Is there an alternative for the Excel function CONCATENATE that doesn't require text? - excel

In excel, I am trying to obtain the average of a range of numbers in a single column with a fixed start row (B4) and a variable end row (which is the value of Cell C2 minus 1 with the match function) I am using the following formula in Excel that works perfectly:
HOWEVER, I will need to copy and paste this formula into other columns, so the "B" will need to change to a "G" and so on. The new column letter will always be +5 from the previous column, and -3 from the column the cell formula is stored in. I want Excel to auto-populate the change in column letter, but CONCATENATE only works with text. I tried to use the offset function in place of the CONCATENATE "B" argument (see below), but I think INDIRECT might require text as well and/or I'm using the offset function incorrectly.
AVERAGE(B4:INDIRECT((OFFSET(5,-3,0)) & MATCH((C2-1),A:A,0))))
Does anyone have any ideas for a fix?



Find common text within a range of cells(range containing blanks as well)

This is the problem i am facing in Excel formula
enter image description here
In column F, i want to find the common text across A2 to E2 (containing Blanks)
My Question:
Is there a simple way to get the result without VB?
Any help is appreciated,thanks
I found that google sheets has some really cool functions.
If you put the formula =SPLIT(A1, ",", TRUE,FALSE) in the cell after your row of common text (or probably even in a different sheet - "probably because hadn't tried it, though it should), the next x cells (where x is the number of "," in A1 - because "," is the delimitator) will be the text.
then you can put the code =IF(SUM(ARRAYFORMULA(if(REGEXMATCH($A$1:$D$1,F1),1,0)))=COUNTA($A$1:$D$1),F1,"") into an equal number of cells after that (probably should just put into the max number), and =CONCATENATE(I1:L1) into the last cell.
Ok. So to tweak this for yourself: I found that ARRAYFORMULA lets you put an array in place of a single cell in a function inside. how it exactly works I read its like a for loop. but I can't really vouch for that. but here it lets you have REGEXMATCH (which is a Boolean check on the cell you give it for if it contains the given REGEX) check each cell in the array.
the sum will add them up, and the if will match against the COUNTA to find if the number of cells in the array that contain this string is equal to the number of non-empty cells.
the concatenate at the end adds all the cells (containing the regex function) together, and since the only non-empty cells will be the one with the string, that is what this cell will return (no spaces).
the test data:
If you need in specifically Excel... this won't help.
We can use power query to achieve the desired result.
Unpivot the columns in Power query
Split all the columns by Comma delimiter
Create a custom column to see if the first column records exist in the remaining columns.
Use the functionText.contains.
Sample function: =Text.Contains([column.1],[column.1]&[column.2]&[column.3])
If the above function returns TRUE then get the first column result(This is the expected result) and load the data back to your excel

Excel: dynamically calculate range next to a searched up cell

I am an occasional Excel user and stuck how to create a dynamic range.
After looking up a text in a table, how can I calculate the range next to this cell, up to the next empty row? Not using VBA.
Thanks for your help.
In H4, formula copied down :
Should you want a dynamic range,
Change C$1000 to INDEX(C:C,MATCH(9.9E+307,B:B)
Change B$1000 to INDEX(B:B,MATCH(9.9E+307,B:B))
The H4 copied down formula become :
Edit :
As per Ron Rosenfeld's comment, "should B11 change to 24 and G4 change to 24"
The "Source Table" set up in Excel Table type for dynamic range growing purpose
The H4 formula change to :
Combining the Index() and Match() functions usually works well when using two conditions. However, you will need to fill out the entire column A with the "texture" list in order for the below formula to work.
=INDEX(<P1>, MATCH(TRUE, (<T1>=<T2>) + (<L1>=<L2>) > 1,0))
Where <P1> is your entire price column (ex. C2:C15)
Where <T1> is your entire texture column (ex. A2:A15)
Where <T2> is your texture lookup value cell
Where <L1> is your entire length column (ex. B2:B15)
Where <L2> is your length lookup value cell
Let's say that you input your texture value into cell F3, and your length value into cell F4. With the remaining columns remaining as they are in your image, you would use the following formula:
=INDEX(C2:C15, MATCH(TRUE, (A2:A15=F3) + (B2:B15=F4) > 1,0))
Now last time I had to use Index/Match I thought I had to place the formula into an array. However, the above seems to work without it.
If you notice that it's not working as expected, you can place into an array formula by clicking the cell that contains the formula, then clicking the formula box at the top. While in the formula box, simultaneously press Ctrl + Shift + Return. This should then place curly brackets around your entire formula if done properly, as such:
If you have O365 with the SEQUENCE function, you can use, for price:
get starting row:
ending row will be the first blank row after the starting row:
Construct the relevant array:
The above might reduce (with wavy) to:
Then it's just a matter of applying the VLOOKUP
A more understandable, but longer with more operations, formula available in O365 makes use of LET. The advantage is that one can use names which indicate what each section of the formula does.
For example:
Or, using VLOOKUP
Finally, for earlier versions of Excel, you can use this whopper where we replace the SEQUENCE function with a construct like: ROW(INDEX(A:A,firstRow):INDEX(A:A,lastRow))

