/* Hello World in Groovy */
println("Hello world")
int a = 5
if (1 == 1){
println a
fcn() //line 11
def fcn(){
println a //line 15
This is my Groovy script, which gets the error
Hello world
Caught: groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: a for class: main
groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: a for class: main
at main.fcn(main.groovy:15)
at main.run(main.groovy:11)
when executed. Why the variable a is not available within the function fcn?
You can define variable a differently:
Option 1
a = 5
Option 2
import groovy.transform.Field
#Field int a = 5
The rational is to define a field in a scope of the script as opposed to the variable defined in the "run method" of the Script and hence not accessible from within other functions.
Consider checking this thread for more information
A link to Field annotation document also provides relevant information
Option 3
You can define the fcn as a proper function, which is in Groovy represented by Closure.
Then you can access the variables of outer scope:
int a = 5
def fcn = {
println a
In the context of Jenkins pipelines, I have some Groovy code that's enumerating a list, creating closures, and then using that value in the closure as a key to lookup another value in a map. This appears to be rife with some sort of anomaly or race condition almost every time.
This is a simplification of the code:
def tasks = [:]
for (platformName in platforms) {
// ...
tasks[platformName] = {
def componentUploadPath = componentUploadPaths[platformName]
echo "Uploading for platform [${platformName}] to [${componentUploadPath}]."
// ...
tasks.failFast = true
platforms has two values. I will usually see two iterations and two tasks registered and the keys in tasks will be correct, but the echo statement inside the closure indicates that we're just running one of the platforms twice:
14:20:02 [platform2] Uploading for platform [platform1] to [some_path/platform1].
14:20:02 [platform1] Uploading for platform [platform1] to [some_path/platform1].
It's ridiculous.
What do I need to add or do differently?
It's the same issue as you'd see in Javascript.
When you generate the closures in a for loop, they are bound to a variable, not the value of the variable.
When the loop exits, and the closures are run, they will all be using the same value...that is -- the last value in the for loop before it exited
For example, you'd expect the following to print 1 2 3 4, but it doesn't
def closures = []
for (i in 1..4) {
closures << { -> println i }
closures.each { it() }
It prints 4 4 4 4
To fix this, you need to do one of two things... First, you could capture the value in a locally scoped variable, then close over this variable:
for (i in 1..4) {
def n = i
closures << { -> println n }
The second thing you could do is use groovy's each or collect as each time they are called, the variable is a different instance, so it works again:
(1..4).each { i ->
closures << { -> println i }
For your case, you can loop over platforms and collect into a map at the same time by using collectEntries:
def tasks = platforms.collectEntries { platformName ->
{ ->
def componentUploadPath = componentUploadPaths[platformName]
echo "Uploading for platform [${platformName}] to [${componentUploadPath}]."
Hope this helps!
I want to create pipes to connect Groovy function (method) calls like its done in other functional languages, such as F#:
let print message =
printf "%s" message
// "Hello World" will be passed as a parameter to the print function
"Hello World" |> print
There is a naive implementation using the or operator:
Object.metaClass.or { it -> it(delegate)}
def print = { msg ->
println msg
"Hello World" | print //Hello World
But it only works for functions with 1 parameter. For more parameters, rcurry has to be used:
Object.metaClass.or { it -> it(delegate)}
def print = { msg1, msg2 ->
println msg1 + msg2
"Hello World" | print.rcurry('!!!') //Hello World!!!
Is there a way to get rid of the rcurry method and make the Groovy code more similar to F#'s? BTW, this naive implementation only works for Groovy script files. How do I make it work also for class files?
Notice: There are other questions about pipes in Groovy but these are about pipes for shell commands not functions.
It looks like you just want with and using .& to convert methods to Closures, and >> for function composition.
public static String addExclamations(String s) {
return s + "!!!"
Closure printUppercase = { String s -> println s.toUpperCase() }
"Hello World".with (this.&addExclamations >> printUppercase)
A real world example I find myself using all the time:
import groovy.json.JsonOutput
[a:[b:'c', d:'e']].with (JsonOutput.&toJson >> JsonOutput.&prettyPrint)
I'm not sure what you're getting at with the multiparameter stuff, because the various curry solutions seem sensible to me, but you've dismissed that... perhaps I can edit this answer if you can give an example of how you would like it to look?
