I have the following python file:
As you can see all the python keywords are highlighted (except for print?). However, if I change the colorscheme:
:colo OceanicNext
And then change it back again:
:colo TextMate
Most of the python highlighting goes away:
The only way I can get the "original" colorscheme back is to close the file and then re-open it in vim. Why does this occur? And is there a better way to get back to the full original colorscheme without having to close and re-open the file?
Try to source your vimrc config file.
:source $MYVIMRC
Also If you have troubles with colorschemes/highlighting in python. You might want to take a look at semshi plugin for enhanced highlighting.
I have a problem with syntax highlighting in gvim.
i have the following command in my vimrc file:
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.v,*.vs,*.va set syntax=verilog
However if i'm in gvim reading a file - "a.txt" and i also have "b.txt" open on split, when i click on b and then return to a , the syntax highlighting is gone after the click.
someone tried to explain to me that the autocmd not always running.
any ideas
The BufRead option only applies when reading a file into a new buffer, so it makes sense that simply switching between splits won't trigger the auto command. The file has already been read into the buffer; it's not read again unless you close and reopen it.
You want the option BufEnter, as it triggers on entering a buffer. Your new command should then look like:
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead,BufEnter *.v,*.vs,*.va set syntax=verilog
As a side note, it's probably better to use filetype instead of syntax, as syntax won't affect indentation rules, if there are any. Or even better, use a plugin to get everything set up automagically without needing explicit autocommands in your .vimrc. Just from a quick Google, this plugin pops up a bunch.
I have a very weird problem which did not exist in my environment before but now happened. When editing files, I'm used to doing this way:
gvim . #open current directory browsing
scroll up/down to select file, enter then edit.
ctrl-6 #back to previous directory
However one day I found the step3 was failed, it said "No alternate file".
My .vimrc file only contains:
colorscheme darkblue
set number
set autoindent
set nowrap
set ignorecase
set cursorline
I tried to clean all content in .cshrc but the same.
Can anyone tell me what's wrong with my gvim ?
Thanks in advance.
This looks to be a change in behavior introduced in Vim 7.4. The netrw view is no longer stored as an alternate file. See this discussion.
The Vim maintainers seemed split on what the correct behavior should be, but Bram himself offered up this advice with a mapping:
I do realize that editing the directory of the current file is
something I often do, but I never bothered to set up a mapping for
it. Typing ":e %:h" is not too difficult, but CTRL-O to jump back to
the netrw %directory view was easier.
I now added a mapping:
map ,d :e %:h<CR>
Let's see if I can get used to that.
Another related discussion can be found here.
You are likely using netrw to edit a directory. This is the equivalent of :Explore. Sadly netrw has a bad habit of not maintaining the alternative buffer, #. You maybe able to upgrade netrw or use :Rexplore (:Rex for short) to resume exploring.
Another option is to just use :e with wildcards and tab completion to explore files. Use <c-d> to list out completions as well.
I've tried looking everywhere for information on this but have come up short. I want to be able to use vimrc to set my own arguments for opening vim with. The idea being that if I run "vim -#code foo.bar" then the vimrc file will set syntax highlighting and line numbers but if run "vim foo.bar" then the file will open without line numbers or syntax highlighting. This seems like an obvious thing to want to do and I'm sure I've missed a trick somewhere but I'm struggling to get vim to play nicely. It seems silly to have to set a bash alias for this when the vimrc file is designed for this kind of thing.
My vimrc currently looks like this:
if $ARGV[0] == "#code"
set nu
filetype plugin on
syntax on
I have a workaround for similar situation
I have special vimrc (.coding_vimrc)
wich loads usual vimrc inside
source .vimrc
and contains all special settings for coding
Run vim with
vim -u .coding_vimrc foo.bar
assumes full path in both cases
I am using Linux Mint 13 Maya Cinnamon 64-bit. My Vim version is 7.3 and I installed the latest version of Janus.
I found that for any files with a hash "#" in its content, the syntax highlight for the file does not work. For example,
# test
print "Hello"
The 'print' has color while I am editing the file. But when I save it and open it again the whole file loses syntax highlight.
If I deleted the first line and save, the syntax highlight comes back after I open it again.
This applies to all kinds of files such as .py, .c and .h. If there is a hash "#" character in the file, syntax highlighting does not work.
I have already tried "syntax on" but nothing changes.
I don't know Janus so this answer might not be 100% useful for you, but let's see. You could try finding out where the settings have been set. Try this:
Get current settings:
:set filetype? syntax?
Check where these have been set:
:verbose set filetype? syntax?
Execute these commands when you lost your syntax highlighting:
:syntax on
:set ft=python
:verbose set ft? syn?
Here you should see which script changed your filetype after saving. Normally, vim uses heuristics to determine the correct filetype if the file extension is ambiguous. In cases where these heuristics don't work, you usually set a global variable in your vimrc to a fixed value. In your case this would be something like:
let g:filetype_py="python"
I'm trying to detect Go files in vim. I've set this up normally on other computers but this one is stuck.
:set filetype?
So it knows that it's a go file, but isn't triggering the syntax highlighting.
:set filetype=go
triggers it correctly.
:filetype detect
doesn't work, and reopening the file
turns syntax highlighting off, even though filetype remains set to "go".
I have
set rtp+=/usr/local/go/misc/vim
filetype plugin indent on
syntax on
in my .vimrc (as the instructions say).
What's going on? I suspect there's some other configuration that's undoing the syntax highlighting, but lack the knowledge of where to find it.
I'm not sure exactly what the problem is… However, you can try :scriptnames to see what files were loaded by Vim.
One step further, you can set verbose=9 in your .vimrc and restart Vim. Careful, this is really verbose, try to tweak that number down.