Assigning values dynamically from a groovy config file - groovy

As I am reading values from a file in my Groovy code, I want to assign these values to the equivalent properties in my object as i am iterating through the map values!
new ConfigSlurper().parse(new File(configManager.config.myFile.filepath)
.toURI().toURL()).each { k,v ->
if (k == 'something') {
v.each {
myObject.$it =v.$it
// so here i want this dynamic assignment to occur

You code there would already work like this, if you would use the form:
myObject."$it.key" = it.value
Here is a slightly more protective version:
class MyObject {
Long x,y
def obj = new MyObject()
def cfg = new ConfigSlurper().parse('''\
a {
x = 42
y = 666
b {
x = 93
y = 23
cfg.b.findAll{ obj.hasProperty(it.key) }.each{
assert obj.x==93 && obj.y==23


Groovy iterate over Map of maps

I have a groovy map which looks like below.
image_map = [:]
image_map = [obj_1: ['1','2'], obj_2: ['3','4']]
I want to iterate through all the values(for obj_1, iterate throuth the list values['1','2']) for each object and run a method from the object.
Depends why you want to do it, but you could grab the values and flatten them:
image_map.values().flatten().each {
println it
So with the added requirement in the comment, you could do:
image_map.collectMany { k, v -> v.collect { "${k}.method($it)" } }
.each { println it }
To print
Edit 2 with another requirement... Assuming the keys ARE the objects (and not strings):
def obj_1 = [method: { it -> "I am obj1 $it" }]
def obj_2 = [method: { it -> "I am obj2 $it" }]
image_map = [(obj_1): ['1','2'], (obj_2): ['3','4']]
image_map.collectMany { k, v -> v.collect { [object: k, param: it] } }
.each { println it.object.method(it.param) }
I am obj1 1
I am obj1 2
I am obj2 3
I am obj2 4

How can I create a map from object properties?

I get an object via some 3rd party api. I use a wrapper function to get it and then return a map from its properties:
wrapperFunc() {
def myObj = someapi.getblah().getSomeObect()
return [
bbb: myObj.bbb,
ccc: myObj.ccc
Now I could manually go through EVERY property in the object like this, but is there an elegant groovy feature to dynamically build a map from the object's properties?
You could do something like this:
class Widget {
int width
int height
static void main(args) {
def obj = new Widget(width: 7, height: 9)
List<MetaProperty> metaProperties =
def props = [:]
for(MetaProperty mp : metaProperties) {
props[] = mp.getProperty(obj)
// props will look like [width:7, class:class demo.Widget, height:9]
This is basically a variant of #jeff-scott-brown's answer.
First, create a class that contains the Object-to-Map logic that uses the Groovy MetaClass to access a type's properties. findAll filters out the "class" property, which I assume you don't care about. The collectEntries line transforms each MetaProperty object into a Map entry.
class ElegantGroovyFeature {
static Map asType(Object o, Class m) {
if (m == Map) {
.findAll { it.getSetter() != null }
.collectEntries { prop -> [, prop.getProperty(o)] }
} else {
The extension class overrides the asType method, which corresponds to the as operator, enabling you to convert arbitrary objects to Maps using obj as Map expressions:
def obj = someapi.getBlah().getSomeObject()
use (ElegantGroovyFeature) {
def mapOfProperties = obj as Map
const obj = { foo: 'bar', baz: 42 };
const map = new Map(Object.entries(obj));
console.log(map); // Map { foo: "bar", baenter code herez: 42 }

Clone of list still correct the original list

In groovy the original value get overwritten when I change values in a clone list. Does anyone know if I am doing it wrong or it is a bug older groovy?
I am doing something like this:
List<Foo> myFooList = fooList.newFoos.findAll { it.type == "Types}
List<Foo> newFoo = fooList.oldFoos.findAll { it.type == "Types}.clone()
newFoo.each {
it.value = "neeeew value"
Foo fooOne = newFoo.each { foooo ->
fooTwo = fooList.oldFoos.find { ==}
if(fooTwo.value != foooo.value) {
//Here it should go... but it turns out that fooTwo.value == foooo.value
the clone method called on list produces a new list but with the same objects in it.
you want to build new list with new objects. here is an example:
class Foo{
String type
String value
def fooList = [
new Foo(type:"Types", value:'old value1'),
new Foo(type:"Not", value:'old value2'),
new Foo(type:"Types", value:'old value3'),
new Foo(type:"Not", value:'old value4'),
def newFooList = fooList.
collect{ new Foo(type:it.type, value:"new value") } //build new array with transformed elements
//check the original list
fooList.each{assert it.value!='new value'}
//check new list
newFooList.each{assert it.value=='new value'}
assert newFooList.size()==2
println fooList
println newFooList
I solved the issue by adding clone of the element as well, any way it became to much of cowboy fix:
List<Foo> myFooList = fooList.newFoos.findAll { it.type == "Types}
List<Foo> newFoo = fooList.oldFoos.findAll { it.type == "Types}.collect {it.clone()}
newFoo.each {
it.value = "neeeew value"
Foo fooOne = newFoo.each { foooo ->
fooTwo = fooList.oldFoos.find { ==}
if(fooTwo.value != foooo.value) {
//Here it should go... but it turns out that fooTwo.value == foooo.value

