Bash Script won't run as cron.hourly Job in Centos 8 - linux

So I made an script named rsync-job that runs when manually executed. When I copy it to the /etc/cron.hourly directory, it will not run. I checked crontab -e and deleted any jobs in there.
Here is the script
rsync -e 'ssh -p 22' -azvp /home/username/Documents/
Not sure what I am missing, greatly appreciate it!

It was a permission issue!! i created under username jay and I'm assuming cron.hourly runs as root!


When scheduled with cron, ./azcopy does not run

There is a shell script in the location /file/location/azcopy/, and an Azcopy binary is also located there
The below command runs successfully when I run it manually
./azcopy cp "/abc/def/Goa.csv" "\home\xyz?"
However, when I scheduled it in crontab, the "./azcopy" command didn't execute.
below is the script
./azcopy cp "/abc/def/Goa.csv" "https://<Blobaccount>\home\xyz?<SAS- Token>"
below is the crontab entry
00 17 * * * root /file/location/azcopy/
Is there something I'm doing wrong?
Could someone please help me figure out what's wrong.
When you use root to execute the /file/location/azcopy/,you work directory is /root ,so you need to add cd /file/location/azcopy/ in your script to change work directory. You can add pwd in your script to see the current work directory.

crontab bash script not running

I updated the script with the absolute paths. Also here is my current cronjob entry.
I went and fixed the ssh key issue so I know it works know, but might still need to tell rsync what key to use.
The script runs fine when called manually by user. It looks like not even the rm commands are being executed by the cron job.
I updated my script but basically its the same as the one below. Below I have a new cron time and added an error output.
I get nothing. It looks like the script doesn't even run.
crontab -e
35 0 * * * /bin/bash /x/y/z/s/ 2>1 > /tmp/tc.log
# Clean up
/bin/rm -rf /z/y/z/a/b/current/*
cd /z/y/z/a/to/
/bin/rm -rf ?s??/D????
cd /z/y/z/s/
# Find the latest file
FILE=`/usr/bin/ssh user#server /bin/ls -ht /x/y/z/t/a/ | /usr/bin/head -n 1`
# Copy over the latest archive and place it in the proper directory
/usr/bin/rsync -avz -e /urs/bin/ssh user#server:"/x/y/z/t/a/$FILE" /x/y/z/t/a/
# Unzip the zip file and place it in the proper directory
/usr/bin/unzip -o /x/y/z/t/a/$FILE -d /x/y/z/t/a/current/
# Run Dev's script
cd /x/y/z/t/
./ a/current/ t/ 5
Thanks for the help.
I figured it out, I'm use to working in cst and the server was in gmt time.
Thanks everybody for the help.

Crontab executes shell script: Mount error(13): Permission denied

I have got a RasPi and I actually try to execute a shellscript to automount a folder at every Reboot.
Script Command is:
sudo mount -t cifs 'folderpath' 'pointtomount' -o username=xxx,password=xxx,sec=ntlm
It works perfect if I use it manually but via cronjob it responses "Mount Error(13): Permission denied" and the mount can't be executed.
Means cronjob executes the file at least.
My idea was to mount it manually and check if automount is disabled in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab. As it's just a folder I only found it in mtab.
I can't write in it but nowhere's "noauto" in the options so probabbly everything is correct.
Not certain if it has sth. in common with crontab execute rights but ls -lha /usr/bin/crontab output is -rwxr-sr-x 1.
If anyone of you got any clues how to solve this problem, i'd appreciate help.
Okay after hours and hours it seems to be working in /home/pi/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/ (type "sudo nano /home/pi/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/"). In that file I wrote "#/home/pi/". In my executescript I wrote "sudo mount -t cifs 'foldertomount' 'directorypath' -o credentials=/root/.smbcredentials,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,sec=ntlm". Obviously to use the smbcredentials file, write "sudo nano /root/.smbcredentials" and in there "username=xxx" and next line "password=xxx" and optional domain.
Thanks to all and I hope that this might save someone elses time.
Not sure if it has sth in common with apt-get upgrade and apt-get update before.
Couple things here, first off every user can have their own crontab. For example:
crontab -e # Edit crontab of current user
crontab -u root -e # Edit crontab of root user (might need sudo for this)
crontab -u www-data -e # Edit crontab of www-data user
Another thing is that if you don't use crontab -e to edit the file, and actually edit the /etc/crontab file directly (do something like vim /etc/crontab), you can actually specify the user you'd like to run the cron as:
* * * * * root mount -t cifs /path/to/folder /point/to/mount -o username=xxx,password=xxx,sec=ntlm
To run via root's crontab at reboot, type:
sudo crontab -e
And add this line:
#reboot mount -t cifs 'folderpath' 'pointtomount' -o username=xxx,password=xxx,sec=ntlm
But really, shouldn't you be adding your auto-mounts to /etc/fstab?

Incron job is not being executed

I am using incron to monitor one of my file in /var/www/html directory.
output of incrontab -l
/var/www/html/test IN_ACCESS /home/intel/
This job is supposed to create a file in home directory, But when this job got executed (I opened the web address in browser), no file is created, following line is whon shown in /var/log/cron file
Jan 20 10:27:57 localhost incrond[26442]: (root) CMD (/home/intel/
This clearly shows that event had occurred.
P.S: If I just run a /home/intel/ in CLI its works fine and creates test file, following is my file.
touch fm00
Mostly this problem occurs due to script file permission and ownership of script files. The same problem was faced by me. I found that my scrip owner was not a super user e.g. root.
So, you have to set the permission and ownership of your scrip as super user. Find below.
First of all edit your crontab as super user.(in RHEL like below)
[abc#host] crontab -e
and save crontab :wq!
Now set permission for script
[abc#host] chmod +x
[abc#host] chown root:root
Now restart your crontab.(in RHEL like below)
[abc#host] /etc/init.d/crond restart

How to give permission for the cron job file?

I have set the cron tab for my site. But I have got message in my mailing id like this "Permission denied" for the script. Can anyone help me telling what may be the problem.
You get this error while setting the crontab? or from a script running from the cron?
If while setting the crontab, try this:
You type: crontab -e
You get: -bash: /usr/bin/crontab: Permission denied
Problem: Your user is not in the cron group.
Solution: As root, edit the /etc/group file, find the cron group and add
your user to that line (the usernames are comma-separated).
Then re-login as your user.
Verify: Run command "groups". You should see "cron" in there.
friends if any one wants schedule crons from other user
just do this
root user:-
ls /usr/bin/crontab
chmod 4755 /usr/bin/crontab
echo PATH
vi /etc/crontab
cd /etc/cron.d
create cron.allow file if not exist
vi cron.allow
other username
save and exist
su – username
/usr/bin/crontab -e
schedule here ……………….
I ran into this issue today and was baffled until I realized that the denied commands were SSH commands. I had forgotten that I was connecting with an SSH key that required a passphrase, so the real issue had nothing to do with cron in my case.
My solution was to create an additional key for this script with no passphrase (using ssh-keygen), install it on the remote server, and specify it in the script with the -i flag to the ssh commands.
ssh -i /path/to/ user#remote command-to-run
