothing in SPFx to customize master page or page layouts. Also, Master Page and Page Layouts are old technique, which is not applicable for Modern Pages.
But SPFx framework comes with extensions (in preview as of now), which can be used to enhance UX of application. The SPFx extensions allow you to customize in following three direction:
Application Customizers: Overall page customization can be done using this like header/footers.
Field Customizers: For custom rendering of fields.
Command Set: For adding custom commands to the top ribbons or popup menus.

How to disiable navigation bar in openbravo 3

I would like to disable top navigation bar for certain users.
Quick Menus
Create New
Application Menu
Log out
User Preferences
I would like to show only workspace with default widgets in it when certain users logs into openbravo.
How to achieve the above features in openbravo.
Any help greatly appreciated!.
1) You can enable portal interface
For Portal Users: If checked, this role will have a simplified (portal) interface, where we may see only configured workspace widgets with role access. Portal interface changes the look and feel of the workspace. Top page menu and left-side menu are hidden. Usually a role for Portal Users givess access to users only to their own information using widgets.
2) To remove logout link you have to add patch/tweak client application module
3) Since portal interface also disables left-side menu (i.e recent views, recent documents etc) to enable you have to add patch/tweak client application module
patches or changes may need to go on smartclient code as well as java code related to default workspace
It's possible to hide tool bar here via preferences. But Openbravo core customization is required to disiable top navigation bar in openbravo 3. It is not possible to achieve the above using openbravo's extended module feature. Check this link

Dynamic Menu using Tile in Struts2

Hi I need to make a dynamic menu in my struts2 application, so there should be two different menus for members of website and guests, currently I am using Struts2 and tile to have a basic menu but I do not know how to change it for members when they are logged in.
Well you have few options here
Create two menu set and when user got logged in to the system set his/her role and based on the role can show the menu items.
other solution, which is more flexible elegant and more powerful is to use spring security.Spring security comes with role system and some set of tags based on which you can show and hide option based on the logged in user and role assigned to the user.
I will go with the second one as its more flexible and easy to enhance in future.

How to remove My Pages and My Submissions from Liferay Control panel

I'm currently working on a Liferay project and want to get rid of the My Pages and My Submissions menu items on the right side so that users of my site do not bother with them. Tried looking for the jsp that renders the left side menu, but could manage to remove the item from there. Any ideas how to proceed? Thanks!!!
You could add the following lines to your (usually found in webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes under tomcat):
#deactivate Personal Community with *private* pages
#deactivate Personal Community with *public* pages
#hide Personal Community from my places
and restart the server.
Recently I had the same task assigned. Fortunately removing this items from the menu is quite straightforward since the control panel is nothing more than a special layout for displaying portlets that are deployed in the portal server. You can read my blog post here to check the simple steps on how to customize the Control Panel and My Account portlet.
You probably rather want to limit the permissions to people. Don't give out global administration roles, but create your own roles, "Define Permissions" for them as you need them and leave out the permissions that you don't want to provide to your users - e.g. "access in control panel" or the general permission to add a page.
Otherwise you'll miss other ways to use the interface and still allow them to add pages through other means (e.g. "Manage/Page").
Edit: The easiest way to get rid of "My Submissions" is to undeploy the workflow plugin (kaleo-web) - of course you can only do this if you don't need workflow.

how to develop application like LifeRay Control panel

I want to develop an application like LifeRay control panel which has right navigation menu and a page that renders the clicked menu.
My question is how to develop at for example as one portlet or multi portlet taking into considaration (portlet communication)? and how to handle navigation inside portlet?
I'm using Icefaces(JSF) for portlet development and there is a section repeated for other pages(template)
Is there an example in liferay source for this?
Can't you just adjust a theme to have the navigation at the side as opposed to the default (at the top)? This way you'd be developing a plain portal application without any special magic - probably the most intuitive way to go.
Also, others will likely be able to quickly understand what you did and are able to add functionality.
