How to change the size and shape of a CollisionShape (3D) in runtime? - godot

I'm trying to make my game more dynamic by making attack hitboxes scaleable. However when adding a new shape to the current CollisionShape it shows the correct radius when printing but the radius ingame is not corresponding to the new value.
The code I currently use is this:
var shape =
$Spatial/CollisionShape.shape = shape
When running this I tried to print the current CollisionShape.shape.radius and it showed the new number however ingame the collisionshape is still the old shape and nothing changed (both visually with the debug option on and when testing the collision size)
So my question is: how do I change the shape or size of the shape in runtime.
Things I've already tried:
$Spatial/CollisionShape.shape.radius = new_radius
$Spatial/CollisionShape.shape.height = new_height
This gave the same result unfortunately. I've also tried to make the shape null before putting the new shape in the CollisionShape. This changed nothing aswell.
Am I missing something?

It looks like it's not possible to update a collisioon shape; you have to create a new one. I solved it like this, where I have a CSGBox which owns a StaticBody which owns a CollisionShape, and I want to make the static body's collision shape match the CSGBox:
var box : BoxShape =
box.extents.x = self.width/2
box.extents.y = self.height/2
box.extents.z = self.depth/2
$StaticBody/CollisionShape.shape = box
(This script is attached to the CSGBox).


Revit API changes wall parameters: from metadata it showed the correct result, not reflected in UI however

Using revit-python-wrapper to create Wall then adjust the Wall height and Wall offset to the ground.
Here is the code
from rpw import db
from rpw import DB
start_point = XYZ(0, 0, 0)
end_point = XYZ(45, 0, 0)
# Wrapper Line
line =, end_point)
levels = db.Collector(of_class='Level')
level_0 = levels.get_first()
wall = DB.Wall.Create(doc, line.unwrap(), level_0.Id, False)
w = db.Wall(wall)
w.parameters['Unconnected Height'].value = 2675
w.parameters['Base Offset'].value = 45
Wall created successfully in the empty Revit project.
Using snoop revit DB, only one wall is found. The ID is : 318835
Checked the parameters belonging to this Wall - 318835. The parameter 'Unconnected Height' has correct double value: 2675.0 and the parameter "Base Offset" has correct double value: 45.0.
So far, everthing is perfect and per my expectation.
But, from the UI interface, the only Wall created is shown in wrong position. In 3D view, it's above the Level 1 which height is 4000.
And from the proporty tab of the selected Wall, the two parameters are also in the wrong values.
'Unconnected Height' has correct double value: 815340.0 and the parameter "Base Offset" has correct double value: 13716.0.
When I digged into deeper, I found actually the value I changed is shown in AsDouble. However, the value I changed in the UI is shown AsValueString. Both of them are pointing to the same property. However they are different, my understanding they should be the same value but in different data format.
Am I wrong?
I figured it out now.
Internally, Revit use feet rather than mm.
So, make sure convert the mm to feet then pass it to value.
w.parameters['Unconnected Height'].value = mm_to_feet(2675)
w.parameters['Base Offset'].value = mm_to_feet(45)

Why isn't my path2d position updating?

I created a new path2d following the instructions in the my first game article:
I wanted to move the "box" on screen so that I could see how the mobs spawn in, but when I ran the scene, it stayed off screen.
I created a new path2d, centered this one in the middle of the screen, and it works like I wanted it to, but now I moving this one in the editor doesn't update the position in game.
What's going on?
func _on_mobtimer_timeout():
$mobtimer.wait_time = 0.1 + randf() / 2
var mob = Mob.instance()
var direction = $mobspawn/moblocation.rotation + PI/2
mob.position = $mobspawn/moblocation.position
direction += rand_range(-PI/8, PI/8)
mob.rotation = direction
mob.set_linear_velocity(Vector2(rand_range(200, 200 + score * 30), 0).rotated(direction))
A Node2D's position property is relative to it's parent's position. The code from the Dodge The Creeps tutorial assumes that MobPath is located at 0, 0 and fails when that assumption is false.
In your case you are taking a MobSpawnLocation's position relative to MobPath and then setting it as the new Mob's global position.
Luckily Node2D's have another property that we can use in these circumstances global_position. It can be used like this:
mob.position = $mobspawn/moblocation.global_position
This isn't a full solution, but I found a weird workaround. Instead of changing the position in the editor, if you use the nodes on the orange box (at the intersection of orange and blue), you can kind of alternate to move the box around.

