Get the count of a phrase in a url using python and bs4 - python-3.x

I want to get the count of any phrase appearing in a URL, say
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
url = ''
r = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text,'lxml')
Now, I want to get the count of the phrase India is a in the soup. How to go about this?
Please suggest.

This can be done in one of two ways.
First, the common denominator:
texts = soup.find_all(text=True)
cleaned = ["".join(t.strip()) for t in texts]
Now, if you want to use regex:
import re
regex = re.compile(r'\bIndia is a\b')
for c in cleaned:
if regex.match(c) is not None:
I, personally, don't like using regex except as last resort, so I would go the longer way
phrase = 'India is a'
for c in cleaned:
if phrase==c or phrase+' ' in c:
In both cases, print(counter) outputs 6.
Note that, intentionally, these do not count the 3 situations where the phrase is part of a larger phrase (such as India is also); it counts only the exact phrase or the phrase followed by a space.

I tried below and the same worked fine:
import re
import requests
url = ''
response = requests.get(url)
response_text = response.text
keyword = 'India is a'
match = re.findall("%s" % keyword, response_text)
count = (len(match))
Output is 9.
This code will look into <head>, <body> and elsewhere.


How to append all data to dict instead of last result only?

I'm trying to create a metadata scraper to enrich my e-book collection, but am experiencing some problems. I want to create a dict (or whatever gets the job done) to store the index (only while testing), the path and the series name. This is the code I've written so far:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
def get_opf_path():
for f in opffile:
with open(f, 'r') as fi:
soup=BeautifulSoup(fi, 'lxml')
for meta in soup.find_all('meta'):
if meta.get('name')=='calibre:series':
this code is able to go through all the opf files and get the series, index and path, I'm sure of this, since the console output is this:
However, when I try to store the pathdict to the safe, no matter where I put the safe.append(pathdict) the output is either:
What do I have to do, so that the safe=[] has the data shown in image 1?
I have tried everything I could think of, but nothing worked.
Any help is appreciated.
I believe this is the correct way:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
def get_opf_path():
opffile = variables.items
pathdict = {'index':[], 'path':[], 'series':[]}
safe = []
x = 0
for f in opffile:
x += 1
pathdict['path'] = f
pathdict['index'] = x
with open(f, 'r') as fi:
soup = BeautifulSoup(fi, 'lxml')
for meta in soup.find_all('meta'):
if meta.get('name') == 'calibre:series':
pathdict['series'] = meta.get('content')
For two main reasons:
When you do:
pathdict['series'] = meta.get('content')
you are overwriting the last value in pathdict['series'] so I believe this is where you should save.
You also need to make a copy of it, if you don´t it will change also in the list. When you store the dict you really are storing a reeference to it (in this case, a reference to the variable pathdict.
If you want to print the elements of the list in separated lines you can do something like this:
print(*save, sep="\n")

Counting words in a webpage is inaccurate

Noob, trying to build a word counter, to count the words displayed on a website. I found some code (counting words inside a webpage), modified it, tried it on Google, and found that it was way off. Other code I tried displayed all of the various HTML tags, which was likewise not helpful. If visible page content reads: "Hello there world," I'm looking for a count of 3. For now, I'm not concerned with words that are in image files (pictures). My modified code is as follows:
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from collections import Counter
from string import punctuation
# Page you want to count words from
page = ""
# Get the page
r = requests.get(page)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content)
# We get the words within paragrphs
text_p = (''.join(s.findAll(text=True))for s in soup.findAll('p'))
# creates a dictionary of words and frequency from paragraphs
content_paras = Counter((x.rstrip(punctuation).lower() for y in text_p for x in y.split()))
sum_of_paras = sum(content_paras.values())
# We get the words within divs
text_div = (''.join(s.findAll(text=True))for s in soup.findAll('div'))
content_div = Counter((x.rstrip(punctuation).lower() for y in text_div for x in y.split()))
sum_of_divs = sum(content_div.values())
words_on_page = sum_of_paras + sum_of_divs
As always, simple answers I can follow are appreciated over complex/elegant ones I cannot, b/c Noob.

