jest how to see all uncovered lines in CLI? - jestjs

I want to see uncovered lines which is hidden by "..." like: "... 03,104,107,111"
Any ideas?
validation.ts | 76.92 | 82.61 | 53.33 | 76.19 |... 03,104,107,111 |
worklistPage-util.ts | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |... 63,68,69,70,73 |

I found a solution, but not for the CLI.
I was able to check all uncovered lines by type start coverage/lcov-report/index.html which is created by istanbul.js in Window system


Recursively add prefix to file names and moving these files from all subdirectories to a specified directory (linux environment)

I'd like to rename the files with the unique sample name (which is the title of the subdirectory 2 levels above the files).
Here is a snippet of the directory structure:
| |-Sample1
| | |-cufflinks
| | | |-genes.fpkm_tracking
| | | |-skipped.gtf
| | | |-isoforms.fpkm_tracking
| | | |-transcripts.gtf
| |-Sample2
| | |-cufflinks
| | | |-genes.fpkm_tracking
| | | |-skipped.gtf
| | | |-isoforms.fpkm_tracking
| | | |-transcripts.gtf
There are about 1000 files like this. I'd like to be able to see something like this:
| |-Sample1_genes.fpkm_tracking
| |-Sample1_skipped.gtf
| |-Sample1_isoforms.fpkm_tracking
| |-Sample1_transcripts.gtf
| |-Sample2_genes.fpkm_tracking
| |-Sample2_skipped.gtf
| |-Sample2_isoforms.fpkm_tracking
| |-Sample2_transcripts.gtf
I'm working in a Linux environment and have very basic knowledge on file management with this language. Any advice/suggestions for resources on this type of work, that would be great! I'd like to learn this so I can be more independent with this. Thank you!

Instanbul/Nyc only picking up some files

I tried to set up Istanbul/Nyc/Mocha for test coverage for my project and although I was able to run Nyc successfully, I am only able to see some files being picked up for test coverage not all the .ts files that I have.
So when I run
npm run coverage
I get
File | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines | Uncovered Line #s
All files | 0 | 100 | 100 | 0 |
develop-potta | 0 | 100 | 100 | 0 |
swagger.ts | 0 | 100 | 100 | 0 | 1
develop-potta/models | 0 | 100 | 100 | 0 |
students.ts | 0 | 100 | 100 | 0 | 1
swaggerDefinition.ts | 0 | 100 | 100 | 0 | 1
develop-potta/routes | 0 | 100 | 100 | 0 |
routescontroller.ts | 0 | 100 | 100 | 0 | 4-5
This only covers about 50% of my code base. For example I have a develop-potta/DBConnection/OracleConnection.ts which is also a ts file which isn't being picked up by my script. I am unable to figure out why? Could it be a certain naming convention? Could it be that I didn't export those modules?
Typescript + mocha + nyc can be picky. Especially the all: true setting messes up the coverage a lot. But as you mention it's hard to bring it cover all files. My template repo covers those cases. Maybe it can help you.
If you're only interested in coverage check the .ncyrc.yml and mocharc.yml as well as the call config in package.json. VsCode launch configs also included.

MATCH-formula where 'lookup_value' is array

I have 3 Excel-files (automated exports) that contain the following information:
1. The total list of shelves in one particular store:
| Shelf_code |
| AB01 |
| AA02 |
2. The total list of all shelves linked to each article
| SKU_code | Shelf_code |
| 111 | AA01 |
| 111 | AB01 |
| 111 | AC01 |
| 112 | AA01 |
3. The list of all available SKUs
| SKU_code | Other stuff |
| 111 | ... |
| 112 | ... |
| 113 | ... |
| 114 | ... |
And what I want to do is to link the Shelf_codes from that specific store to the total available SKU-list, so it will look like this:
| SKU_code | Other stuff | Shelf_code_store1 |
| 111 | ... | AB01 |
| 112 | ... | |
| 113 | ... | |
| 114 | ... | AB01 |
I have tried to embed the MATCH formula within another INDEX/MATCH formula (see code below) which was partially successful since this will only work if the shelf_code in file 2 happens to be the first one to match the SKU_code.
Since this will be mostly not the case, it will return a #N/A error
Does anyone has a solution for this?
Since these files contain over 1000 articles, 200 shelves, 6 stores, and will be frequently updated I don't think using a Pivottable on file 2 will fit my needs.

Incorrect stats_reset value in pg_stat_bgwriter

I am checking the stats of background process by below command:
select * from pg_stat_bgwriter ;
But after resetting the stats by command:
select pg_stat_reset() ;
I am expecting the column stats_reset return the time at which stats reset, but it shows the very old time. Any idea or guidance on this ?
Example output:
checkpoints_timed | checkpoints_req | checkpoint_write_time |
checkpoint_sync_time | buffers_checkpoint | buffers_clean |
maxwritten_c lean | buffers_backend | buffers_backend_fsync |
buffers_alloc | stats_reset
2525 | 9 | 193751796 | 322501 | 3162662 | 30839 | 176 | 451310 |
0 | 4120735 | 2016-09-27 08:32:43.638545-05
Got the answer in the documentation : Doc- link
bgwriter is the shared among all the databases so it can be reset by different function by the below command:
pg_stat_reset_shared('bgwriter') ;

Write a command to increase or decrease the number of vertical splits

I usually have my Vim screen split into two vertical windows, each of which may be further horizontally split. Sometimes, I want to add or delete a vertical window. Is there a way to detect how many top-level vertical splits there are and add or remove vsplits as necessary?
For example, suppose my screen looks like this:
| | |
| | |
+--------+ |
| | |
| | |
| +--------+
| | |
I want :Columns 1 to give me
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
by closing the two right-most windows.
I want :Columns 2 to do nothing, detecting that two columns are already open.
And I want :Columns 3 to give me
| | | |
| | | |
+--------+ | |
| | | |
| | | |
| +--------+ |
| | | |
I am fine if the function ignores vertical splits within horizontal splits. For example, if I had
| |
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
and I ran :Columns 2, I would get
| | |
| | |
+---+----+ |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
There is indeed a way, but it is involved; the first step is to count the currently-open vertical windows, and I don’t know of any built-in function that facilitates this. The working approach I found to it is basically to start at the first window (the top of the first — if not the entirety of the first — vertical split), and to then, using wincmd l, move to the next window to the right for as long as wincmd l moves to a new window, adding each to a count of open vertical windows including the first one. (I think this is what Gary Fixler referred to in the comments on the question.)
I started trying to write the code for posting here, and it grew to become larger than any function I would want to put in my ~/.vimrc, so I ended up turning it into a plugin which takes the above approach and provides the :Columns command; see Columcille (on at The plugin also provides a command for similarly managing horizontal split windows: :Rows divides the current column (or the main window, if there are no open vertical splits) into the specified number of “rows.”
