How to make a asynchronous app with Node, Express - node.js

I'm working on an app that i being built using Node and Express. All is fine, however the app is currently not asynchronous and I'd like it to be, so I'm currently investigating what would be the best way to do it.
As far as I can tell, seems to be the preferred choice to go with Node.
My question is, is's methodology the best way to move data between the server and client or is there a better, more robust way to do it? Maybe something accomplished with Node only?
PS: I think sounds really nice. Its just that I'm new to Node and though there would be a simpler way to move data back and forth.
Many thanks
Ok, I've seen the term "realtime" used before and was frown upon. The commenter implied that technically there is no "realtime" application, hence me choosing asynchronous, however realtime does describe what I'm after: An app that will be all ajax-like. For instance, in my app, when I need to edit a saved document (mongodb records are called documents), I need to redirect the page passing the document id as argument. I don't want that. I want all through ajax. I can achieve this with jQuery, however behind the scenes the server will still be moving through urls (I'll need to create loads of app.get('product/:id/edit', ...),'/product/:id/edit'. ... and then use $.ajax to get and post stuff ) so I was wondering what's the best way to achieve this.
PS: I might be looking at this completely wrong. Like I said, I'm new to Node and for app development for that matter.
EDIT2: An example: Let's say I have a page with a table in it where I list all products. Each product will have a EDIT/DELETE button. At the moment, when I click edit, I'm redirected to another page where I can edit the product and save it, then I'm redirected to the product listing. I'd prefer to load the product into a modal window, make whatever edits I need, then update the product/listing without leaving the page.
Using $.ajax I can use the product ID, enquiry the db for that particular product, populate the field in the modal with the product details and display to the user. Then allow the user to make the changes and update the products, however the part in which I need to enquiry the db in order to populate the modal is muddy because the id needs to be passed through the url...
I don't know how to pass the id to the application unless is through app.get('/product/:id/edit', ...) then'/product/:id/edit').


How to: allow users to create their on pages on web app?

I'm relatively new to webdev, and essentially I'm trying to create functionality that allows users to create their own event pages (similar to Facebook Events, Meetup etc.).
My question is to do with the surrounding architecture of this, namely:
Given each event page will have its own url, do you need a separate file for each event in the backend?
Or is there some clever way of templating and directing traffic? (Sorry if this is vague, I'm trying to probe if there is a better way of doing this?)
I notice that most of the FB/Meetup events all have their own URLs, does this mean that they all have separate files in the backend?
I'm using Nodejs for the backend btw.
I've been Googling around but haven't been able to figure it out, I think I might be using the wrong wording... so even a point in the direction of the right wording would be much appreciated!
Thanks y'all
Generally this is handled via database-driven solutions. The "pages" are dynamic, and the URL is a parameter see #Konrad's comment that allows the pages to be looked up in a database which allows the dynamic content to be loaded into a single page which handles the complexity of each page seeming unique.

Node.js: Is there an advantage to populating page data using vs res.render(), or vice-versa?

Let's say, hypothetically, I am working on a website which provides live score updates for sporting fixtures.
A script checks an external API for updates every few seconds. If there is a new update, the information is saved to a database, and then pushed out to the user.
When a new user accesses the website, a script queries the database and populates the page with all the information ingested so far.
I am using to push live updates. However, when someone is accessing the page for the first time, I have a couple of options:
I could use the existing infrastructure to populate the page
I could request the information when routing the user, pass it into res.render() as an argument and render the data using, for example, Pug.
In this circumstance, my instinct would be to utilise the existing infrastructure; purely because it would save me writing additional code. However, I am curious to know whether there are any other reasons for, or against, using either approach. For example, would it be more performant to render the data, initially, using one approach or the other?

Querying ArangoDB without leaving page

I'm relatively new to webdevelopment and have been using ArangoDB for most of that limited experience. I have a basic understanding of Node.js and creating express based CRUD apps with ArangoDB as the database.
I'm getting to a point though where I'd like to have the ability to query the database from inside the client. Say I would like to have a datalist-type element where the user types words into a searchbar. I'd like the ability to query the database from there rather than having to query the database for all of its files prior to creating the datalist. I have not found a single mention though of using database queries from the client side. I can't imagine that this is not possible. Surely when I search wikipedia through the search bar and it provides me with options I didn't just receive the entire wikipedia documents list upon loading the page? Please steer me in the right direction, I don't know how to tackle this problem.
Have a look at how to build dynamic forms, this will allow you to perform AJAX style calls from the browser window to a back end REST API service. This will allow your back end web service to gather the data for the response (from ArangoDB if required), and respond with that data, most likely in a JSON format.
Your UI can then take that response and dynamically update components in your DOM so that the user can see the data injected into the page without a page reload action taking place. is a great place to start.
Alternatively you can have a look at free content like

Can server side rendering in React be helpful with dynamic presentation?