Beautifulsoup span class is returning a blank string

I am trying to print out different things from a Norwegian weather site with beautifulsoup.
I manage to print out everything i want except one thing witch mentions how the weather will be the next hour.
This contains the text i want to get:
<span class="nowcast-description" data-reactid="59">har opphold nå, det holder seg tørt den neste timen</span>
And i am trying print it with this:
cond = soup.find(class_='nowcast-description').get_text()
Inspected elements from
Here is a picture of the some of the elements on the site.
with printing these:
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")
loc = soup.find(class_='info-text').get_text()
cond = soup.find(class_='nowcast-description').get_text()
temp = soup.find(class_='temperature').get_text()
wind = soup.find(class_='indicator wind').get_text()
also tested with this line:
cond ="span.nowcast-description")
but that gives me everything except what i want from the line.
Site link:
i get:
Ski Akershus, 131 moh.
3 m/s
It is retrieved dynamically from a script tag. You can regex out object containing all forecasts and handle with hjson library due to unquoted keys. You need to install hjson then do the following:
import requests, hjson, re
headers = {'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0'}
r = requests.get('')
p = re.compile(r'window\.__dehydratedState = (.*?);', re.DOTALL)
data = hjson.loads(p.findall(r.text)[0])
You could regex out with library direct as well but using hsjon means you have access to all the other data.
It's because text under nowcast-description is generated dynamically. If you will dump the loaded page:
You only find only this:
<span class="nowcast-description" data-reactid="59">
On rough analysis, it seems that the content of this span is loaded from field nowcastDescription which is a part of window.__dehydratedState .
Because the field is a simple json, you can try to extract it from it.

(Python)- How to store text extracted from HTML table using BeautifulSoup in a structured python list

I parse a webpage using beautifulsoup:
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
page = requests.get("webpage url")
soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, 'html.parser')
I find the table and print the text
Ear_yield= soup.find(text="Earnings Yield").parent
And then I get the output of a single row in a table
Earnings Yield
I would like this output to be stored in a list so that I can print on xls and operate on the elements (For ex if (Earnings Yield [0] > Earnings Yield [1]).
So I write:
import html2text
text1 = Ear_yield.parent.text
Ear_yield_text = html2text.html2text(pr1)
list_Ear_yield = []
for i in Ear_yield_text :
Thinking that my web data has gone into list. I print the fourth item and check:
I expect the output as -0.33 but i get
That means the list takes in individual characters and not the full word:
Please let me know where I am doing wrong
That is because your Ear_yield_text is a string rather than a list. Assuming that the text have new lines you can do directly this:
list_Ear_yield = Ear_yield_text.split('\n')
Now if you print list_Ear_yield you will be given this result
['Earnings Yield', '0.01', '-0.59', '-0.33', '-1.23', '-0.11']

remove \n (line break) from string with python

I want to remove the \n (line break) from a string with python
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
<div class="thecontent" itemprop="description"><p>Kidney stone are painful and often recurring issue that can last for weeks at a time. They are affecting around 10% of the population mostly men between ages 30 and 40. </p>\n
<h4><strong>7. Get Your Fiber</strong></h4>\n
<p>Many vegetable protein sources also have the benefit of being great sources of insoluble fiber – another effective remedy for halting the growth of existing kidney stones and preventing the formation of new ones. </p>\n
<p>While many fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of fiber, be aware that they may also contain high...</p>
def get_article(html):
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")
e = soup.find('div', class_='thecontent').replace('\n', ' ')
I get this error:
e = soup.find('div', class_='thecontent').replace('\n', ' ')
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable
Same things with strip method
or you can put the string into a column of a dataframe, and use a simple for loop regular expression.
don't forget to put extra backslash like this: \\n, because otherwise it wouldn't work.
df['textInColumn'] = store your string here
def replaceNN(text):
res = []
for sub in text:
res.append(sub.replace("\\n", ""))
text = res
return text
df['textInColumn'] = replaceNN(df['textInColumn'])
