Groovy iterate over Map of maps - groovy

I have a groovy map which looks like below.
image_map = [:]
image_map = [obj_1: ['1','2'], obj_2: ['3','4']]
I want to iterate through all the values(for obj_1, iterate throuth the list values['1','2']) for each object and run a method from the object.

Depends why you want to do it, but you could grab the values and flatten them:
image_map.values().flatten().each {
println it
So with the added requirement in the comment, you could do:
image_map.collectMany { k, v -> v.collect { "${k}.method($it)" } }
.each { println it }
To print
Edit 2 with another requirement... Assuming the keys ARE the objects (and not strings):
def obj_1 = [method: { it -> "I am obj1 $it" }]
def obj_2 = [method: { it -> "I am obj2 $it" }]
image_map = [(obj_1): ['1','2'], (obj_2): ['3','4']]
image_map.collectMany { k, v -> v.collect { [object: k, param: it] } }
.each { println it.object.method(it.param) }
I am obj1 1
I am obj1 2
I am obj2 3
I am obj2 4


How can I create a map from object properties?

I get an object via some 3rd party api. I use a wrapper function to get it and then return a map from its properties:
wrapperFunc() {
def myObj = someapi.getblah().getSomeObect()
return [
bbb: myObj.bbb,
ccc: myObj.ccc
Now I could manually go through EVERY property in the object like this, but is there an elegant groovy feature to dynamically build a map from the object's properties?
You could do something like this:
class Widget {
int width
int height
static void main(args) {
def obj = new Widget(width: 7, height: 9)
List<MetaProperty> metaProperties =
def props = [:]
for(MetaProperty mp : metaProperties) {
props[] = mp.getProperty(obj)
// props will look like [width:7, class:class demo.Widget, height:9]
This is basically a variant of #jeff-scott-brown's answer.
First, create a class that contains the Object-to-Map logic that uses the Groovy MetaClass to access a type's properties. findAll filters out the "class" property, which I assume you don't care about. The collectEntries line transforms each MetaProperty object into a Map entry.
class ElegantGroovyFeature {
static Map asType(Object o, Class m) {
if (m == Map) {
.findAll { it.getSetter() != null }
.collectEntries { prop -> [, prop.getProperty(o)] }
} else {
The extension class overrides the asType method, which corresponds to the as operator, enabling you to convert arbitrary objects to Maps using obj as Map expressions:
def obj = someapi.getBlah().getSomeObject()
use (ElegantGroovyFeature) {
def mapOfProperties = obj as Map
const obj = { foo: 'bar', baz: 42 };
const map = new Map(Object.entries(obj));
console.log(map); // Map { foo: "bar", baenter code herez: 42 }

Clone of list still correct the original list

In groovy the original value get overwritten when I change values in a clone list. Does anyone know if I am doing it wrong or it is a bug older groovy?
I am doing something like this:
List<Foo> myFooList = fooList.newFoos.findAll { it.type == "Types}
List<Foo> newFoo = fooList.oldFoos.findAll { it.type == "Types}.clone()
newFoo.each {
it.value = "neeeew value"
Foo fooOne = newFoo.each { foooo ->
fooTwo = fooList.oldFoos.find { ==}
if(fooTwo.value != foooo.value) {
//Here it should go... but it turns out that fooTwo.value == foooo.value
the clone method called on list produces a new list but with the same objects in it.
you want to build new list with new objects. here is an example:
class Foo{
String type
String value
def fooList = [
new Foo(type:"Types", value:'old value1'),
new Foo(type:"Not", value:'old value2'),
new Foo(type:"Types", value:'old value3'),
new Foo(type:"Not", value:'old value4'),
def newFooList = fooList.
collect{ new Foo(type:it.type, value:"new value") } //build new array with transformed elements
//check the original list
fooList.each{assert it.value!='new value'}
//check new list
newFooList.each{assert it.value=='new value'}
assert newFooList.size()==2
println fooList
println newFooList
I solved the issue by adding clone of the element as well, any way it became to much of cowboy fix:
List<Foo> myFooList = fooList.newFoos.findAll { it.type == "Types}
List<Foo> newFoo = fooList.oldFoos.findAll { it.type == "Types}.collect {it.clone()}
newFoo.each {
it.value = "neeeew value"
Foo fooOne = newFoo.each { foooo ->
fooTwo = fooList.oldFoos.find { ==}
if(fooTwo.value != foooo.value) {
//Here it should go... but it turns out that fooTwo.value == foooo.value

