How to reload Angular app (All Pages) after every few seconds - node.js

I'm currently working on Angular,Mongodb and nodejs as backend. But problem is whenever I add something like image or any entry I have to refresh the angular page to show the changes.
So is there any way to automatically reload every page of an angular app?
Also I would like to add that it's a group project so if another partner enter any image (image path) into data from his/her side I dont get the image as image doesn't not existed in my laptop and visa versa.
Is there any other way to reflect the image both the side even if it doesn't exist in each other's memory ?

You could always add a reload function on a timer:
setTimeout(window.location.reload.bind(window.location), 250);
But I would argue that this method isn't conducive to a good user experience though - window reloads are jarring.
A better option would be to create an observable bound to changes in collections on your database, and reset the image holder HTML based on events from that observable.


Save the state in customised search

I was viewing this website which has an awesome customized search options panel. I was wondering how can we remember the state of checkboxes and textfields when the query returns the results and HTML page renders. Take this page for example, it saves the user's selected options when the page refreshes. I want to implement this feature in Node, Mongo and Express.
There are two ways you could do this. If you want to persist the options long term, when the user selects something, you'd send a POST or PUT request to the server and have the server save the settings in Mongo. The second option (which I think is a better choice here) is to just use local storage on the client. See this documentation for how to use local storage.
With local storage, everything is client-side, so you don't have to worry about the latency and complication of dealing with the server. The user will have their options saved on that computer until they go into their browser settings and delete it.
Edit: I think what you're looking for is session storage. This is similar to local storage but it gets reset when the browser window closes or the session expires. with couchDB method to refresh pages with DB change

I've started using to make a web app.
I wanted to ask is there a convenient way to refresh pages whenever data in the couch db changes?
If you have a function that renders your page, like render, you can do this"change", render)
The "change" event will trigger every time something changes in your data, be it because you called on of the APIs, or because of a changed synced from remote

Is meteor keeping cache for each "publish"

I'm using Iron Router (with RouteControllers) and I'd like to know if meteor keep cache for "publishes" when page (url) change.
Example :
I want use meteor for a cooking site, so I've a section with a BIG list of recipes, and I can filter this list (by theme, preparation time, etc.). So, potentially, there will be a lot of different lists.
(This is a use case but my question can be valid for classic schema : a user visits a recipe detail page, and go away... does meteor clean cache for this subscription on server (which published the recipe datas) ?)
If I use subscriptions, does meteor keep cache when I change filter information ? And if not, how to do that without keep cache on local user database (and on server) for each request use can make ?
Sorry, I'm a beginner in meteor and it's a little confused for me. When I read documentation about meteor and publish/subscribes, I think that my app usage will increase memory excessively...
There is multiple scenarios to take into consideration:
The user closes the page and re-opens it, or refreshes.
In that case, no subscription whatsoever is natively kept.
The user changes page with a router (no reload or page closing), templates are destroyed
If the publication is done inside the router controls, it's generally cancelled (not kept) on page change. I think this is valid for both iron:router and meteorhacks:flow-router.
If the publication is done inside the template control, it is cancelled on destruction.
Else if it is done outside these pre-defined controls then the subscription is not cancelled.
You will need to adapt to these behaviours. If you want, for example, to remember the subscriptions across router pages, you will need to store them externally and control them in your own way.
afaik the cache is client-side, in minimongo. The publication on the server isn't actually used until you subscribe to it on the client. i.e.:
return Recipes.find();
Doesn't do anything by itself. A client subscription needs to refer to it.
If your collection of recipes is very large and you don't want to have a lot of network overhead to move it all to the client, then you can implement server-side search in your subscription, for example with

How to make a asynchronous app with Node, Express

I'm working on an app that i being built using Node and Express. All is fine, however the app is currently not asynchronous and I'd like it to be, so I'm currently investigating what would be the best way to do it.
As far as I can tell, seems to be the preferred choice to go with Node.
My question is, is's methodology the best way to move data between the server and client or is there a better, more robust way to do it? Maybe something accomplished with Node only?
PS: I think sounds really nice. Its just that I'm new to Node and though there would be a simpler way to move data back and forth.
Many thanks
Ok, I've seen the term "realtime" used before and was frown upon. The commenter implied that technically there is no "realtime" application, hence me choosing asynchronous, however realtime does describe what I'm after: An app that will be all ajax-like. For instance, in my app, when I need to edit a saved document (mongodb records are called documents), I need to redirect the page passing the document id as argument. I don't want that. I want all through ajax. I can achieve this with jQuery, however behind the scenes the server will still be moving through urls (I'll need to create loads of app.get('product/:id/edit', ...),'/product/:id/edit'. ... and then use $.ajax to get and post stuff ) so I was wondering what's the best way to achieve this.
PS: I might be looking at this completely wrong. Like I said, I'm new to Node and for app development for that matter.
EDIT2: An example: Let's say I have a page with a table in it where I list all products. Each product will have a EDIT/DELETE button. At the moment, when I click edit, I'm redirected to another page where I can edit the product and save it, then I'm redirected to the product listing. I'd prefer to load the product into a modal window, make whatever edits I need, then update the product/listing without leaving the page.
Using $.ajax I can use the product ID, enquiry the db for that particular product, populate the field in the modal with the product details and display to the user. Then allow the user to make the changes and update the products, however the part in which I need to enquiry the db in order to populate the modal is muddy because the id needs to be passed through the url...
I don't know how to pass the id to the application unless is through app.get('/product/:id/edit', ...) then'/product/:id/edit').

Method(s) used to pass data to and from WebKit based browser

I'm using WebKitGTK+ ( WebKit ) application that will be a very simple web browser running in a Linux environment as a separate executable that will need to exchange data between another application. The system is described in the following image:
Example scenario:
Event such as smart card insertion detected in Backend processing Application
smart card data is read and passed to the WebKitGTK+ GUI Application
User interacts with "web page" displayed in WebKitGTK+ Application
Data is passed from WebKitGTK+ Application back to the Backend processing Application
What are the common methods of passing data between the WebKitGTK+ Application and the Backend processing Application?
Does `WebKitGTK+ provide some hooks to do this sort of thing? Any help at all would be appreciated.
I know this is a old question, but will try to answer it to best of my abilities so that it can be useful to someone else.
Webkit is basically rendering a html page. You can connect to various signals that webkit provides and act on these signals. More details at
For your back end application, if something interesting happens, you can update page either by navigating to a new url, new page contents or just by setting text of desired element. Webkit provides DOM api functions and all of these are possible.
It becomes interesting when getting data from webkit and sending it to your back end system. Again, this depends upon your specific design, but generally you can hook up signals such as navigation signals when user clicks on a button and get contents. Another alternative is to use alert handler and simply use javascript alert and process the alert data on backend side.
Shameless plug for example : It uses a simple database backend, probably can be good use case as it sends data back and forth between database and webpage. Even manipulates the links so that desired actions take place.
