Exiting Out of SQL Editor Using Mac Terminal [duplicate] - vim

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How do I exit Vim?
(13 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
Writing a SQL statement in the psql console, I entered an external terminal to edit one of my sql statements using the \e command. However, I'm not sure how to exit the terminal.
I have tried using the escape key and \q.

Type :w & press Enter. This will save all the edited content.
Type :q and press Enter. This will throw you out of the editor to the terminal.


How do I copy lines of code from vim into a google doc? [duplicate]

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How to copy to clipboard in Vim?
(40 answers)
Closed 18 days ago.
I understand how to copy lines inside vim to use in vim, but whenever I try pasting the code anywhere else outside my terminal it pastes a previous copy that was not done in the terminal.
I have been searching past questions on here about this, but none of them seemed to work or be what I was looking for.
You try with the standart Ctrl + C. In my case, when i copy from a terminal (not vim) i do it with Ctrl + Shift + C.
On MacOS while in terminal if you go to view then uncheck "Allow Mouse Reporting" you will be able to copy/paste any lines to your systems clipboard.
Make sure to recheck this after your done or else the terminal acts weird when going into vim.

How to enter ^A in screen command [duplicate]

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Screen command disable the control key ctrl-a to use it in vim?
(2 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I wish to enter Ctrl-A to the terminal which will move the cursor to the very beginning of my current command line.
However, if I were using screen within the terminal, I was not aware of any way of entering Ctrl-A directly to the terminal instead of the default behavior.
Does anyone know how I could enter Ctrl-A directly to the terminal?
Gnu screen documents how to use its command key Ctrl-A, check the exception in "5.1 Default Key Bindings" section of the documentation:
5.1 Default Key Bindings
As mentioned previously, each keyboard command consists of a C-a followed by one other character. For your convenience, all commands that are bound to lower-case letters are also bound to their control character counterparts (with the exception of C-a a; see below).
C-a a
Send the command character (C-a) to window.
So, press Ctrl-A then A to send Ctrl-A signal into program running inside the gnu screen.

What is this command line that appears in vim? [duplicate]

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What is this history window in vim called?
(1 answer)
Closed 7 years ago.
Sometimes in vim I accidentally invoke this command line prompt:
What is this called? What keys call this feature?
It's the Command History search pane. As the shortcut is q:, I often find myself there by accident too. http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Using_command-line_history has the full usage. :q will quit the pane, and return you to where you were.

Does "M-x term" of emacs exist on vim? [duplicate]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How can I open a Shell inside a Vim Window?
In emacs there is an amazing functionality that allows user to split the window into two ones and run shell commands on one window. Does it exist on vim?
There are several, but Conque appears to be the most full-featured one.

Cannot use arrows in VI on some consoles [duplicate]

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Closed 12 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Linux vi arrow keys broken in insert mode
When I use vi in some consoles, I can use the arrows normally. But in others if I press the up arrow, it prints an "A". I then have to press escape to use the arrows normally.
I'm guessing it's something in the terminal configuration. How do I fix this?
Try using Vim instead of vi. I was forced to use vi at uni. It's crap.
