Using step definition with status undefined in Karate Testing - cucumber

I need to used a step that returns undefined status in html cucumber report.
Which keyword can be use?
My version is:

The closest thing to what you want is the karate.abort() syntax.
Or you can just put a * print 'this is not implemented yet'
And / or use a tag:
In my opinion, that is more that enough to solve for what you need. If not, you can consider contributing code to Karate, it is open-source.


The code in the manual that is actually seemed to be wrong

I was learning Haxe. And I found that a code that is in the official manual doesn't be compiled in and I wonder why and how to fix the code?
the code is the one in here: assumes that the class that contains the entry point main() is called Test, while the code example you linked uses Main.
It appears to work fine once you change class Main to class Test in the code snippet:
Note that some other code examples from the manual may not compile because still runs Haxe 3.4.4, while the current release is 4.0.5. To work around this, people usually use this fork of try.haxe that lets you specify the Haxe version to use in the options tab:

CountreExample generation in KodKod

I have just switched to working with KodKod I am still trying to understand it. I have wrote a program to help me understand I succeeded to see if the solution is SATISFIABLE or UNSATISFIABLE .
I want to be able to see the CountreExample like we normally do in Alloy, I found the Method proof() of the type solution but it always returns null .
I want to know if there is a way to return the CountreExample or not.
Thank you in advance.
Try to look at this examples of Alloy API usages:

Antlr4 Python3 target visitor not usable?

I try to follow the Antlr4 reference book, with the Python3 target, but I got stuck in the calculator example. On the Antlr4 docs it says
The Python implementation of AntLR is as close as possible to the Java one, so you shouldn't find it difficult to adapt the examples for Python
but I don't get it yet.
The java code visitor has a .visit method and in python I don't have this method. I think it's because in java the visit method had parameter overloads of the tokens. In python we have visitProg(), visitAssign(), visitId() etc. But now I can't write value = self.visit(ctx.expr()) because we don't know what visit to call?
Or am I missing an instruction somewhere?
Looks like sometime in the last 3+ years this was fixed. I generated a parser from a grammar and targeted Python 3, using:
antlr4 -Dlanguage=Python3 -no-listener -visitor mygrammar.g4
It generates a visitor class that subclasses ParseTreeVisitor, which is a class in the antlr4-python3-runtime. Looking at the ParseTreeVisitor class, there is a visit method.
For those interested in working through the The Definitive ANTLR 4 Reference using Python, the ANTLR4 documentation points you towards this github repo:
The Python2/3 targets do not yet have a visitor implemented. I tried to implement it myself, and a pull request is send to that antlr guy to see if I did it correctly. Follow the pull request here:

Core Cucumber Step Definitions

I'm looking over various Ruby gems that are tested using Cucumber, and I see this kind of line in the feature files:
Given a file named "myfile.txt":
and I can see it successfully run, but I can't find the step definition, which makes me think it's a "core" step that's defined by Cucumber rather than my code, only I can't find the docs of code for those "core" steps.
Cucumber does not provide any step definition on its own. All step definitions has to written by us.
If you are using Eclipse, you can install this plugin
Jump to defintion: Click on the keyword (here it is "Given"), hit F3 to jump to the Java code defined for that rule
It's defined in the "Aruba" gem.
Given /^a file named "([^"]*)" with:$/ do |file_name, file_content|
write_file(file_name, file_content)

Android: Cannot load library

I am facing a situation of which I have no idea. I am tried to test one method that I have implemented in C++ and I used swig to generate the wrapper. After compilation, when I tried to run the application, I got an error java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError.
It further states that
cannot load library:reloc_library[1311]:33
cannot locate '_Z13recognizeFacePKcS0_'
and suddenly throw exception.
I tried using adb shell to debug and found library in the right location (data/data/com/mesh/faceAuth/lib/ but it gives the same error. I also read from this site, that it has to do with wrong STL implementation which I don't have any clue of. I will highly appreciate your candid suggestion.
Best guess with what information you have provided, The library you are trying to load needs some dependencies to be loaded before it.
For example:
gamescript library needs other 2 library to be loaded before it. Otherwise, it gives me the same error you have mentioned. I can dig further on this issue if you can post some part of your .mk file for building the library here.
Your error has nothing to do with STL.
You probably reference a global function ::recognizeFace(char const*, char const*) in your code. Maybe, you have another function defined, for example recognizeFace(char*, char*).