Groovy object properties in map

Instead of having to declare all the properties in a map from an object like:
prop1: object.prop1
Can't you just drop the object in there like below somehow? Or what would be a proper way to achieve this?
results: [
values: [
test: 'subject'
] will give you a class as well
You should be able to do:
Given your POGO object:
class User {
String name
String email
def object = new User(name:'tim', email:'')
Write a method to inspect the class and pull the non-synthetic properties from it:
def extractProperties(obj) {
.findAll { !it.synthetic }
.collectEntries { field ->
[, obj."$"]
Then, map spread that into your result map:
def result = [
value: true,
To give you:
['value':true, 'name':'tim', 'email':'']
If you don't mind using a few libraries here's an option where you convert the object to json and then parse it back out as a map. I added mine to a baseObject which in your case object would extend.
class BaseObject {
Map asMap() {
def jsonSlurper = new groovy.json.JsonSlurperClassic()
Map map = jsonSlurper.parseText(this.asJson())
return map
String asJson(){
def jsonOutput = new groovy.json.JsonOutput()
String json = jsonOutput.toJson(this)
return json
Also wrote it without the json library originally. This is like the other answers but handles cases where the object property is a List.
class BaseObject {
Map asMap() {
Map map = objectToMap(this)
return map
def objectToMap(object){
Map map = [:]
for(item in object.class.declaredFields){
if (object."$".hasProperty('length')){
map."$" = objectListToMap(object."$")
}else if (object."$".respondsTo('asMap')){
map << [ ("$"?.asMap() ]
} else{
map << [ ("$" ]
return map
def objectListToMap(objectList){
List list = []
for(item in objectList){
if (item.hasProperty('length')){
list << objectListToMap(item)
}else {
list << objectToMap(item)
return list
This seems to work well

Call method multiple times with each member of a collection as parameter

Let's say that I have a collection of parameters
def params = ['a','b','c']
Is there a short way to run a method that accepts a single parameter once for every element of a collection to replace this:
params.each {
with something more declarative (like a "reverse" spread operator)?
You can use collect:
def params = ['a','b','c']
def foo(param) {
'foo-' + param
assert ['foo-a', 'foo-b', 'foo-c'] == params.collect { foo(it) }
Or just a closure
def foo = { a -> a + 2 }
def modified = list.collect foo
You can use method pointer:
def l = [1,2,3]
l.each(new A().&lol)
class A {
def lol(l) {
println l
Or add a method that will do the task you need:
def l = [1,2,3]
List.metaClass.all = { c ->
l.all(new A().&lol)
class A {
def lol(l) {
println l
return l+2

Assigning values dynamically from a groovy config file

As I am reading values from a file in my Groovy code, I want to assign these values to the equivalent properties in my object as i am iterating through the map values!
new ConfigSlurper().parse(new File(configManager.config.myFile.filepath)
.toURI().toURL()).each { k,v ->
if (k == 'something') {
v.each {
myObject.$it =v.$it
// so here i want this dynamic assignment to occur
You code there would already work like this, if you would use the form:
myObject."$it.key" = it.value
Here is a slightly more protective version:
class MyObject {
Long x,y
def obj = new MyObject()
def cfg = new ConfigSlurper().parse('''\
a {
x = 42
y = 666
b {
x = 93
y = 23
cfg.b.findAll{ obj.hasProperty(it.key) }.each{
assert obj.x==93 && obj.y==23
