Basically, i am trying to use sumif function in vba. Instead of using fixed rows and columns, i am trying to make everything dynamic. here is the code i wrote to accomplish the task but failed.
sh.Range("V" & StartRowData + j).Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.SumIf _
(MettBeheer.Range("A1", "A" & LastRowMettBeheer), sh.Range("A" & StartRowData + j).Value, MettBeheer.Range("K1", "K" & LastRowMettBeheer))
the first two parameter of the function are ok. this part of the code Range("K1", "K" & LastRowMettBeheer) where i want to make it dynamic. instead of a fixed k range, it could be from a to end of the used columns in the sheet based on the criteria give from this code sh.Range("A" & StartRowData + j).Value
any suggestion or help is highly appreciated?
I have two formulas that I need to transfer to VBA.
On Excel, my formula would be =countif(A$2:A2,A2) so I transferred that using this formula but everything is returning to 1. The rows didn't become dynamic and I want only the values to be displayed.
For a = 2 To lrow
ws.Range("T" & a).Formula = "=CountIf(A$2&"":""&A2)"",""&A2)"
Next a
Next formula that I use in Excel is
I tried this formula in VBA:
For i = 2 to lrow
If Countif(ws.Range("A2:A" & lrow), "A2") > ws.Range("Q2:Q", & lrow) Then
ws.Range("T" & i).Value = "Check"
ws.Range("T" & i).Value = "Ok"
End If
Next i
You could populate column T with your first formula with this line of code:
ws.Range("T2:T" & lrow).FormulaR1C1 = "=COUNTIF(R2C[-19]:RC[-19],RC[-19])"
I can't advise on your second formula unless you clarify where you want to write it...
I have a table in which I count the records through Worksheet.Function.Countif.
It is nice because it counts the rows using .Rows.Count and so I am alwasy ensured if my table changes the size.
It looks like that (subset of the code):
endrow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 20).End(xlUp).Row
ws1.Cells(6, 34).Formula = "=COUNTIF(" & .Range("U6:U" & endrow).Address & ",U6)"
I wish to write the the worksheet.function formula in the same way as above but for 'Countifs'. In excel, I would type it like that:
How to write it in vba, using 'endrow' as in the first demonstarted code, i.e. without '144' as the last row but with '& endrow' ?
I was trying multiple times, but I cannot get it to work :/
I will appreciate any help.
Try this:
ws1.Cells(6, 34).Formula = "=COUNTIFS($U$6:$U$" & endrow & ",U6,$T$6:$T$" & endrow & "," & """" & "<>" & """" & "&T6" & ")"
This formula gets the last row of column A:
I am trying to insert a SUMIF formula into a cell using VBA. VBA is not allowing my code to run as it is. Any suggestions are appreciated.
ws and na are properly set earlier on in the code. If I simply change the SUMIF formula to a random value "x" , it appears in the desired cell. The error is occurring within the SUMIF formula that I am trying to insert into a cell.
ws.Range("B" & na.Row + 2).Value = "=SUMIF(OFFSET(B1,,,ROW()-1,1),"<>#N/A"))"
The purpose of this formula is to SUM a column of numbers while ignoring any cells that contain "#N/A".
When using quotes in a formula, you need to "double up":
ws.Range("B" & na.Row + 2).Formula = "=SUMIF(OFFSET(B1,,,ROW()-1,1),""<>#N/A"")"
You can use AGGREGATE and remove the OFFSET which is volatile
ws.Range("B" & na.Row + 2).Formula= "=AGGREGATE(9,6,B1:B" & na.Row + 1 & ")"
Try using 'Chr(34)':
ws.Range("B" & na.Row + 2).Formula = "=SUMIF(OFFSET(B1,,,ROW()-1,1)," & Chr(34) & "<>#N/A" & Chr(34) & ")"
Edit: Deleted quotes written by mistake
I have a small macro program that matches values between two worksheets (big data).
I'm using Application.Match method to find the match of a certain value in another worksheet.
The problem is, when I try to assign a row variable on the range, the result gets Row 1 instead of Row 7 where the exact match is.
Application.Match(data1, Worksheets("Data").Range("O" & lRowRange & ":O" & lLastRow), 0)`
lRowRange = 5
If Not IsError(Application.Match(data1, Worksheets("Data").Range("O" & lRowRange & ":O" & lLastRow), 0)) Then
lMatchFound = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(data1, Worksheets("Data").Range("O" & lRowRange & ":O" & lLastRow), 0)
sDataFound = Sheets("Data").Cells(lMatchFound, 15)
End if
I'm not using LOOP statements to find the match because the worksheets contain large amount of data.
Hope you could help me out. Thanks in advance.
You are looking for a match in O5:O10. If your searched text is in O5, then your match function give you a '1', because it is found in the first cell of your range.
sDataFound = Sheets("Data").Cells(lMatchFound + lRowRange - 1, 15)
and you will be fine.
I have to calculate the difference between the values of 2 columns(firstCol and lastCol) and set those differences in a different column(NextColumn). The row count keeps changing, so I have to calculate the rowCount before calculating the difference. I'm trying to write a loop using Range so that the difference can be calculated but it doesn't seem to work.
For i = 3 To lastRow
Range(Cells(3, NextColumn), Cells(lastRow, NextColumn)).FormulaR1C1 = "=Range(Cells(i, firstCol),Cells(i,firstCol)).Value - Range(Cells(i, lastCol),Cells(i,lastCol)).Value"
Next i
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you
For any input of "i" into the formula, you need to use " & i & " when using using a formula="", such as:
"=A" & i & "+B" & i
When you change to just a formula that doesn't input a formula to the cell (math happens in VBA), you can ignore the Excel formatting and "" blocking, such as:
= Cells(i,"A").Value + Cells(i,"B").Value
Make sure to use your loop variable where appropriate, so that you would have an outcome in a loop like:
Dim i as Long
For i = 1 to 10
Cells(i,"C").Formula = Cells(i,"A").Value + Cells(i,"B").Value
Next i
Why looping ? Unless I misunderstood the question, something like this should do the trick:
Range("X3:X"& lastrow).Formula = "=C3-D3"
The formula will adjust.
vba needs to be outside the quotes and you do not need the loop:
Range(Cells(3, NextColumn), Cells(lastRow, NextColumn)).Formula = "=" & Cells(3, firstCol).Address(0, 0) & "-" & Cells(3, lastCol).Address(0, 0)
No loop needed. Excel will change the relative references as needed.