Async/await func in another async/await func in Node.js, MongoDB - node.js

I am trying to search available objects of a MongoDB collection(e.g. ParkingSpot) using specific business logic, the problem is that inside this function which is an async/await func I am looking inside another collection with .find() which I use as an async/await as well. The second function doesn't execute and gets back as an promise " Promise { } " and therefore the business logic is not applied. Can you help me please?
Here is 1st function:
exports.get_parkingSpots_avail_for_parking = async (req, res, next) => {
try {
const radius = req.body.radius;
const userLatitude = req.body.userLatitude;
const userLongitude = req.body.userLongitude;
const reqStartDate = new Date(req.body.reqStartDate);
const reqEndDate = new Date(req.body.reqEndDate);
const parkingSpots = await ParkingSpot.find({
isAvailable: true
}, (err, parkingSpots) => {
if (err) {
return res.status(500).json({
error: err
const freeParkingSpots = parkingSpots.filter(parkingSpot => {
return distanceCalculator(parkingSpot.latitude, parkingSpot.longitude, userLatitude, userLongitude) < radius
const availParkingSpots = freeParkingSpots.filter( freeParkingSpot => {
// console.log(freeParkingSpot._id);
console.log(isParkingAvailable(reqStartDate, reqEndDate, freeParkingSpot._id));
return isParkingAvailable(reqStartDate, reqEndDate, freeParkingSpot._id);
}).select('_id userId number address latitude longitude notes isAvailable startOfAvailability endOfAvailability');
if (parkingSpots.length > 0) {
return res.status(200).json({
parkingSpots: parkingSpots
return res.status(404).json({
message: "No available parking spots for requeste period"
} catch (err) {
error: err
Second function which is being called :
module.exports = async function isParkingAvailable(reqStartDate, reqEndDate, parkingSpotId) {
const parkingSpotBookings = await Booking.find({ parkingSpotId: parkingSpotId})
.select('_id parkingSpotId sharerUserId renterUserId startDate endDate');
if (parkingSpotBookings.length == 0) {
return true;
parkingSpotBookings.filter(booking => {
//console.log("Is overlapping" +!isOverlapping(reqStartDate, reqEndDate, booking.startDate, booking.endDate));
return !isOverlapping(reqStartDate, reqEndDate, booking.startDate, booking.endDate)
So the problem is that calling second function appears as that in console.log :Promise { }

Await will Return the result to your parkingSpot variable.
For the second function:
You have defined this function as an async, that means it is holding asynchronous process, and in Node JS es6 async process is processed as a promise, so if you won't call it with await it will return a promise only
exports.get_parkingSpots_avail_for_parking = async (req, res, next) => {
try {
const radius = req.body.radius;
const userLatitude = req.body.userLatitude;
const userLongitude = req.body.userLongitude;
const reqStartDate = new Date(req.body.reqStartDate);
const reqEndDate = new Date(req.body.reqEndDate);
const parkingSpots = await ParkingSpot.find({isAvailable: true}).select('_id userId number address latitude longitude notes isAvailable startOfAvailability endOfAvailability');
const freeParkingSpots = parkingSpots.filter(parkingSpot => {
return distanceCalculator(parkingSpot.latitude, parkingSpot.longitude, userLatitude, userLongitude) < radius
const availParkingSpots = freeParkingSpots.filter( async freeParkingSpot => {
/* You have defined this function as an async, that means it is holding asynchronous process, and in
Node JS es6 async process is processed as a promise, so if you won't call it with await it will return a promise only */
return await isParkingAvailable(reqStartDate, reqEndDate, freeParkingSpot._id);
if (parkingSpots.length > 0) {
return res.status(200).json({
parkingSpots: parkingSpots
return res.status(404).json({
message: "No available parking spots for requeste period"
} catch (err) {
error: err
I hope it will help you.
Thank you


Return my function returns in my reponse using express (NodeJS, TypeScript)