Flash CC Canvas and GSAP: How to set registration point of movieclip on stage

How would I go about changing the registration point of a movieclip labeled "tablet" placed on the stage (root) dynamically?
For example: I have the following:
var tablet = this.tablet; //movieclip labeled "tablet" on stage
function resetTablet(){
tablet.regX = tablet.width/2; //move registration point to center
tablet.regY = tablet.height/2;
However when I call it using GSAP:
var tl = new TimelineLite();, 1, {alpha:1, onComplete:resetTablet})
.to(tablet, 3, {alpha:0, scaleX:1.5, scaleY:1.5})
the registration point is still set to the upper left corner rather than the center.
What am I doing wrong here? Thanks!
Registration points affect change both the transformation point, but also the position. If you set a displayobject that is 100x100 pixels to regX=50;regY=50, then it will draw from that point, moving the content 50px to the top and left. If you make that change you should also translate the clip to x=50;y=50.
An issue with you example is that there is no width or height on EaselJS content (explained here). You can get the bounds of anything generated by Flash CC using the nominalBounds property, which Flash exports as a property on every object. If you have multiple frames, you can turn on "multi-frame bounds" in the publish settings, and a frameBounds property is added to the objects as well.
Note that nominalBounds and frameBounds are not used by the getBounds method.
Here is how you might be able to approach it.
var bounds = tablet.nominalBounds;
tablet.regX = bounds.width/2;
tablet.regY = bounds.height/2;
// Optional if your actual registration point was [0,0] before:
tablet.x += tablet.regX;
tablet.y += tablet.regX;
Hope that helps.

Snap SVG translate element that has rotation

I am trying to move (translate) an object that has been rotated, when I move (translate) the rotated object it loses it's rotation and does move correctly. If the use the same code on an object that is not rotated then the move correctly. What I am doing wrong here?
Here is a fiddle
This code loses the rotation.
var part ="#part_2");
var t = new Snap.Matrix();
I'm not sure what order you want the transforms to apply. If you want the squares to move such that down is applied after transforming i.e. down for the rotated matrix is at an angle you'd do this...
var t = part.transform().localMatrix;
t.translate(0, 18);
If, however you want down to always be down then you'd do something like this...
var t = new Snap.Matrix();
t.translate(0, 18);
The trick is to get the existing matrix for the shape and append/prepend the transform you want to it.

Any way to get a HaxeFlixel group to clear out?

There is a too long, didn't read version down below.
So I've been making a little game in which the player has to click on a grid of bricks that matches the color of the needed brick in the upper right hand corner of the screen. After they click on the needed color, the bricks explode and the bricks of the same color next to them explode as well creating combos. That leaves holes in the grid so I have to somehow reset the grid itself without resetting the gamestate itself. I've got something working right now which is this:
private function ResetNow():Void
if (Restter == 1) Restter = 0;
//if this block is up here, same results
wantedBrik._changeColor = FlxMath.rand(0, 2);
bricks.autoReviveMembers = true;
Restter = 0;
//Removes stray detectors so the neverending combo bug won't occur
for (stray in dets.members) stray.kill();
if (Restter == 0)
wantedBrik._changeColor = FlxMath.rand(0, 2);
bricks.autoReviveMembers = true;
wantedBricks.autoReviveMembers = true;
for (zgem in bricks.members) zgem.EQUITYCHECK = FlxMath.rand(0, 2);
Restter = 1;
So, again, I have a grid of blocks set up at create, that is group bricks. And I have a sprite in the upper right corner which is wantedBrik. What happens during gameplay, is the player clicks on the bricks that matches the wanted bricks to clear them out of the grid. When there are no more wantedBricks(a group), it is supposed to reset the grid, and change the color of the wantedBrik. I also have it somewhere else in the code that if a member of the big grid's EQUITYCHECK(basic object hacked in value) is equal to the wantedBrik, add it to the wantedBricks(which, is why I'm checking for no more of them). So, what happens?
Well, if the color of the wantedBrik doesn't change, everything's fine and resets like normal. the wantedBricks group acurately counts the bricks that actually match the wantedBrik's color. And when it does change, for some reason, gameplay is normal. BUT, wantedBricks not only thinks that the old color is still needed, but it also thinks the new color is still needed too. So when the player clicks the new needed color bricks, they do explode, but because wantedBrik thinks the old color is still wanted, it doesn't hit null and the grid won't reset.
What can I do to make sure that wantedBricks behaves correctly after a color change?
TL;DR version: I need to get a Haxe array to forget or lose old numbers. How can I do this?
The "Pirate Pig" sample may be useful to you. Since it is a puzzle game, there may be some similar problems that were solved there. You can find it using openfl create or nme create depending on which you are currently using.
You can create a simple array like this:
var myArray = [];
You can also type arrays, like this:
var numbers = new Array<Float>();
Then you can use push(), concat() and other array methods.