Validation by Using CONCAT in COUNTIF

I want to concatenate the value of two columns in the current sheet and then result should be compared with the concatenation of two column value in another sheet.
e.g - The entered value in Column W and X in current sheet after concatenation should be compared with the existing value in column Y and column Z(after concat) of another sheet.
I have tried using the formula COUNTIF(Sheet2!CONCAT($W$2,$X$2:$Y$2,$Z$2),A2)>0 and some different alteration in this but it seems COUNTIF has range and criteria as argument and this is string which is causing error.
If you want to compare, a simple '=' will do.
Concatenation can be done using '&'.
in current sheet:
will return TRUE if both concatenations are equal and FALSE if they are not.
To find the value W1&X1 in the entire range, I suggest you use a help column (unless you are willing to write a macro). In the help column of sheet1, you concatenate the values (=W1&X1 - drag down). In the hlep column of sheet2 you do the same. Then you make an additional column to check for matches, by using
This formula returns the row number in which the match is found and an error when the corresponding value is not found. You can replace this error with something else using IFERROR if you want to.

Return Dates of Three Consecutive Values in a Row

I have a data file and I need to return the dates of when the value (MaxT) is greater than or equal to 30 (>=30) for 3 consecutive days.
Data File:
Date, MaxT
I have attempted to figure this out using the following code but, I do not think I'm even in the ballpark...
Attempted Code:
I'm assuming that your data file consists of 2 columns Date and Max T. If they are delimited by commas, you need to split them to 2 different columns using Text to columns delimited by commas ,.
The Date should be in Column A and Max T in Column B.
Enter the below formula in cellC2 and drag down,
=IF(AND(B2>=30,B3>=30,B4>=30),"Consecutive Range","")
The starting of the consecutive range of values greater than 30 will be shown in the output as above. You could then use a filter of some other excel function like Index-Match to get the corresponding dates. Hope this helps.
Alright, I got it to work, but I'm not entirely sure how you would make it work without separating the formula into multiple cells.
One potential solution would be to write some of the formulas into a sheet that's in the background, place the final part of the formula in the front sheet and have it reference the "hidden" bits of the formula.
First, I wrote the data in columns... "Date" in Column A, "MaxT" in Column B.
The first part of the formula is written in cell D2:
The next part of the formula is written in cell E2:
The last part of the formula is written in cell F2:
The result of this formula, in column F, there are 7 cells that have three dates written in them, separated by a comma.
Note that you can make any character or string of text separate the three displayed dates by replacing the commas that are in-between the ampersand, quote text:
(&","&) can become (&"anything you want"&)
From here, auto-fill the formulas to the relevant cells.
One way to shorten the code is to add the COUNT formula into the last IF statement like this:
I do still think that the first IF statement will need to be separate from the rest of the formula, though.
Here is the code in one single cell:
=IF(AND(B2>=30,B3>=30,B4>=30), A2&","&A3&","&A4,"")
Which will display three dates that are located within Column A, current row & the next two rows below it.
This code still produces 7 lines of results with the data that you've provided.

Autofill by next column over with indirect formula

I was wondering why the formula I did won't go to the next column over. I did place the $ sign to stay in the same row, but not on the column, thinking it will go to the next column over. Is there any suggestions as to why this is doing this?
The following is the formula I inputted into the spreadsheet:
Because you have " " around the sheet and cell reference BHR8732A2!P$16, it's going to be treated as a text string, not a cell reference. It's not going to change when you copy across.
If you want to just multiply the value in column S by the value in row 16, you'd write it as ='BHR8732A2'!P$16*$S283.
If you want to multiply the value in column S by the value in another cell whose address is in row 16, you'd write it as =INDIRECT('BHR8732A2'!P$16)*$S283.
Using a text string inside the Indirect is kind of the 'worst of both worlds', where you're just feeding the cell reference directly into the Indirect, which is unnecessary.
I'm not sure why the whole BHR8732A2!P$16 has quotes. Excel does not seem to recognise the P$16 part as a cell reference for me.
Try this: =(INDIRECT('BHR8732A2'!P$16))*$S283