I would like to disable the default (zero argument) constructor for a C++ class exposed to R using RCPP_MODULE so that calls to new(class) without any further arguments in R give an error. Here are the options I've tried:
1) Specifying a default constructor and throwing an error in the function body: this does what I need it to, but means specifying a default constructor that sets dummy values for all const member variables (which is tedious for my real use case)
2) Specifying that the default constructor is private (without a definition): this means the code won't compile if .constructor() is used in the Rcpp module, but has no effect if .constructor() is not used in the Rcpp module
3) Explicitly using delete on the default constructor: requires C++11 and seems to have the same (lack of) effect as (2)
I'm sure that I am missing something obvious, but can't for the life of me work out what it is. Does anyone have any ideas?
Thanks in advance,
Minimal example code (run in R):
inc <- '
using namespace Rcpp;
class Foo
stop("Disallowed default constructor");
Foo(int arg)
Rprintf("Foo OK\\n");
class Bar
// Also has no effect:
// Bar() = delete;
Bar(int arg)
Rprintf("Bar OK\\n");
.constructor("Disallowed default constructor")
.constructor<int>("Intended 1-argument constructor")
// Wont compile unless this line is commented out:
// .constructor("Private default constructor")
.constructor<int>("Intended 1-argument constructor")
fx <- cxxfunction(signature(), plugin="Rcpp", include=inc)
mod <- Module("mod", getDynLib(fx))
# OK as expected:
new(mod$Foo, 1)
# Fails as expected:
# OK as expected:
new(mod$Bar, 1)
# Unexpectedly succeeds:
How can I get new(mod$Bar) to fail without resorting to the solution used for Foo?
I have discovered that my question is actually a symptom of something else:
#include <Rcpp.h>
class Foo {
int m_Var;
Foo() {Rcpp::stop("Disallowed default constructor"); m_Var=0;}
Foo(int arg) {Rprintf("1-argument constructor\n"); m_Var=1;}
int GetVar() {return m_Var;}
.constructor<int>("Intended 1-argument constructor")
.property("m_Var", &Foo::GetVar, "Get value assigned to m_Var")
/*** R
# OK as expected:
f1 <- new(Foo, 1)
# Value set in the 1-parameter constructor as expected:
# Unexpectedly succeeds without the error message:
tryCatch(f0 <- new(Foo), error = print)
# This is the type of error I was expecting to see:
tryCatch(f2 <- new(Foo, 1, 2), error = print)
# Note that f0 is not viable (and sometimes brings down my R session):
tryCatch(f0$m_Var, error = print)
[With acknowledgements to #RalfStubner for the improved code]
So in fact it seems that new(Foo) is not actually calling any C++ constructor at all for Foo, so my question was somewhat off-base ... sorry.
I guess there is no way to prevent this happening at the C++ level, so maybe it makes most sense to use a wrapper function around the call to new(Foo) at the R level, or continue to specify a default constructor that throws an error. Both of these solutions will work fine - I was just curious as to exactly why my expectation regarding the absent default constructor was wrong :)
As a follow-up question: does anybody know exactly what is happening in f0 <- new(Foo) above? My limited understanding suggests that although f0 is created in R, the associated pointer leads to something that has not been (correctly/fully) allocated in C++?
After a bit of experimentation I have found a simple solution to my problem that is obvious in retrospect...! All I needed to do was use .factory for the default constructor along with a function that takes no arguments and just throws an error. The default constructor for the Class is never actually referenced so doesn't need to be defined, but it obtains the desired behaviour in R (i.e. an error if the user mistakenly calls new with no additional arguments).
