How to properly install eopen-ecd in WSL with Ubuntu distro - linux

I've tried cloning eopen from this link into my local user directory and added this line of code: eval "$(sh "/home/user/eopen-ecd/")" into the .bashrc as instructed in the Installation guide. After resetting my wsl terminal, this following error is shown:
[eopen-ecd] ebridge.exe not found or is not executable.
Place ebridge.exe and enter the following command.
chmod +x '/home/user/eopen-ecd/bin/ebridge.exe'.
The error shows every new instance of the bash terminal.

Download the archive containing ebridge.exe from here and place it in the appropriate path.

I finally got it to work! The instruction was in the error message all along...
Place ebridge.exe and enter the following command.
chmod +x 'home/user/eopen-ecd/bin/ebridge.exe'
Just follow the instructions above after downloading eopen-ecd from this link and viola! Problem solved!


pipenv shell working but an error is displayed

If I run the command:
pipenv shell
in my Mac shell, everything works fine and a new virtual environment is created and activated:
.../django_celery_rabbit_flower$ pipenv shell
Launching subshell in virtual environment...
bash: parse_git_branch: command not found
.../django_celery_rabbit_flower$ . /.../django_celery_rabbit_flower-rEt8HW1V/bin/activate
bash: parse_git_branch: command not found
(django_celery_rabbit_flower) .../django_celery_rabbit_flower$
but a bash error is displayed:
bash: parse_git_branch: command not found
I do not understand where it come from. Any idea?
Jen answer trigger a little thought. I have checked my ./bash_profile and I can see the line:
export PS1="\[\033[36m\]\u\[\033[m\]#\[\033[32m\]\h:\[\033[33;1m\]\w\[\033[m\]\$(parse_git_branch)\$ "
This shows the git branch on the bash prompt. So I believe vscode uses this settings. The folder I am working on is not a git folder. Can I write an if statement to avoid the error being displayed when running the python virtual environment?
Instead make sure that the command does actually exists before running it.
PS1="...."'$(if hash parse_git_branch >/dev/null 2>&1; then parse_git_branch; fi)'"..."

Opening AppImage does nothing. What can I do?

I am a complete newbie to Linux and trying to open an AppImage called Magick which is an Imagemagick application.
I tried right clicking on the AppImage and checked "run file as an executable" option but that didn't work. Another thing that I tried is running this command,
chmod a+x magick.AppImage
This gives me an error,
chmod: cannot access 'magick.AppImage': No such file or directory
I have also tried running the file by navigating into the folder that contains the file and opening up the terminal there but still no luck.
I am running Ubuntu on Oracle VM VirtualBox.
ImageMagick is a command-line tool, you don't run it by clicking on it.
To run it in a terminal you need to
Set the executable flag on the .AppImage (once for all): chmod +x TheApp.AppImage
Then to run it just invoke the AppImage: ./TheApp.AppImage <arg1> <arg2> ....
If the directory with your .AppImage is in your PATH, you can remove the ./ (or whatever directory the AppImage is in).
ImageMagick is also available as a regular application from your Ubuntu repository: sudo apt install imagemagick

Installing rclone according to the official instructions but permission denied

Noob question, but hear me out
So I installed rclone word-for-word according to this (
However, when I got around to rclone config the terminal returned 2020/02/28 11:37:29 Failed to load config file "/home/myUser/.config/rclone/rclone.conf": open /home/myUser/.config/rclone/rclone.conf: permission denied
In an attempt to fix this I ran chmod u+x "/home/myUser/.config/rclone/rclone.conf" which returned chmod: changing permissions of '/home/myUser/.config/rclone/rclone.conf': Operation not permitted
Then I ran the same command prefixed with sudo which seemed to work. Yet after running rclone config again the same permission denied error appeared. What should I do? What did I do incorrectly during install? I just want to be able to run rclone config without having to use sudo.
Unrelated side note I had a similar experience with Anaconda in which I can't run the command for opening the program without sudo but as I ran the command with it the launcher appears with an error message which I can't remember exactly but it ran along the lines of: "Cannot run in sudo mode, please do it again in user mode." Funny Catch-22 if you ask me. I ended up uninstalling it.
Solution: set the permissions of rclone.conf to chmod 777. I changed the whole folder and its files using sudo chmod -R 777 /home/myUser/.config/rclone/ for good measure. Now I can finally retry installing Anaconda.

How to run executables from terminal in Linux without entering the entire PATH

I'm trying to activate android studio directly from terminal (./
the installation dir is /usr/local/android-studio
and inside there's a bin folder with the script
for that I've vi'd ~/.bashrc to include the following line:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/android-studio/bin
When I do echo $PATH i do see the path above appended to the rest of the path
Yet when I run ./ it prompts me with No such file or directory
Needless to say, if i cd /usr/local/android-studio/bin and then ./ it works fine
running debian (jessie 'edition')
I simply needed to do without the ./
Thanks for ZanCoul for providing the answer.

SlamData install Linux

does anyone know how to install SlamData on linux? I've download the file on my machine, and double click it, but it opens a green screen and nothing happens. Thanks.
Download the linux installer file;
add executable permission
chmod +x
Run the executable and follow instructions;
After installation, To start SlamData, cd to your installation dir, issue the following command;
For further documentation visit
