Adding Description/Metadata to Azure Blob - azure

I couldn't find this from Microsoft support page,
but Is it possible to add description/metadata to an Azure Blob using Azure Portal? Without using any lines of code.

Use Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer to do it.
It allows you to edit metadata graphically like so:


How to access the files in Azure NetApp?

I am wondering if the Azure Storage explorer can be used to access the files in Azure NetApp. If not, what is the storage explorer-like solution for Azure NetApp?
No storage explorer cannot be used to access NetApp files. I highly doubt if there is an explorer available as of now unless you use some commands and create your own onw

ARM - UI for creating BlobStorage account

I'm authoring a createUiDefinition.json file for an Azure application. I want to allow the user to create or select an existing Blob Storage account as part of deployment, using the Microsoft.Storage.StorageAccountSelector control.
But when I'm running my UI definition through the Azure Portal, the StorageAccountSelector control doesn't seem able to create or find existing Blob Storage accounts, only general purpose Storage.
There's also some weird behavior with the Standard/Premium buttons.
What's up with this? Are Blob Storage accounts not supported through this UI control? I'm sideloading the UI definition to the portal as described here, if that makes a difference.
You're not doing anything wrong - it's not supported yet...

Question about support of some resources via ARM

I am about to publish an app on Azure Market Place and I am trying to create a "Test drive".
My application is based on several Azure resources :
App Service (webapp + api)
Azure search index
Azure storage
SQL Database
PowerBI Embedded
My question is: Are these resources all supported via ARM?
(especially the creation of an azure search index and PowerBI Embedded "linked" to a PowerBI account)
Thank you.
The resources except Azure search index are all supported via ARM.(Azure search service is supported)
For the ARM templates of them, you could refer to the Reference in this link. Also, in the portal, you could check them when you creating the resource in Automation options of the creation blade after filling the properties.

How do I access azure storage $logs

In the Azure Portal, I've created blob storage as follows:
I've enabled logging by going to mymedia > configure > logging and enabling it.
Unfortunately when I go to:$logs
I get a "resource not found error".
So my question is this. Once I've enabled logging for storage, how do actually access it? :/
I also spent some time looking for it.
It seems that:
the $logs container does not show up in the online Azure Portal
the $logs container does also not show in in the Visual Studio (2015) Cloud Explorer
But it does show up in the Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer tool
I don't believe the $logs container is public by default. Can you use a tool like Cerebrata's Azure Management Studio to open your storage account and view the $logs container?
They won't be under "Blob Containers" node but under "Storage Analytics" --> "Raw Data" node as shown in the screenshot below:
Cerebrata's tools are great, or for some free options check out the following:
Azure Storage Explorer 5.
Azure Explorer.
Another tool to go through Azure storage logs is CloudVyzor LogPad, now in beta. Comparing to Storage Explorer, you can actually search through there logs. This video explains it in details:

How do I create a deployment from a package in Blob Storage in Azure preview portal?

In the previous Silverlight Azure Management portal it was possible to "browse storage" and select a service package and the service configuration from Blob Storage:
and that was very convenient.
Now in the "preview" new portal the equivalent dialog looks like this:
Looks like the only option now is uploading the file directly from my computer.
How do I create or update a deployment from files in Blob Storage now?
I don't think this is available just yet in the new portal. You can always go to the old portal from the newer one and use the feature from there. There are still a number of things that the new portal will not do (e.g. SQL Azure Management, Managing Co-admins etc. to name a few) and for those, you would need to go to the old portal.
Hope this helps.
