Docusign go live review failed with message: Have made at least 20 successful API calls - docusignapi

From my demo account.i made 25 transactions and all the docs was sign and completed i am getting integrator key Review status failed Review Result: Have made at least 20 successful API calls. What is mean ?
enter image description here

If go-live is not passing, and the tool says that you have not made 20 test API calls, then check:
Did you use the authorize token generator tool to obtain an access token for your app? Those tokens can only be used during development. You need to use an OAuth flow for production and the go-live check.
Did you use the API explorer or the DocuSign web tool for your test API calls? You need to use your own integration key with your software.
There can be rare circumstances where the go-live check doesn't see your API test calls because their trace records have not been transferred over (yet) to the DocuSign analytics system. If only some of your API calls are listed in the go-live log, then this may be the issue. Wait 10 minutes and re-run the go-live review process. No need to re-do your API calls in this case.


DocuSign API calls do not show on demo dashboard

We are using DocuSign API via demo account for signatures. We are using Authorization Code Grant workflow and are obtaining authorizations in our demo workflow. So real access tokens are being used.
But no API calls are being shown in our demo account API Dashboard.
But I can see via our monitoring tool we are hitting DocuSign. Plus the flow of the integration is all working properly.
Why are the calls not showing up? This is affecting our ability to proceed with app review process.
The model we're using is ISV
We use Authorization Code Grant workflow
We obtain user authorization for users outside of our account since we are an ISV
My question is similar to this one but we are using real access tokens.
The information in the dashboard may be outdate by 10-20 minutes as it takes some time for the process to get the API requests to the dashboard.
Please allow for a few minutes of delay and check the dashboard a bit later if you have new API calls you're trying to view in the dashboard.
Also, for ISVs, the portal only shows your own account. You must make the API calls from your own account that was used to create the IK. If you use a different account - it would not show in the developer dashboard.

Unable to complete Go Live process

I'm attempting to promote my development environment to live but the API transaction results keep failing at the 1st hurdle of '20 or more API transactions'.
I've pushed through about 40 envelopes (and signed them) from my development site so I presume that I've fulfilled this criteria.
The Docusign support team advised me to post the question here (!), so does anyone have any ideas?
The 40 envelopes must be done via your app, not via UI.
You cannot use a token from the token generator. Must use auth via your app (JWT, Auth Code Grant etc.)


I have a basic plan of docusign which gives me 5 envelop per month. I am testing my integration key on demo api before going live. It needs 20+ api test calls before upgrading demo integration key to live. But after 5 demo api calls it is giving me following error:
Exception: ENVELOPE_ALLOWANCE_EXCEEDED The envelope allowance for the account has been exceeded.
Can someone please help as I am new to docusign.
Demo accounts should not have such a strict envelope limit. First, I would recommend confirming your calls we're actually hitting your Sandbox. To do so, log in to the demo environment: from click on Go to Sandbox. If you log in through that method, do you see the envelopes you created using your integration?
If so, your Sandbox may have been incorrectly provisioned. Please send an email to with your Production account ID and your Demo account ID.

DocuSign Review status failed

i have mailed to 20 clients from demo account.All 20 docs sign is completed still i am getting integrator key Review status failed Review Result: Please ensure you have 20 or more consecutive error-free API transactions. Verify that your transactions comply with API rules and limits. What is mean by 20 or more consecutive error-free API transactions.? What exactly have to do for this issue?
You have to make actual Api calls to send envelopes in the Demo environment.
See more information here
To promote an Integrator Key from a developer sandbox to a live production account you need at least 20 API test transactions run in the DocuSign Demo environment. DocuSign analyzes those transactions to ensure they are in compliance with API Rules and Limits before allowing the key to be enabled in production.

Integrator key review is getting failed, due to api limit not reching 20 days per day

I am using docusign sandbox environment, and want to move Integrator Key to live production, but after submitting To review, it getting failed every time.
I have done many api calls via my end system to docusign, which is using that Integrator Key. Not sure why its happening.
Can someone help me to get , where I can see my api limits of Integrator key. and how to make Review successful.
I am talking about below step.
You can go to and enable API Request logging. Instructions here.
Also checkout this DocuSign blog post to troubleshoot issues with your API calls.
