How to access the files in Azure NetApp? - azure

I am wondering if the Azure Storage explorer can be used to access the files in Azure NetApp. If not, what is the storage explorer-like solution for Azure NetApp?

No storage explorer cannot be used to access NetApp files. I highly doubt if there is an explorer available as of now unless you use some commands and create your own onw


Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer - Error loading property

Trying to use Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer (version 1.4.2) to access storage accounts in Azure Government. I can connect to the subscription and enumerate the storage accounts but when I click on a storage account, it won't enumerate the containers in the storage account and many of the properties of the storage account show as "Error loading property". I have tried two different Azure Government subscriptions and accessing them from two different computers.
Not really a solution to your problem but you may want to create an issue here:
Storage Explorer team is actively engaged on the issues there.

Adding Description/Metadata to Azure Blob

I couldn't find this from Microsoft support page,
but Is it possible to add description/metadata to an Azure Blob using Azure Portal? Without using any lines of code.
Use Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer to do it.
It allows you to edit metadata graphically like so:

Viewing file share associated to App Service

Where can I find the file share associated with the App Service?
I can view the files from Kudo console, but I don't see the share on my Storage Account using either the portal or Storage Explorer.
While the files are backed by a storage account, it is in a platform account and not one of your own accounts. That's why you cannot see the files in storage explorer. It's also why you can create a Web App without specifying a storage account.
One exception is for Azure Functions on Consumption plan, where the user storage account is used, and you'd see the Azure Files in storage explorer.

How to download a SQL backup from Microsoft Azure without a storage account?

The only option i could find in the Azure Portal, is to export a copy of my database to a azure storage account which i don't have. So i wonder, is there any other way of exporting my database to my laptop machine?
You may use SQL Server Management Studio for that - creating BACPAC and saving that to the local disk is the common solution for backing the database up.

Azure Shared Access Signature (SAS) with client tool (Cloudberry or Azure Storage Explorer)

After generating SAS for an Azure Storage Container, when using it in Cloudberry or Azure Storage explorer tool, a base64 error is shown.
My question is can a Shared Access Signature for a container be used in client tools like Cloudberry or Azure Storage explorer?
No. AFAIK, all the client tools today support managing storage accounts using account name/key with the exception of ClumsyLeaf CloudXplorer. You can give that a try.
In 2020, SAS connection is also supported by Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer.
If anyone trying to solve 'ACL on azure storage' in your company without having full Azure AD - for now you're just going to have to get inventive with managing those connection keys, but this platform keeps evolving so keep an eye on the space.
