Gmail to Google Spread Sheet (only date, email and subject) - gmail

The code I have cobbled together does work, but it imports the wrong things from my email. I only want the date sent, the sender email address and the subject to import into the google sheet.
Can anyone help?
function onOpen() {
const spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
let menuItems = [
{name: 'Gather emails', functionName: 'gather'},
spreadsheet.addMenu('SP LEGALS', menuItems);
function gather() {
let messages = getGmail();
let curSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
messages.forEach(message => {curSheet.appendRow(parseEmail(message))});
function getGmail() {
const query = "";
let threads =,0,10);
let messages = [];
threads.forEach(thread => {
return messages;
function parseEmail(message){
let parsed = message.replace(/,/g,'')
let result = [0,1,2,3,4,6].map(index => parsed[index]);
return result;

I believe your goal as follows.
You want to retrieve "the date, sender and subject" from the 1st message in the searched threads to the active sheet of Google Spreadsheet.
For this, how about this answer?
Modification points:
In this case, you can retrieve "the date, sender and subject" using the built-in methods for GmailApp.
When the values are put to the Spreadsheet, when appendRow is used in the loop, the process cost will become high.
It seems that label is not declared in your script.
When above points are reflected to your script, it becomes as follows.
Modified script:
In this modification, I modified gather() and getGmail() for achieving your goal.
function gather() {
let messages = getGmail();
if (messages.length > 0) {
let curSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
curSheet.getRange(curSheet.getLastRow() + 1, 1, messages.length, messages[0].length).setValues(messages);
function getGmail() {
const query = "";
let threads =,0,10);
let messages = [];
threads.forEach(thread => {
const m = thread.getMessages()[0];
messages.push([m.getDate(), m.getFrom(), m.getSubject()]);
// label.addToThread(thread);
return messages;
When no threads are retrieved with "", the values are not put to the Spreadsheet. Please be careful this.


How can I send image attachment to email

As I have created list of qr codes to scan and then I want to send this images to email by using Google app script.
current result
image is not sent to gmail.
function sendEmail(sheetName = "emails") {
var spreedsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
var lastRow = spreedsheet.getLastRow();
//var ssa = SpreadSheetApp().getSheetByName(sheetName); // spread sheet object
const messageBody = "Dear receiver, We would like to invite you on upcoming seminar please use this link {actual link} and show receiptionis this bar code {actual code}"
const subjectText = "Seminar invitation"
// loop rows or spread sheet
for (var i=2; i<= lastRow; i++) {
var receiverName = spreedsheet.getRange(i, 1).getValue();
var receiverEmail = spreedsheet.getRange(i, 2).getValue();
var seminarLink = spreedsheet.getRange(i, 3).getValue();
var barcode = spreedsheet.getRange(i, 4).getBlob();
var msgBdy = messageBody.replace("receiver",receiverName).replace("{actual link}", seminarLink);
var photoBlob = barcode
to: receiverEmail,
subject: subjectText,
htmlBody: messageBody + "<br /><img src='cid:qrCode'>",
inlineImages: { qrCode: photoBlob }
From your following reply,
images are created from =IMAGE("…) with that google sheet excel
In this case, I thought that your goal can be achieved using Google Apps Script.
When I saw your script, getValue() is used in a loop. In this case, the process cost will become high. In this modification, this issue is also modified.
Modified script:
function sendEmail(sheetName = "emails") {
var spreedsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName(sheetName);
var lastRow = spreedsheet.getLastRow();
const messageBody = "Dear receiver, We would like to invite you on upcoming seminar please use this link {actual link} and show receiptionis this bar code {actual code}";
const subjectText = "Seminar invitation";
const range = spreedsheet.getRange("A2:D" + lastRow);
const values = range.getValues();
const formulas = range.getFormulas();
values.forEach(([receiverName, receiverEmail, seminarLink], i) => {
const url = formulas[i][3].split('"')[1];
const photoBlob = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url).getBlob();
var msgBdy = messageBody.replace("receiver", receiverName).replace("{actual link}", seminarLink);
to: receiverEmail,
subject: subjectText,
htmlBody: messageBody + "<br /><img src='cid:qrCode'>",
inlineImages: { qrCode: photoBlob }
When this script is run, the values are retrieved from "A2:D" of the sheet. And, each value is retrieved from each row. In the case of the column "D", the URL is retrieved from the formula, and the image blob is retrieved using UrlFetchApp. And, those values are put as the email.
fetch(url, params)
Update 2
As said in the comments, replace this line:
var barcode = spreedsheet.getRange(i, 4).getBlob();
var barcode = UrlFetchApp.fetch(spreedsheet.getRange(i, 4).getFormula().match(/\"(.*?)\"/)[1]).getAs('image/png')
As you are inserting the image via a IMAGE Formula, you can easily parse the value, obtain the URL and get the Blob via UrlFetchApp
const sS = SpreadsheetApp.getActive()
function testSendImage() {
const img = sS.getRange('A1').getFormula()
const urlImg = img.match(/\"(.*?)\"/)[1]
const fetchImage = UrlFetchApp.fetch(urlImg).getAs('image/png')
to: "",
subject: "QR",
htmlBody: 'Check this QR <img src="cid:fetchImage" />',
inlineImages: { fetchImage: fetchImage } })
In the current state, there is no method for extrancting the image from a cell, however there is a Feature Request on Google's Issue Tracker, you can click here to review it.
Remember to click in the top right if you want this feature to be implemented.
In any case, you review this StackOverflow question for workarounds or alternative methods.

