Snap SVG translate element that has rotation - svg

I am trying to move (translate) an object that has been rotated, when I move (translate) the rotated object it loses it's rotation and does move correctly. If the use the same code on an object that is not rotated then the move correctly. What I am doing wrong here?
Here is a fiddle
This code loses the rotation.
var part ="#part_2");
var t = new Snap.Matrix();

I'm not sure what order you want the transforms to apply. If you want the squares to move such that down is applied after transforming i.e. down for the rotated matrix is at an angle you'd do this...
var t = part.transform().localMatrix;
t.translate(0, 18);
If, however you want down to always be down then you'd do something like this...
var t = new Snap.Matrix();
t.translate(0, 18);
The trick is to get the existing matrix for the shape and append/prepend the transform you want to it.


How to change the size and shape of a CollisionShape (3D) in runtime?

I'm trying to make my game more dynamic by making attack hitboxes scaleable. However when adding a new shape to the current CollisionShape it shows the correct radius when printing but the radius ingame is not corresponding to the new value.
The code I currently use is this:
var shape =
$Spatial/CollisionShape.shape = shape
When running this I tried to print the current CollisionShape.shape.radius and it showed the new number however ingame the collisionshape is still the old shape and nothing changed (both visually with the debug option on and when testing the collision size)
So my question is: how do I change the shape or size of the shape in runtime.
Things I've already tried:
$Spatial/CollisionShape.shape.radius = new_radius
$Spatial/CollisionShape.shape.height = new_height
This gave the same result unfortunately. I've also tried to make the shape null before putting the new shape in the CollisionShape. This changed nothing aswell.
Am I missing something?
It looks like it's not possible to update a collisioon shape; you have to create a new one. I solved it like this, where I have a CSGBox which owns a StaticBody which owns a CollisionShape, and I want to make the static body's collision shape match the CSGBox:
var box : BoxShape =
box.extents.x = self.width/2
box.extents.y = self.height/2
box.extents.z = self.depth/2
$StaticBody/CollisionShape.shape = box
(This script is attached to the CSGBox).

Set the rotation of an object at its axis three js

I try to set the rotation of an object at it's own axis using:
object.rotateOnAxis(new THREE.Vector3(1,0,0) , Math.PI)
in the render function, but the object is rotating in every rendering. Is there a way to set the rotation at it's own axis like when using:
object.rotation.x = Math.PI
to set the rotation at the world axis?
Just remove the following code from the render method.
object.rotateOnAxis(new THREE.Vector3(1,0,0) , Math.PI)
You could put it to the declaration of object. Surely, you could also set the rotation there (in render) but that would reduce the performance needlessly.
Simply put it outside the render function.
EDIT: You can simply use
object.rotation.x += rotationSpeed;
in the render method to let it rotate.
If the rotation must take place at the render function that means that the model is changing rotation at every render. Simply find the rotation difference and apply it to the model using the code mentioned:
object.rotateOnAxis(new THREE.Vector3(1,0,0) , Math.PI);
Store the old rotation and the new rotation at variables and apply the difference:
var old_rotation = value1;
var new_rotation = value2;
var Drotation = value1-value2;
if the difference is negative or positive it shows the direction of the rotation so just apply:
object.rotateOnAxis(new THREE.Vector3(1,0,0) , Drotation);
The simplest way i found is:
this rotates the object around its axes :D

d3.js geo - rendering svg path

I'd like to create choropleth map of Czech Republic. Inspired by this article, I have created this
var width = 960;
var height = 500;
var svg ="body").append("svg").attr("width", width).attr("height", height);
var offset = [width / 2, height / 2];
var projection = d3.geo.mercator().scale(6000).center([15.474, 49.822]).translate(offset);
var path = d3.geo.path().projection(projection);
queue().defer(d3.json, "").await(ready);
function ready(error, reg) {
var group = svg.selectAll("g").data(reg.features).enter().append("g");
group.append("path").attr("d", path).attr("fill", "none").attr("stroke", "#222");
When I tried to fill svg path with some color, I ended on this
group.append("path").attr("d", path).attr("fill", "red").attr("stroke", "#222");
There are odd values in path d attribute.
My GeoJSON data must be somehow faulty but I can't figure what is wrong.
Everything looks right here:
Your geoJSON is corrupted and as a result your polygons are being drawn as the interiors of an infinitely bounded polygon. That's why when you attempt to give a fill to the path, it goes beyond the extent of the screen but still displays the border just fine. I tried to reverse the winding order of your coordinates array, and that seemed to fix all of them except for "Brno-venkov", which might be the source of your problems (especially given its administrative shape).
I'd suggest going back to where you created the original GeoJSON and try to re-export it with simplification. If you want to reverse the coordinates on your GeoJSON to correct the winding order, that's pretty simple:
geodata = d3.selectAll("path").data();
for (x in geodata) {geodata[x].geometry.coordinates[0] = geodata[x].geometry.coordinates[0].reverse()}
But this won't fix the problem polygon, nor will not reversing its coordinates.
In case you are familiar with svg manipulation you can try geojson2svg. This allows you manipulate svg in standard way but you have to code a little more. In case your application requires d3 for many other purpose then d3 is best solution.
I've got exactly the same problem with Mapzen's .geojson files.
.reverse()-ing isn't good enough, if you can't make sure all your data has the same winding order.
I solved it with this one:
You'll need to have npm & require available
Install it, and save it to your project
npm i -g geojson-rewind
Import it, to make it useable
var rewind = require('geojson-rewind');
Use it on the data, in this case:
req = rewind(req);
Tip: If you are working with static data, you can do this only once on the console, and you're good to go.