I would like to know how I could send in my reply the return of my functions.
In this example I want to return in my response the error of my validator if I have one
Here is my SqlCompanyRepository.ts:
async create(company: CompanyCommand): Promise<CompanyEntity> {
const createCompany = await dataSource.getRepository(CompanyEntity).save(company)
await validate(company).then(errors => {
if (errors.length > 0) {
return errors;
return createCompany
And here is my index.ts:"/company", async (req, res) => {
const company = new CompanyCommand() = crypto.randomUUID() = =
company.password = req.body.password
const checkEmail = await companyRepository.findByEmail(
if (!!checkEmail) {
res.status(409).send("Email already exists.")
} else {
const companyResult = await companyRepository.create(company)
Replace return errors; with throw errors;, this causes the Promise<CompanyEntity> to be rejected with errors.
Then wrap the invocation in a try-catch-block to catch this rejection:
try {
const companyResult = await companyRepository.create(company)
} catch(errors) {

Cannot get the result of an async function in controller

This is my controller:
const rssService = require('../services/rss.service');
async function parser() {
const result = await rssService.rssParser('someurl');
return result;
const parse = async function (req, res) {
const p = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const t = parser();
if (t === undefined) {
} else {
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-promise-reject-errors
reject('something bad happened');
p.then((result) => res.send(result)).catch((message) => console.log(`ERROR ${message}`));
module.exports = {
in the function : parser() above, I am trying to call my rss.service.js file which I have the logic. This file is a rss parser which tries to parse the feed and do some calculations (which needs promises and async) and then return the json object.
Here is how my rss.service look :
const rssParser = async function parseRssFeed(url) {
const parser = new Parser();
const appRoot = process.env.PWD;
const downloadDir = `${appRoot}/downloads/`;
if (!fs.existsSync(downloadDir)) {
try {
const feed = await parser.parseURL('someurl');
const processedFeedItems = await Promise.all( (currentItem) => {
const {
} = await downloadFile(currentItem);
const hashValue = calculateHash(downloadPath)
return {
title: currentItem.title,
hash: hashValue,
url: mp3FileUrl,
return (JSON.stringify(processedFeedItems));
} catch (error) {
return 'error';
when I debug my code I can verify that Json object has been created with correct data, but the result does not return to the callee(controller).
I'll go in a little deeper since you mentioned you're new:
const rssService = require('../services/rss.service');
// This is an async function (always returns a promise)
async function parser() {
const result = await rssService.rssParser('someurl');
return result;
const parse = async function (req, res, next) {
// In await/async, you should use try/catch/throw instead of .then and .catch
// It does the same thing, but it's the preferred syntax and is "easier" to read IMO
// Out in "the community" people will complain if you mix await/async with promises like that
try {
// Adding await to ensure left-assign works.
// This is necessary because parser is an async function (so returns a promise)
const result = await parser();
// here, since you used `await` you get the value instead of the promise
if (result === undefined) throw new Error('something bad happened')
return res.send(result)
} catch (error) {
console.log(`ERROR ${error.message}`;
// Do you need to do anything else with this error? I assume something like:
return next(error);
module.exports = {
In a fast look, It seems you have forgot to wait for resolve the parser promise.
const p = new Promise(async(resolve, reject) => {
const t = await parser();

Express router not awaiting the forEach loop

Express router is not awaiting my forEach loop and sends the old unmanipulated object as a response instead of the new manipulated data.
Here I am using Sequalize as my ORM.
router.get('/', async (req,res) => {
try {
let trainings = await db.Training.findAll();
let locations = await db.Location.findAll();
await locations.forEach(location => {
trainings.forEach(training => {
if(location.trainingId =={
training["location"] = location
} catch(err) {
message : err
Basically you are using the await keyword against a synchronous process which is
locations.forEach(location => {
trainings.forEach(training => {
if(location.trainingId =={
training["location"] = location
These lines of code doesn't return any promise or behave like a promise. So one solution can be having a function
function modify(trainings,locations){
return new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{
locations.forEach(location => {
trainings.forEach(training => {
if(location.trainingId =={
training["location"] = location
then have it like this
let trainings = await db.Training.findAll();
let locations = await db.Location.findAll();
await modify(trainings,locations)
or you can simply remove the await keyword from your current state of code.

