Drupal module write to database using FAPI - drupal-6

Does anyone know of a tutorial that shows creating a form and writing that data to a database? This is what I am trying to accomplish or can anyone put together the simple code so that I can understand how it works?

I would start with Drupal's API doc on Forms. Also, check out Drupal's documentation on their Database Abstraction Layer.


Is there a way to deploy my app on a hosted platform?

Dear Stackoverflow people,
I am facing the following problem:
For an internship in a company I have created a leaflet map with several custom features such as custom popups, markerstyle etc. The thing is, in the end they are supposed to manage the whole thing. Since they don´t know anything about code they asked for the easiest possible way for them to add data to the map.
So I came across the serverside tutorial by CodingTrain using Node.js and thought its perfect for me. Now I created basically a webform that takes up all information, converts it into a geoJSON feature, stores it in a database and sends it to the map to be displayed, great easy GUI to add new features...
Now comes the bummer which I didnt know would be a problem: The website is on a hosted service called Bitrix. I uploaded my project and it does not recognize the routes and cant write to the database or anything. I actually dont know whether I can run node on this platform?
I had the idea to launch the whole thing on a Service like Heroku or Glitch and just take the map from there and include it into the other website via an Iframe or something like that. Do you guys think thats feasible? Are there any other better ways?
Sorry for my obvious cluelessness but I´m completely new to serverside programming and thought I´d found an easy way out... I am grateful for any kind of suggestions or help!

Rally API Add Tags to existing userstory NodeJS

I have been stuck on this issue for a while and I finally ended up asking on here. I need an example on how to add existing tags on existing test case using the NodeJS rally api. I have already seen the Java implementation and it does not help me too much.
I already have an application which creates/updates test cases, test folders, etc. I just got an extra requirement to add tags. I have been looking at their APIs and I am so confused on how to attach the tags. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Check out this section in the user guide:
That code example is adding defects to a story, but it should be super straightforward to change that to tags...

Recommended approach for admin site and front end using MEAN stack?

I want to build a website using the MEAN stack and my database schema will be defined using Mongoose. This website will have an admin site, in which I will have all the CRUD operations for the data displayed by the frontend website. As the object model will be the same, if I'm using Java or C# I would compile this classes in a Jar or Dll and use it in my frontend site, along with the DB definitions and repositories (say hibernate)
What will be a recommended approach for reuse this object model in this MEAN scenario? Is it common to have another "folder" in my express setup? What if I want to run the admin site on another port?
I see you have no response yet, one example; Here is a nice scaffold that im working with which uses also JS, not C or Java and is a fairly good example of what your looking for i think. This will help you expedite, expand and go in which direction you want from there, by being a very adjustable MEAN stack scaffold using MOngoose, having CRUD examples, and even Bootstrap Jade SASS front end to help facilitate if you want to use it.
You would separate out your admin site as one of the MVC sections, and so forth, just like you would on any other MVC site pretty much, you can just follow the code standards in the documentation there.

Browser update to a file without a web server

I need to create a browser based user interface to update an XML file. Is it possible to do this without a full blown web server?
I read about the PHP in-built web-server but wasn't clear whether it will suit my requirement. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Yes, you can do this, using simpleXML, php. Very easy and clear.
All that you need is already well documented.

User editable template/view - Node.js, Mongodb

Has anyone here an experience with writting an application, where the user is allowed to edit a template of his "profile" online? I mean custom css, html and js - like Tumblr allows that.
What is the best and secure way to do that? Is it better to store the template in a database or in a file?
I am trying to implement this feature with node.js and mongodb, but your experience from other frameworks/languages are welcome too!