Here is an example showing the solution (Foo_A) and a clearer illustration of the problem (Foo_B):
#include <Rcpp.h>
class Foo {
Foo(); // Or for C++11: Foo() = delete;
const int m_Var;
Foo(int arg) : m_Var(arg) {Rcpp::Rcout << "Constructor with value " << m_Var << "\n";}
void ptrAdd() const {Rcpp::Rcout << "Pointer: " << (void*) this << "\n";}
Foo* dummy_factory() {Rcpp::stop("Default constructor is disabled for this class"); return 0;}
.factory(dummy_factory) // Disable the default constructor
.constructor<int>("Intended 1-argument constructor")
.method("ptrAdd", &Foo::ptrAdd, "Show the pointer address")
.constructor<int>("Intended 1-argument constructor")
.method("ptrAdd", &Foo::ptrAdd, "Show the pointer address")
/*** R
# OK as expected:
fa1 <- new(Foo_A, 1)
# Error as expected:
tryCatch(fa0 <- new(Foo_A), error = print)
# OK as expected:
fb1 <- new(Foo_B, 1)
# No error:
tryCatch(fb0 <- new(Foo_B), error = print)
# But this terminates R with the following (quite helpful!) message:
# terminating with uncaught exception of type Rcpp::not_initialized: C++ object not initialized. (Missing default constructor?)
tryCatch(fb0$ptrAdd(), error = print)
As was suggested to me in a comment I have started a discussion at https://github.com/RcppCore/Rcpp/issues/970 relating to this.
I have a Groovy application in which I allow the user to add custom behavior via Groovy scripts. I include those scripts via GroovyShell and type check them via Type Checking Extensions. The full code of how I include the script in my application is:
def config = new CompilerConfiguration()
new ASTTransformationCustomizer(TypeChecked)
def shell = new GroovyShell(config)
shell.evaluate(new File("path/to/some/file.groovy"))
This works fine. However, type checking in the script seems to be seriously broken. For example, I can include the following scripts without any complaint from the compiler:
String test = getTestValue() // automatic conversion from Integer to String. But WHY?
println "The value is $test" // shows as "The value is 0" on the console
private Integer getTestValue(){
return 0
I can even go further than that. When creating a class inside the script, I can assign it to a String without any error:
String y = new Test()
println y // shows Test#somenr on the console
class Test { }
Other type checks do work. I have not discovered any logic behind it yet, so any pointers in the right direction are greatly appreciated.
If in doubt, disasm. This is the bit around a call similar to yours: String x = new T():
0: invokestatic #17 // Method $getCallSiteArray:()[Lorg/codehaus/groovy/runtime/callsite/CallSite;
3: astore_1
4: aload_1
5: ldc #40 // int 1
7: aaload
8: ldc #42 // class T
10: invokeinterface #46, 2 // InterfaceMethod org/codehaus/groovy/runtime/callsite/CallSite.callConstructor:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
15: invokestatic #52 // Method org/codehaus/groovy/runtime/typehandling/ShortTypeHandling.castToString:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;
18: checkcast #54 // class java/lang/String
So this is the culprit for that cast. This seems also to hold true for #TypeChecked/#CompileStatic.
This is most likely a bug in the Static Type Checker. When LHS of the expression is a String variable, a conversion invoking ShortTypeHandling.castToString() is applied to the RHS.
This holds true as of Groovy 2.4.13.
I found an example for fork/join in GPars here: Fork/Join
import static groovyx.gpars.GParsPool.runForkJoin
import static groovyx.gpars.GParsPool.withPool
withPool() {
println """Number of files: ${
runForkJoin(new File("./src")) {file ->
long count = 0
file.eachFile {
if (it.isDirectory()) {
println "Forking a child task for $it"
forkOffChild(it) //fork a child task
} else {
return count + (childrenResults.sum(0))
//use results of children tasks to calculate and store own result
It works and returns the correct number of files, but unfortunately I don't understand this line:
return count + (childrenResults.sum(0))
How exactly work count and childrenResult?
Why is a 0 passed as a parameter to sum()?
I'm not much familiar with GPars, but the link you provided says it is a Divide-and-Conquer algorithm and clarifies a bit more what's implicit later on, explaining that forkOffChild() does not wait -- instead getChildrenResults() does.
You may find easier to understand the provided alternative approach in the same page, that uses a more Java-ish style, if you're more familiar to that.
childrenResults results in calling the method getChildrenResults(), this is the "join" in "Fork/Join", it waits for all children to finish and then returns a list with the results of them (or re-throws any exception a children may have thrown).
0 is just the initial value for the sum. If childrenResult is empty, that's what gets summed to count:
groovy:000> [].sum(1)
===> 1
groovy:000> [1].sum(1)
===> 2