How to right/end align text along an textPath inside an arc using d3.js?

Here's the fiddle:
var text = g.append("text")
.style("text-anchor","left") // using "end", the entire text disappears
.text("some text");
I've tried a number of different things to no avail. The left align is the easy part. If you did a middle, though, you see only "text" instead of "some text", implying that "some" is just hidden because it went "out of span" for the given arc.
If, however, I added:
(as in here:
It would look right aligned, but outside of programmatically trying to get the width/height of the text element and look for sharp changes in width/height (which seems wrong and likely error-prone), I can't seem to find a way to right align the text.
I've also tried using an SVG path (essentially a curved arc line) and the same disappearing act happens with the text when "text-anchor" is set to "left".
Thanks ahead for your time!
The question is somewhat confusing matters. The issue isn't aligning text at the end of the path -- that's easy to do with "text-anchor"="end" and "startOffset"="100%".
However, using those settings with the path created by the d3 arc function, you end up with the text cornering around the end of the inside curve and the left straight edge, to the end of the path as defined by the arc function:
The real issue is that the path that you want the text to be aligned along (the outside arc of the shape) is only one segment of the path that defines the shape.
(By the way, "left" and "right" are not valid values for the "text-anchor" property, and will just be ignored).
The answer by #defghi1977 gives one way to approach the problem, by figuring out the length of the path segment that you do want to use and adjusting the start offset accordingly.
Another way to approach the problem is to create a separate path (not drawn on screen) that represents only the part of the path that you want to be used for positioning text.
There are a number of possible ways to create a path that only represents the outside arc (some example code here). #defghi1977's approach of grabbing it from the existing path with regular expressions is probably the most efficent for your situation. But instead of just creating a temporary element to calculate a length, I actually have to add the new path to the DOM so it can be used as the reference path for the <textPath> element. (Which I suppose is the downside to this approach -- twice as many DOM elements!)
var path = g.append("svg:path")
.attr("d", arct)
.attr("transform", "translate("+cfg.w/2+","+cfg.h/2+")")
.each(function(d,i) {
var justArc = /(^.+?)L/;
//grab everything up to the first Line statement
var thisSelected =;
var arcD = justArc.exec( thisSelected.attr("d") )[1];
.attr("id", "yyy") //normally the id would be based on the data or index
.attr("d", arcD)
.attr("transform", thisSelected.attr("transform") );
//if you can avoid using transforms directly on the path element,
//you'll save yourself having to repeat them for the text paths...
var text = g.append("text")
.text("some text");
Again, factoring in the extra DOM load #defghi1977's method is probably slightly preferrable, although this version has the benefit of not being dependent on browser support for getTotalLength. But as far as I know that method is fairly well implemented.
So just consider this an alternate approach for completeness' sake.
This path is constructed by 4(or 5) path segments.
So, this probrem will be solved to get first arc path length.
But I don't know how to get sub path length by using d3.js, thus I use svgdom directly.
I tried to fix your code. If this code is not what you hope, I'm sorry.
path-anchor attribute to end.
define function to get startOffset value.
var path = g.append("svg:path")
.attr("d", arct)
.attr("transform", "translate("+cfg.w/2+","+cfg.h/2+")");
var text = g.append("text")
//.style("text-anchor","left") // using "end", the entire text disappears
.attr("text-anchor", "end")
.text("some text")
var d = document.getElementById("yyy").getAttribute("d");
var tmp = document.createElementNS("" ,"path");
//get the arc segment of path
var arc = d.match(/(^.+?)L/)[1];
tmp.setAttribute("d", arc);
//return offset position
return tmp.getTotalLength();
I think the confusion comes from the meaning of text-anchor - it's not "relative to where on the parent will I justify" but rather "what part of me should I align to the start".
You're right to try to use startOffset to move the origin. Since the outer radius of your path is longer than the inner radius, the correct start offset is a little more than half of the path (around 53%).
Just a little more twiddling with your settings and you should have it. Here's a fiddle with my interpretation of what you're looking for.

