Repartition by dates for high concurrency and big output files - apache-spark

I'm running Spark job on AWS Glue. The job transforms the data and saves output to parquet files, partitioned by date (year, month, day directories). Job must be able to handle terabytes of input data and uses hundreds of executors, each with 5.5 GB memory limit.
Input covers over 2 years of data. The output parquet files for each date should be as big as possible, optionally split into 500 MB chunks. Creating multiple small files for each day is not wanted.
Few tested approaches:
repartitioning by the same columns as in write results in Out Of Memory errors on executors:
df = df.repartition(*output_partitions)
repartitioning with an additional column with random value results in having multiple small output files written (corresponding to spark.sql.shuffle.partitions value):
df = df.repartition(*output_partitions, "random")
setting the number of partitions in repartition function, for example to 10, gives 10 quite big output files, but I'm afraid it will cause Out Of Memory errors when actual data (TBs in size) will be loaded:
df = df.repartition(10, *output_partitions, "random")
(df in code snippets is a regular Spark Data Frame)
I know I can limit the output file size with maxRecordsPerFile write option. But this limits the output created from a single memory partition, so in the first place, I would need to have partitions created by date.
So the question is how to repartition data in memory to:
split it over multiple executors to prevent Out Of Memory errors,
save output for each day to limited number of big parquet files,
write output files in parallel (using as much executors as possible)?
I've read those sources but did not find a solution:


How to control number of files generated while setting large partitions in spark?

Because of large number of input data, I set large shuffle partitions of spark (spark.sql.shuffle.partitions=1000). However, the output file is small (~1GB), but it creates lots of small files (3000 files, each smaller than 1Mb). How can I combine these small files to one big file?
Another question is, why the number of output files is 3 times the number of shuffle partitions?
As per Spark docs, spark.sql.shuffle.partitions parameter Configures the number of partitions to use when shuffling data for joins or aggregations.. To control the number of output files use the repartition() method before writing the output. So something like this:
.filter(...) // some transformations
.repartition(1) // move data into a single partition
The snippet above would result in a single output file.
You are not limited to repartitioning your data once - you can repartition as much as you need, but bare in mind that this is a costly operation:
.filter(...) // some transformations
.repartition(...) // repartition to improve join performance
.repartition(1) // move data into a single partition
If you want a good explanation of how repartition works, here is a great answer:
Spark - repartition() vs coalesce()
For more information on how to improve the performance of the joins, refer to the Spark docs:
Since you have a large number of partitions. You may need to coalesce on your date frame. coalesce will decrease the number of partitions.
val df_res = df.coalesce(10)
This should decrease the number of output files from 1000 to just 10. or you can coalesce(1) to create one big file.
Coalesce uses existing partitions and minimizes shuffled data. The results may be different sizes.
The number of output files is equal to the number of partitions. the property (spark.sql.shuffle.partitions) is used when shuffling data for joins or aggregations.
You can perform df.repartition() to your dataframe to increase/decrease the partitions.

Why is spark dataframe repartition faster than coalesce when reducing number of partitions?

I have a df with 100 partitions, and before saving to HDFS as .parquet I want to reduce the number of partitions because the parquet files would be too small (<1MB).
I've added coalesce before writing:
It works but slows down the process from 2-3s per file to 10-20s per file.
When I try repartition:
The process does not slow down at all, 2-3s per file.
Why? Shouldn't coalesce always be faster when reducing the number of partitions because it avoids a full shuffle?
I'm importing files from local storage to spark cluster and saving the resulting dataframes as a parquet file. Each file is approx 100-200MB.
Files are located on the "spark-driver" machine, I'm running spark-submit in client deploy mode.
I'm reading files one by one in driver:
data = read_lines(file_name)
rdd = sc.parallelize(data,100)
rdd2 = rdd.flatMap(lambda j: myfunc(j))
df = rdd2.toDF(mySchema)
Spark version is 3.1.1
Spark/HDFS cluster has 5 workers with 8CPU,32GB RAM
Each executor has 4cores and 15GB RAM, that makes 10 executors total.
When I use coalesce(1) I get spark.rpc.message.maxSize limit breached error, but not when I use repartition(1). Could that be a clue?
Attaching DAG visualizations .. Looks like WholeStageCodegen part is taking too long on coalesce DAGs?
This can happen sometimes if your data is not evenly distributed and when you do coalesce it tries to reduce the partitions by combining the small partitions in order to reduce full shuffle but there could still be some data skew in one of the partition and that single partition would be taking the most of the time.
While you do repartition the data gets distributed almost evenly on all the partitions as it does full shuffle and all the tasks would almost get completed in the same time.
You could use the spark UI to see why when you are doing coalesce what is happening in terms of tasks and do you see any single task running long.