discord.js v13 What code would I use to collect the first attachment (image or video) from a MessageCollector?

I've looked everywhere and tried all I could think of but found nothing, everything seemed to fail.
One bit of code I've used before that failed:{ embeds: [AttachmentEmbed] }).then(Msg => {
var Collector ={ MessageFilter, max: 1, time: 300000 });
Collector.on(`collect`, Collected => {
if (Collected.content.toLowerCase() !== `cancel`) {
if ([Collected.attachments.values()].length > 0) {
var Attachment = [Collected.attachments.values()];
var AttachmentType = `Image`;
PostApproval(false, Mode, Title, Description, Pricing, Contact, Attachment[0], AttachmentType);
} else if (Collected.content.startsWith(`https://` || `http://`) && !Collected.content.startsWith(``)) {
var Attachment = Collected.content.split(/[ ]+/)[0];
var AttachmentType = `Link`;
PostApproval(false, Mode, Title, Description, Pricing, Contact, Attachment, AttachmentType);
} else if (Collected.content.startsWith(``)) {
var Attachment = Collected.content.split(/[ ]+/)[0];
var AttachmentType = `ImageLink`;
PostApproval(false, Mode, Title, Description, Pricing, Contact, Attachment, AttachmentType);
[Collected.attachments.values()].length will always be 1. Why? Well you have these 2 possibilities:
[ [] ] //length 1
[ [someMessageAttachment] ] //length 1
The proper way to check is using the spread operator (...)
[...(Collected.attachments.values())].length //returns amount of attachments in the message

office.js code after context.sync not running

I'm having trouble to extract values from an excel file with the office.js add in I'm writing.
The add in shall help my colleagues to prepare report sheets for each teacher.
It is supposed to filter the corresponding courses from the master table and send the data to the next processing step (create word files for each teacher).
I've tried filtering ranges with autofilter and creating a table with the data, but it seems that no code is executed after return context.sync()
I've read the official tutorial and some of the code on but my function never executes the code after "return context.sync()"
function mselectTeacher(teachers) { (context) {
var sheet = context.workbook.worksheets.getActiveWorksheet();
var lfv = sheet.tables.add("A1:M211", true);
var wsy = lfv.columns.getItem("WS/SS");
var studium = lfv.columns.getItem("Studium");
// some more colums
return context.sync()
.then(function () {
//I actually want to filter the rows by teacher,
//this is only for testing
for (var i = 1; i < 20; i++) {
console.log(wsy[i] + "," + studium[i]);
Is the problem, that I'm calling from within another function?
Could you try this?
function mselectTeacher(teachers) { (context) {
var sheet = context.workbook.worksheets.getActiveWorksheet();
var lfv = sheet.tables.add("A1:M211", true);
var wsy = lfv.columns.getItem("WS/SS");
var studium = lfv.columns.getItem("Studium");
// some more colums
//I actually want to filter the rows by teacher,
//this is only for testing
for (var i = 1; i < 20; i++) {
console.log(wsy[i] + "," + studium[i]);
I tried your code in ScriptLab on excel web and saw "The requested resource doesn't exist"error in F12
I think it's due to no columns named "WS/SS" "Studium" in your new added table. It works after i changed the columns name with "WS/SS" "Studium"