Converting SVG paths with holes to extruded shapes in three.js

I have a shape that consists of 4 polygons: 2 non-holes and 2 holes. This is only an example. In reality there can be a shape that consists of 50 polygons, of which 20 are non-holes and 30 are holes. In SVG path this like polygon can be represented easily by combining moveto:s and lineto:s. Every sub-polygon (hole or non-hole) in path string starts with moveto-command and ends with z (end) command and non-holes have winding order CW and holes CCW. Very easy and intuitive.
The shape in SVG is represented this way (
<path d="M305.08,241.97 L306,251.51 L308.18,256.39 L311.72,259.09 L317.31,260.01 L324.71,259.01 L332.45,255.86 L335.57,257.53 L337.6,260.44 L336.94,262.33 L328.27,268.74 L317.89,273.41 L307.94,275.49 L296.26,275.23 L286.64,272.99 L279.78,269.31 L274.14,263.55 L271.65,260.21 L269.2,261.06 L254.83,268.51 L242.11,272.97 L227.59,275.23 L209.91,275.48 L197.47,273.63 L187.91,270.13 L180.48,265.09 L175.32,258.88 L172.2,251.44 L171.1,242.23 L172.24,233.63 L175.49,226.24 L181,219.54 L189.42,213.3 L201.36,207.73 L217.23,203.25 L238.28,200.1 L265.24,198.78 L269.37,198.47 L269.98,182.93 L268.74,171.32 L266.05,163.7 L261.58,157.72 L255.24,153.24 L247.06,150.32 L235.44,149.13 L224.71,150.05 L215.91,153 L210.23,156.86 L207.64,160.85 L207.19,165.28 L209.34,169.86 L212.01,174.15 L212.14,177.99 L209.8,181.78 L204.22,185.79 L197.62,187.68 L188.65,187.43 L182.41,185.39 L178.45,181.77 L176.2,176.9 L176.03,170.64 L178.2,164.13 L183.09,157.69 L191.04,151.36 L202.01,145.82 L216.09,141.57 L232.08,139.24 L250.07,139.18 L266.13,141.23 L279.05,145.06 L289.15,150.3 L295.91,156.19 L300.73,163.41 L303.85,172.47 L305.07,183.78 L305.07,241.97 L305.08,241.97Z
M243.99,64.95 L255.92,66.06 L266.21,69.28 L274.98,74.44 L280.64,80.19 L284.02,86.85 L285.26,94.52 L284.27,102.84 L281.24,109.66 L276.03,115.43 L267.89,120.46 L257.68,123.93 L245.79,125.33 L232.93,124.53 L222.21,121.74 L213.14,117.11 L207.36,111.92 L203.7,105.75 L201.94,98.18 L202.34,90.12 L204.86,83.4 L210.01,76.81 L217.49,71.33 L227.17,67.31 L238.35,65.2 L243.75,64.95 L243.99,64.95Z
M269.99,212.88 L269.48,208.76 L266.59,208.36 L245.76,210.86 L230.95,214.67 L220.9,219.34 L213.82,224.85 L209.69,230.71 L207.92,237.03 L208.4,244.49 L210.86,250.57 L215.2,255.08 L221.69,258.13 L230.57,259.43 L242.52,258.58 L255.27,255.23 L266.07,250.04 L269.34,247.02 L269.99,244.81 L269.99,212.88 L269.99,212.88Z
M243.63,73.34 L235.93,74.4 L230.07,77.36 L225.65,82.21 L223.05,88.57 L222.41,96.92 L223.94,104.53 L227.23,110.22 L231.99,114.29 L238.44,116.65 L246.81,116.94 L253.73,115.1 L258.87,111.5 L262.63,106.12 L264.64,98.93 L264.59,90.25 L262.47,83.41 L258.65,78.43 L253.37,75.08 L246.08,73.43 L243.68,73.34 L243.63,73.34Z"/>
When I try to follow the same logic in three.js, I run into problems. Below is an image of this:
The three.js doesn't seem to understand what moveto means. It should make "pen up" and draw nothing between previous point and point of moveto command. But the "pen doesnt go up" and the shape breaks.
The code portion is this (don't confuse of variable names, they are from other example):
// Create glyph shape (sorry the confusing name):
var starPoints2 = new THREE.Shape();
// Add first polygon
// .....
// Add second polygon
// .....
// Create path for holes
var smileyEye1Path = new THREE.Path();
// First hole
// .....
// Second hole
// .....
// Add holes to shape
var starShape = starPoints2;
starShape.holes.push( smileyEye1Path );
// Extrude after that. See the full code here:
What I'm doing wrong in my code or is there bug in three.js?
You can't have a moveTo in the middle of a shape definition. You have to have two separate shapes. You can do something like this:
var object = new THREE.Object3D();
var shape1 = new THREE.Shape();
var shape2 = new THREE.Shape();
var hole1 = new THREE.Path();
var hole2 = new THREE.Path();
shape1.holes.push( hole1 );
shape2.holes.push( hole2 );
. . .
object.add( mesh1 );
object.add( mesh2 );
scene.add( object );
three.js r.58
P.S. Friendly tip: In the future, it would be a good idea to make it easy for people to help you -- edit your variable names and remove unrelated code from your example.