Spark coalescing on the number of objects in each partition

We are starting to experiment with spark on our team.
After we do reduce job in Spark, we would like to write the result to S3, however we would like to avoid collecting the spark result.
For now, we are writing the files to Spark forEachPartition of the RDD, however this resulted in a lot of small files. We would like to be able to aggregate the data into a couple files partitioned by the number of objects written to the file.
So for example, our total data is 1M objects (this is constant), we would like to produce 400K objects file, and our current partition produce around 20k objects file (this varies a lot for each job). Ideally we want to produce 3 files, each containing 400k, 400k and 200k instead of 50 files of 20K objects
Does anyone have a good suggestion?
My thought process is to let each partition handle which index it should write it to by assuming that each partition will roughy produce the same number of objects.
So for example, partition 0 will write to the first file, while partition 21 will write to the second file since it will assume that the starting index for the object is 20000 * 21 = 42000, which is bigger than the file size.
The partition 41 will write to the third file, since it is bigger than 2 * file size limit.
This will not always result on the perfect 400k file size limit though, more of an approximation.
I understand that there is coalescing, but as I understand it coalesce is to reduce the number of partition based on the number of partition wanted. What I want is to coalesce the data based on the number of objects in each partition, is there a good way to do it?
What you want to do is to re-partition the files into three partitions; the data will be split approximately 333k records per partition. The partition will be approximate, it will not be exactly 333,333 per partition. I do not know of a way to get the 400k/400k/200k partition you want.
If you have a DataFrame `df', you can repartition into n partitions as
Since you want a maximum number or records per partition, I would recommend this (you don't specify Scala or pyspark, so I'm going with Scala; you can do the same in pyspark) :
val maxRecordsPerPartition = ???
val numPartitions = (df.count() / maxRecordsPerPartition).toInt + 1
This will guarantee your partitions are less than maxRecordsPerPartition.
We have decided to just go with the number of files being generated and just making sure that each files contain less than 1 million line items

spark write to disk with N files less than N partitions

Can we write data to say 100 files, with 10 partitions in each file?
I know we can use repartition or coalesce to reduce number of partition. But I have seen some hadoop generated avro data with much more partitions than number of files.
The number of files that get written out is controlled by the parallelization of your DataFrame or RDD. So if your data is split across 10 Spark partitions you cannot write fewer than 10 files without reducing partitioning (e.g. coalesce or repartition).
Now, having said that when data is read back in it could be split into smaller chunks based on your configured split size but depending on format and/or compression.
If instead you want to increase the number of files written per Spark partition (e.g. to prevent files that are too large), Spark 2.2 introduces a maxRecordsPerFile option when you write data out. With this you can limit the number of records that get written per file in each partition. The other option of course would be to repartition.
The following will result in 2 files being written out even though it's only got 1 partition:
val df = spark.range(100).coalesce(1)
df.write.option("maxRecordsPerFile", 50).save("/tmp/foo")

Spark DataFrames with Parquet and Partitioning

I have not been able to find much information on this topic but lets say we use a dataframe to read in a parquet file that is 10 Blocks spark will naturally create 10 partitions. But when the dataframe reads in the file to process it, won't it be processing a large data to partition ratio because if it was processing the file uncompressed the block size would have been much larger meaning the partitions would be larger as well.
So let me clarify, parquet compressed (these numbers are not fully accurate).
1GB Par = 5 Blocks = 5 Partitions which might be decompressed to 5GB making it 25 blocks/25 partitions. But unless you repartition the 1GB par file you will be stuck with just 5 partitions when optimally it would be 25 partitions? Or is my logic wrong.
Would make sense to repartition to increase speed? Or am I thinking about this wrong. Can anyone shed some light on this?
1 Block = 1 Partition For Spark
1 Core operated on 1 Partition
Spark DataFrame doesn't load parquet files in memory. It uses Hadoop/HDFS API to read it during each operation. So the optimal number of partitions depends on HDFS block size (different from a Parquet block size!).
Spark 1.5 DataFrame partitions parquet file as follows:
1 partition per HDFS block
If HDFS block size is less than configured in Spark parquet block size a partition will be created for multiple HDFS blocks such as total size of partition is no less than parquet block size
I saw the other answer but I thought I can clarify more on this. If you are reading Parquet from posix filesystem then you can increase number of partitioning readings by just having more workers in Spark.
But in order to control the balance of data that comes into workers one may use the hierarchical data structure of the Parquet files, and later in the workers you may point to different partitions or parts of the Parquet file. This will give you control over how much of data should go to each worker according to the domain of your dataset (if by balancing data in workers you mean equal batch of data per worker is not efficient).