Delete filled in details after restart

I'm trying to let a person fill in some details and return an overview of the details. There is an option to restart the conversation (look at code) but when the conversation is restarted and the person fill in some new details, it will show the old details of the first filled in details.
How can i fix this problem ?
bot.dialog('overview', function (session, options) {
if (session.message && session.message.value) {
if(session.message.value.actions == "Accept"){
var overview_msg = require('./cards/overview.json');
var date = new Date();
overview_msg.attachments[0].content.body[0].items[1].columns[1].items[0].text = overview_msg.attachments[0].content.body[0].items[1].columns[1].items[0].text.replace(/{{name}}/,nameGuest)
overview_msg.attachments[0].content.body[0].items[1].columns[1].items[1].text = overview_msg.attachments[0].content.body[0].items[1].columns[1].items[1].text.replace(/{{date}}/,date.toDateString() +' ' + date.toLocaleTimeString());
overview_msg.attachments[0].content.body[1].items[1].facts[0].value = overview_msg.attachments[0].content.body[1].items[1].facts[0].value.replace(/{{email}}/, mailGuest);
overview_msg.attachments[0].content.body[1].items[1].facts[1].value = overview_msg.attachments[0].content.body[1].items[1].facts[1].value.replace(/{{phone}}/, phoneGuest);
overview_msg.attachments[0].content.body[1].items[1].facts[2].value = overview_msg.attachments[0].content.body[1].items[1].facts[2].value.replace(/{{extra}}/, numberPeople);
overview_msg.attachments[0].content.body[1].items[1].facts[3].value = overview_msg.attachments[0].content.body[1].items[1].facts[3].value.replace(/{{lunch}}/, lunchGuest);
overview_msg.attachments[0].content.body[1].items[1].facts[3].value = overview_msg.attachments[0].content.body[1].items[1].facts[3].value.replace(/{{allergy}}/, lunchAllergyGuest);
overview_msg.attachments[0].content.body[1].items[1].facts[3].value = overview_msg.attachments[0].content.body[1].items[1].facts[3].value.replace(/{{vegan}}/, lunchVegan);
bot.dialog('restart', function (session) {
}).triggerAction({matches: /restart|quit/i});
I think it may relate to how you define variables nameGuest, mailGuest, phoneGuest, etc which are not shown in your code snippet.
For getting values from Input.Text of adaptive-card, you can try the following code snippet:
bot.dialog('form', [
(session, args, next) => {
let card = require('./card.json');
if (session.message && session.message.value) {
} else {
var msg = new builder.Message(session)
(session, results) => {
// Get the User input data here
matches: ['form', 'Action.Submit']
Yes i managed to get it done.
Instead of replacing the value in the json i referred to the variable.
overview_msg.attachments[0].content.body[1].items[1].facts[0‌​].value = VARIABLE

Creating spam filter for Gmail

I am so sick of getting unwanted mails in my gmail inbox that I am now willing to create a white-list kind of extension which filters all mails coming from people who are not in my contacts list. I searched for this many hours but could not find anything hence thinking of doing this exercise (if it exists, please share the link). I have created 100's of filters but definitely spammers outpace me everytime.
Can someone tell me whether this is possible in first place? I have seen extensions which add functionality in gmail but I don't know how to block an email through an extension. Plz help.
You can setup a whitelist in Gmail but it is unlikely to work for such a large list of addresses. What you can do is create a Google sheet with a list of valid addresses and a Google Script that will scan your inbox against these addresses.
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getSheets()[0];
var range = sheet.getDataRange();
var values = range.getValues();
var emails = [];
for (var i in values) {
var threads ="in:inbox is:unread");
for (var i=0; i<threads.length; i++) {
var from = threads[i].getMessages()[0].getFrom();
if ( !emails.indexOf(from) ) {
You need to setup a trigger that runs this script every 5 minutes or so.
Thanks a lot Amit for sharing this snippet. With the help of this, I was able to come up with a working solution (ver1.0) and sharing below for others:
function createTriggers() {
SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().toast("The program will check for spam email every 10 minutes and"
+ " send them to Spam Folder after applying label MySpam. You may please close this window.", "Initialized");
function removeTriggers(show) {
var triggers = ScriptApp.getScriptTriggers();
for (i=0; i<triggers.length; i++) {
if (show) {
SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().toast("The program has stopped.", "Uninstalled");
function runSpamFilter() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getSheets()[0];
var range = sheet.getDataRange();
var values = range.getValues();
var emails = [];
var regex = /([a-zA-Z0-9+._-]+#[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+)/gi;
var my_label = GmailApp.getUserLabelByName("MySpam");
var spamCount = 0;
for (var i in values) {
var threads ="in:inbox is:unread");
for (var i=0; i<threads.length; i++) {
var from = threads[i].getMessages()[0].getFrom();
var from_email = from.match(regex);
if ( emails.indexOf(from_email[0]) == -1 ) {
Logger.log("Spams found = %s", spamCount);
function startProgram() {
function onOpen() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var menu = [
{name: "Step 1: Initialize", functionName: "startProgram"},
{name: "Step 2: Start ", functionName: "runSpamFilter"},
{name: "Uninstall (Stop)", functionName: "removeTriggers"}
sheet.addMenu("Gmail Spam Filter v1.0", menu);
I may also come up with ver2.0 which removes the current limitation of this script. As of now, you have to make a spreadsheet having all your contacts email addresses. But once you add a new contact, this spreadsheet needs to be updated manually. Hence this script needs an additional trigger which would update the spreadsheet once in say 15 days with the recently added contacts/email addresses. I will share that too later or may be someone can pick from here and come up with ver2.0.
Thanks again.
