Python Dictionary - Invalid Syntax - python-3.x

Why does the following code throw an invalid syntax error?
grads = {"dW1": dW1,
"db1": db1,
"dW2": dW2,
"db2": db2}
It gives the following error
File "<ipython-input-27-f129b09e7ac8>", line 40
grads = {"dW1": dW1,
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

There is nothing wrong with the scope you are sharing. You have a syntax error above / before declaring grads


Why do I get a syntax error in Python despite using exitStack() as in the doc?

I'm trying to execute some python's code and can't figure out what's the issue :
def elboguide(design, dim=10):
# pyro.set_rng_seed(10)
theta_mu = pyro.param("theta_mu", torch.zeros(dim, 1, 2, 2))
theta_sig = pyro.param("theta_sig", torch.ones(dim, 1, 2, 2),
batch_shape = design.shape[:-2]
with ExitStack() as stack:
for plate in iter_plates_to_shape(batch_shape):
theta_shape = batch_shape + theta_mu.shape[-2:]
pyro.sample("theta", dist.Normal(
The issue is in this function, more specifically on the line
with ExitStack() as stack:
When running the code I only get the error :
File "C:\Users\natha\Documents\prog\python_dev\RL-BOED\RL-BOED\", line 52
with ExitStack() as stack:
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
the documentation of contextlib shows an use case where the syntax is exactly the same :
What is wrong with this code ? I'm using Python 3.11.0 by the way.

terraform 11 and "concat" function: parse error

TF v.0.11 (I know it is old but I need this one)
I try to configure output this way:
value = "${concat(aws_lambda_function.lambda.*.arn, [""])}"
The error message is
Error reading config for output FUNCTION_ARN: parse error at 1:46 :
expected expression but found "["
What am I doing wrong, how to fix that?
Reason: [""] don't work for v11.
value = "${element(concat(aws_lambda_function.lambda.*.arn, list("")), 0)}"

include variable in ejs blocks :unexpected token error %

I am trying to append a variable with block in ejs
this is my variable <%=sails.config.items.base_url%>
<%block('searchScript','<script src='<%=sails.config.items.base_url%>'></script>')%>
But i got the following error
"stack": "SyntaxError: Unexpected token %= in \"/var/www/node/cushbuart/views/user/edit-art.ejs\"\n
Try this
<%block('searchScript','<script src='+ sails.config.items.base_url +'></script>')%>

Invalid Syntax for PEP-8

I'm receiving a notification that advised the below script is not PEP-8:
example_var = print('whoa')
[E] invalid syntax.
It's showing that the error is a result of the first parentheses in the print statement, but nothing looks off to me.
example_var = print('whoa')

Syntax error when trying to input errors for a set of data

I'm trying to create a graph using Jupyter Notebooks but when I input errors for a data set "syntax error" appears referring to the word error, any ideas on the problem?
measured_time2 = q.MeasurementArray(
data = [0,0.2,1.0,2.2,4.0,6.2,9.0,12.2,16.0,20.2,25]
error = [0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1])
File "<ipython-input-36-96c22be70112>", line 8
error = [0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1])
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