Inline Conditional Map Literal in Groovy

Working on some translation / mapping functionality using Maps/JsonBuilder in Groovy.
Is is possible (without creating extra code outside of the map literal creation) .. to conditionally include/exclude certain key/value pairs ? Some thing along the lines of the following ..
def someConditional = true
def mapResult =
if(someConditional){ return ["onlyIfConditionalTrue":true]}
Expected results:
If someConditional if false, only 2 key/value pairs will exist in mapResult.
If someConditional if true, all 3 key/value pairs will exist.
Note that I'm sure it could be done if I create methods / and split things up.. for to keep things concise I would want to keep things inside of the map creation.
You can help yourself with with:
[a:1, b:2].with{
if (false) {
c = 1
With a small helper:
Map newMap(m=[:], Closure c) {
m.with c
def m = newMap {
a = 1
b = 1
if (true) {
c = 1
if (false) {
d = 1
assert m.a == 1
assert m.b == 1
assert m.c == 1
assert !m.containsKey('d')
Or pass an initial map:
newMap(a:1, b:2) {
if (true) {
c = 1
if (false) {
d = 1
Since Groovy 2.5, there is an alternative for with called tap. It
works like with but does not return the return value from the closure,
but the delegate. So this can be written as:
[a:1, b:2].tap{
if (false) {
c = 1
You could potentially map all false conditions to a common key (e.g. "/dev/null", "", etc) and then remove that key afterwards as part of a contract. Consider the following:
def condA = true
def condB = false
def condC = false
def mapResult =
(condA ? "condA" : "") : "hello",
(condB ? "condB" : "") : "abc",
(condB ? "condC" : "") : "ijk",
// mandatory, arguably reasonable
assert 3 == mapResult.keySet().size()
assert 123 == mapResult["id"]
assert [] == mapResult["somethingElse"]
assert "hello" == mapResult["condA"]
There is no such syntax, the best you can do is
def someConditional = true
def mapResult = [
if (someConditional) {
mapResult.onlyIfConditionalTrue = true
I agree with Donal, without code outside of map creation it is difficult.
At least you would have to implement your own ConditionalMap, it is a little work but perfectly doable.
Each element could have it's own condition like
map["a"] = "A"
map["b"] = "B"
map.put("c","C", true)
map.put("d","D", { myCondition })
Here an incomplete example (I did only put, get, keySet, values and size to illustrate, and not typed - but you probably don't need types here?), you will probably have to implement few others (isEmpty, containsKey etc...).
class ConditionalMap extends HashMap {
/** Default condition can be a closure */
def defaultCondition = true
/** Put an elemtn with default condition */
def put(key, value) {
super.put(key, new Tuple(defaultCondition, value))
/** Put an elemetn with specific condition */
def put(key, value, condition) {
super.put(key, new Tuple(condition, value))
/** Get visible element only */
def get(key) {
def tuple = super.get(key)
tuple[0] == true ? tuple[1] : null
/** Not part of Map , just to know the real size*/
def int realSize() {
/** Includes only the "visible" elements keys */
def Set keySet() {
super.keySet().inject(new HashSet(),
{ result, key
def tuple = super.get(key)
if (tuple[0])
/** Includes only the "visible" elements keys */
def Collection values() {
this.keySet().asCollection().collect({ k -> this[k] })
/** Includes only the "visible" elements keys */
def int size() {
/** default condition that do not accept elements */
def map = new ConditionalMap(defaultCondition: false)
/** condition can be a closure too */
// def map = new ConditionalMap(defaultCondition : {-> true == false })
map["a"] = "A"
map["b"] = "B"
map.put("c","C", true)
map.put("d","D", false)
assert map.size() == 1
assert map.realSize() == 4
println map["a"]
println map["b"]
println map["c"]
println map["d"]
println "size: ${map.size()}"
println "realSize: ${map.realSize()}"
println "keySet: ${map.keySet()}"
println "values: ${map.values()}"
/** end of script */
You can use the spread operator to do this for for both maps and lists:
def t = true
def map = [
*:(t ? [b:6] : [:])
[a:5, b:6]
This works in v3, haven't tried in prior versions.

Call method multiple times with each member of a collection as parameter

Let's say that I have a collection of parameters
def params = ['a','b','c']
Is there a short way to run a method that accepts a single parameter once for every element of a collection to replace this:
params.each {
with something more declarative (like a "reverse" spread operator)?
You can use collect:
def params = ['a','b','c']
def foo(param) {
'foo-' + param
assert ['foo-a', 'foo-b', 'foo-c'] == params.collect { foo(it) }
Or just a closure
def foo = { a -> a + 2 }
def modified = list.collect foo
You can use method pointer:
def l = [1,2,3]
l.each(new A().&lol)
class A {
def lol(l) {
println l
Or add a method that will do the task you need:
def l = [1,2,3]
List.metaClass.all = { c ->
l.all(new A().&lol)
class A {
def lol(l) {
println l
return l+2
