Opening AppImage does nothing. What can I do? - linux

I am a complete newbie to Linux and trying to open an AppImage called Magick which is an Imagemagick application.
I tried right clicking on the AppImage and checked "run file as an executable" option but that didn't work. Another thing that I tried is running this command,
chmod a+x magick.AppImage
This gives me an error,
chmod: cannot access 'magick.AppImage': No such file or directory
I have also tried running the file by navigating into the folder that contains the file and opening up the terminal there but still no luck.
I am running Ubuntu on Oracle VM VirtualBox.

ImageMagick is a command-line tool, you don't run it by clicking on it.
To run it in a terminal you need to
Set the executable flag on the .AppImage (once for all): chmod +x TheApp.AppImage
Then to run it just invoke the AppImage: ./TheApp.AppImage <arg1> <arg2> ....
If the directory with your .AppImage is in your PATH, you can remove the ./ (or whatever directory the AppImage is in).
ImageMagick is also available as a regular application from your Ubuntu repository: sudo apt install imagemagick


Cytoscape and linux

Trying to install Cytoscape program on linux cytoscape. And I don't know how because first install button transfers me to HTML page and nothing is downloadable. (I have java installed). I tried to download tar.gz file but I am stuck, because there is no configure file and it says I have no permission for it. What should I do?
Once java 11 is installed on your computer try this:
ctrl+alt+T #open Ubuntu's console
cd /home/fulanita/Downloads #this is the directory where my computer has cytoscape.
chmod +x ./
./ #3.8.1 is the last version for Ubuntu
the program will start to install
If anyone comes here in search for an answer I found a solution.
You go to you directory where you keep extracted tar.gz
with cd -Folderdestination/ you locate a folderwhere you keep a file named, and with command
sudo sh
install the program.

OpenShift oc command line with Cygwin

I'm running Cygwin 64bit but can't seem to get OpenShift oc command line to work
I downloaded oc.tar.gz ( from here ), unzipped it and placed it in my path in /usr/bin
When I try to run: oc login I get the following.
-bash: /usr/bin/oc: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error
Do I need to somehow 'install' the executable ?
Any help would be much appreciated.
In addition to #Graham Dumpleton's answer:
open cygwin and check for directory /usr/local/bin
mkdir -p local/bin
$ cd /usr/local/bin
if it does not exists:
$ mkdir -p local/bin
finally extract the windows package:
$ cp /cygdrive/c/Users/me/Downloads/ /usr/local/bin/
$ oc version
oc v3.
kubernetes v1.5.2+43a9be4
features: Basic-Auth
Use the Windows binary from the following page:
From project homepage
Cygwin is not:
a way to run native Linux apps on Windows. You must rebuild your
application from source if you want it to run on Windows.
a way to magically make native Windows apps aware of UNIX®
functionality like signals, ptys, etc. Again, you need to build your
apps from source if you want to take advantage of Cygwin

How to run executables from terminal in Linux without entering the entire PATH

I'm trying to activate android studio directly from terminal (./
the installation dir is /usr/local/android-studio
and inside there's a bin folder with the script
for that I've vi'd ~/.bashrc to include the following line:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/android-studio/bin
When I do echo $PATH i do see the path above appended to the rest of the path
Yet when I run ./ it prompts me with No such file or directory
Needless to say, if i cd /usr/local/android-studio/bin and then ./ it works fine
running debian (jessie 'edition')
I simply needed to do without the ./
Thanks for ZanCoul for providing the answer.

SlamData install Linux

does anyone know how to install SlamData on linux? I've download the file on my machine, and double click it, but it opens a green screen and nothing happens. Thanks.
Download the linux installer file;
add executable permission
chmod +x
Run the executable and follow instructions;
After installation, To start SlamData, cd to your installation dir, issue the following command;
For further documentation visit

Running ffmpeg in Terminal Linux

I've downloaded and unzipped ffmpeg at custom directory in my Ubuntu linux. Now I want to run this ffmpeg using terminal like I run on windows using command prompt. But everytime it says "ffmpeg: command not found". My question is how can I run ffmpeg using terminal through extracted libraries
First you need to make sure the file has execute permissions... or just add it with chmod +x filename
Secondly either the executables must be on the path or you need to specify the path to the executable. What I mean by this is, under Windows if you are in a directory with an executable you can type in the executable name and it will work... this is not the case for Linux. If you are in the executable's directory you execute the command like this ./command. The dot means you are executing a file in the current directory
