How to set Pagination in Codeigniter without Using Library file - pagination

I am new in codeigniter.Is it possible to set core php pagination concept in codeigniter.I dont want to use codeigniter library files to set paghination.i want to create custom pagination concept using core php concept. Can anyone help me to solved this problem.


How to use Umbraco7 as API with Vue.js?

I am just learning Umbraco and I have a basic template that has just one alias. What kind of controller should I code for it? Could you please give me an example to reach my alias from js frameworks?
I have used UmbracoCms.RestApi extension from NuGet and solved my problem.
You can use default endpoints to get properties that you have created in Umbraco Cms before with that extension. There is a video about that.

How to route and resolve pages in Kentico

I am creating a Kentico website and have been through the tutorial and reading up on the handling links for Kentico MVC. From what I understand, Kentico is encouraging developers to use the standard MVC routing to map pages to controllers.
This is fine for sections of the site, or if you only have a few pages, but the site I am developing has a large content structure and lots of top level pages.
It seems unreasonable to have to create a custom route in the App_Start/RouteConfig.cs for every top level page. Is there are better way to do this?
There's also another great post on the subject by Sean Wright.
I would recommend checking this out as well.
The Dynamic Routing module has been published on NuGet.
for the "Mother" admin
For the MVC
Documentation and source code on Github

Recommended approach for admin site and front end using MEAN stack?

I want to build a website using the MEAN stack and my database schema will be defined using Mongoose. This website will have an admin site, in which I will have all the CRUD operations for the data displayed by the frontend website. As the object model will be the same, if I'm using Java or C# I would compile this classes in a Jar or Dll and use it in my frontend site, along with the DB definitions and repositories (say hibernate)
What will be a recommended approach for reuse this object model in this MEAN scenario? Is it common to have another "folder" in my express setup? What if I want to run the admin site on another port?
I see you have no response yet, one example; Here is a nice scaffold that im working with which uses also JS, not C or Java and is a fairly good example of what your looking for i think. This will help you expedite, expand and go in which direction you want from there, by being a very adjustable MEAN stack scaffold using MOngoose, having CRUD examples, and even Bootstrap Jade SASS front end to help facilitate if you want to use it.
You would separate out your admin site as one of the MVC sections, and so forth, just like you would on any other MVC site pretty much, you can just follow the code standards in the documentation there.

How do you create module or component,or plugin same wordpress,joomla?

*I want to create a cms website and i want to create component or plugin for my'cms.Who can show me the solution create module or component or plugin same wordpress,or joomla?
Learn PHP - the language that both Joomla and Wordpress are written in - and then learn the Joomla / Wordpress frameworks.
There are thousands of existing components for both of these, so you should check to see if someone has already written what you need.

Drupal module write to database using FAPI

Does anyone know of a tutorial that shows creating a form and writing that data to a database? This is what I am trying to accomplish or can anyone put together the simple code so that I can understand how it works?
I would start with Drupal's API doc on Forms. Also, check out Drupal's documentation on their Database Abstraction Layer.