Can't return data from callback function at NodeJS

When i create new variable and assign callback function, But data cannot return from callback function. Undefined is occurring at new variable.
const nedb = require('nedb');
const user = new nedb({ filename: './builds/database/users.db', autoload: true });
var s = user.find({}, function (err,docs) {
if(docs.length == 0) {
var data = false;
} else {
var data = docs;
return data;
var s is undefined! ....
You are mixing up callback and Promise which are two different way to handle asynchronous calls.
I recommend you to use of Promises because they are simpler and the present and future of javascript.
Using async/await which is the next step after Promises
const user = {
find: () => ['jon', 'kalessi', 'jorah'],
async function getUsers() {
return (await user.find({})) || [];
async function myJob() {
const users = await getUsers();
// Put your next code here
Full promise :
const user = {
find: () => new Promise((resolve) => resolve(['jon', 'kalessi', 'jorah'])),
.then((docs = []) => {
// Put you next code here, you can use of the variable docs
.catch((err) => {
Full callback :
const user = {
find: (_, callback) => callback(false, ['jon', 'kalessi', 'jorah']),
user.find({}, (err, docs = []) => {
if (err) {
} else {
// Put you next code here, you can use of the variable docs
I think user.find returning the promise. you can do like this.
const nedb = require('nedb');
const user = new nedb({ filename: './builds/database/users.db', autoload: true });
var s = user.find({}, function (err,docs) {
if(docs.length == 0) {
var data = false;
} else {
var data = docs;
return data;
.then(result => {
Otherwise you can also use await Like this:
async function abc(){
const nedb = require('nedb');
const user = new nedb({ filename: './builds/database/users.db', autoload: true });
var s = await user.find({}, function (err,docs) {
if(docs.length == 0) {
var data = false;
} else {
var data = docs;
return data;
because await worked with async thats why i put it into async function.

Node js, Wait, until get all data from MongoDB

I have a problem with async function and callbacks in Node js. I need to get my friends' all posts and display it. But if i do that without setTimeout(), it returns only some part of data. How can i solve this problem without putting setTimeout? Of course it's absurd to wait for 5-6 or 10 seconds to get all data. I also tried with Promises, but again response is incomplete. Please someone can help me?
//Sending request with axios to Controller'users/getFriendsPosts',{id: user_id},config)
.then(res => {
// Code for displaying result
//User Controller"/getFriendsPosts", getFriendsPosts);
//Send request body to userService.js
function getFriendsPosts(req, res, next) {
userService.getFriendsPosts(req.body, function(posts, user){
.catch(err => next(err));
module.exports = {
async function getFriendsPosts(user,callback){
var arr = [];
var array = [];
MongoClient.connect(url, async function(errr, db) {
if (errr) throw errr;
var dbo = db.db("drone-x");
//Find user
dbo.collection("users").find({_id: ObjectId(}).toArray(async function(err, result) {
if (err) throw err;
result.forEach(async function(element, index) {
if(element.friends.length != 0){
element.friends.forEach(async function(elem) {
//Find user's friends
dbo.collection("users").find({_id: ObjectId(}).toArray(async function(error, res) {
if (error) throw error;
//push user's friends to arr
res.forEach(async function(elements) {
//Find user's friends posts
dbo.collection("posts").find({userId: elements._id.toString()}).toArray(async function(errors, results) {
if (errors) throw errors;
//push user's friends posts to array
//callback results through setTimeout
setTimeout(async function(){ await callback(array, arr); db.close(); }, 2000);
await callback("0");
If i don't use setTimeout function, it just returns 2-3 data, but with setTimeout, it returns all data. And if data will be raise, then i need to increase the setTimeout time. But of course it's not good idea. Someone can help me?
You should use try catch in this code
getFriendsPosts = async (user,callback) => {
const arr = [];
const array = [];
const db = await MongoClient.connect(url);
const dbo = db.db("drone-x");
const results = await dbo.collection("users").find({_id: ObjectId(})
const resultPromise =, async element => {
const friends = _.get(element, 'friends', [])
if(friends.length != 0) {
const friendPromise =, async friend => {
const ress = await dbo.collection("users").find({_id: ObjectId(})
const resPromise =, async res => {
const posts = await dbo.collection("posts").find({userId: res._id.toString()})
const postPromise =, post => {
await Promise.all(postPromise)
await Promise.all(resPromise)
await Promise.all(friendPromise)
await Promise.all(resultPromise)
return { arr , array }
I am not recommand this way it take too much time. You should use mongoose and use aggregation for long Query.