My issue: For my thesis I am creating an auction site. I have an admin panel in which I would like to have some configurations so that an admin can specify that if there are 10 days before the end of an auction some components should be displayed in different ways, some should be not visible at all etc. That’s what I call dynamic presentation.
My question: Right now I am working on architecture and wondering if SSR can be helpful in any way? I am already aware that it can shorten download time of some collections from my database even by half, but I am wondering if there is any way how it can be helpful with dynamic presentation itself?
What I already know: I have read all about advantages and disadvantages of ssr or universal rendering in react. Now I am only wondering if it can be in any way helpful with dynamic presentation or it won't matter if I choose SSR or CSR.
Small side question: I don’t have the whole architecture ready yet. What I know is that I would like to have a database, one separate app for an admin, backend and frontend (either ssr or csr). My first thought on how to manage this dynamic presentation was to store some rules in the database. Then the rules could be configured in admin app should an admin want to change anything. The rules should be send to backend and calculated with some additional data from frontend. Then backend could send some flag to frontend indicating which components to display etc. In theory I could move calculating to e.g. NodeJs server should I go with SSR. What I'm wondering about is; can you think of any better way to handle dynamic presentation? What I am most afraid of is numerous ifs in the fronetend. I would like to have some more elegant solution but I have no other idea so far. For some time I thought about a scoring system but I believe it would be too complicated (instead of sending a flag, send a score and frontend will display correct things based on the score). Also it wouldn’t solve the issue of ifs on the frontend.
I am aware that on StackOverflow questions which can be answered rather than discussed are preferred but I am really stuck and would appreciate help.
Basically SSR can provide some speed on your page because all of your data will not be trying to be fetched when the react script will end with an API call. Data are fetched from database when page is requested and be passed to the component to render with the script.
Also another very basic advantage and the reason why everyone are going the SSR way is SEO. You cannot achieve SEO page with react CSR. This is because google bot etc will try and crawl your page without even render it. Is like trying to "view source" of a page. When you are in CSR the page has no content only the initial react divs empty. You need SSR to have data on the first request of the user.
SSR brings the data on the first request of the user until a reload. In the meantime react router fetches data from the api.
Let me know if that help you.
PS: also a helpful link

Is meteor keeping cache for each "publish"

I'm using Iron Router (with RouteControllers) and I'd like to know if meteor keep cache for "publishes" when page (url) change.
Example :
I want use meteor for a cooking site, so I've a section with a BIG list of recipes, and I can filter this list (by theme, preparation time, etc.). So, potentially, there will be a lot of different lists.
(This is a use case but my question can be valid for classic schema : a user visits a recipe detail page, and go away... does meteor clean cache for this subscription on server (which published the recipe datas) ?)
If I use subscriptions, does meteor keep cache when I change filter information ? And if not, how to do that without keep cache on local user database (and on server) for each request use can make ?
Sorry, I'm a beginner in meteor and it's a little confused for me. When I read documentation about meteor and publish/subscribes, I think that my app usage will increase memory excessively...
There is multiple scenarios to take into consideration:
The user closes the page and re-opens it, or refreshes.
In that case, no subscription whatsoever is natively kept.
The user changes page with a router (no reload or page closing), templates are destroyed
If the publication is done inside the router controls, it's generally cancelled (not kept) on page change. I think this is valid for both iron:router and meteorhacks:flow-router.
If the publication is done inside the template control, it is cancelled on destruction.
Else if it is done outside these pre-defined controls then the subscription is not cancelled.
You will need to adapt to these behaviours. If you want, for example, to remember the subscriptions across router pages, you will need to store them externally and control them in your own way.
afaik the cache is client-side, in minimongo. The publication on the server isn't actually used until you subscribe to it on the client. i.e.:
return Recipes.find();
Doesn't do anything by itself. A client subscription needs to refer to it.
If your collection of recipes is very large and you don't want to have a lot of network overhead to move it all to the client, then you can implement server-side search in your subscription, for example with
