I have deployed my app on heroku and got a custom domain with pointdns.
point dns seems to redirect the doamin correctly, but heroku seems to get invalid app or empty page that says " There's nothing here, yet. ".
my doamin dns records
heroku error
point dns records
You can't just CNAME the domain at n5hl.herokuapp.com.
You need to go to the Heroku settings for the app, add a custom domain, and point the DNS at the specific CNAME record they give you. (It'll be something like foo-bar-random-string.herokudns.com.)
Adding both
to heroku custom domains solved the problem.
I have a godaddy domain name and I added it to my nodejs app hosted by heroku. However, when enter my new domain name in the browser I get the ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS.
I have added my domain name to the heroku app. This action then generates a DNS target say .herokudns.com.
I then configured my domains godaddy DNS management to have the CNAME WWW value to be .herokudns.com the DNS target provided by heroku.
I then configured the forwarding and set the values as follows.
FORWARD TO: http://.tech
FORWARD TYPE: Permanent (301)
SETTINGS: Forward only
Update my nameservers and DNS settings to support this change. => TRUE
This seems to be the way to get this done however I keep getting the ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS error. Does anyone have a good solution to this problem.
I figured it out, the usual missing letter problem that occurs every once in a while.
My domain verification process is completed and i also update my domain's DNS records to point to Firebase using "CNAME records" method (updated before approx 96 hours) but my site was not "Go Live". In Firebase console Hosting menu that give me below message:
Your site will go live when your domain registrar propagates your updated records.
I have already deploy my site default index.html using "Firebase deploy" CLI command and it's already successfully uploaded on "mydomainname.firebaseapp.com"
My Question: why my custom domain is not redirect to Firebase hosting?
Note: I have set default GoDaddy DNS nameservers in my domain.
I had the same problem and here is how i resolved it :
I put three parameters in the DNS record :
CNAME with www
A with 1st IP
A with 2nd IP
and then i only add two nameservers i.e.: ns1 & ns2 out of the 4 default Nameservers provided by name.com
and now my website is live on firebase.
-extra info:
it was not going live when i was using the 4 default nameservers.
it was not working with only one CNAME or both CNAME, or only both A with IP
I even contacted support on name.com they answered it is essential to have NameServer.
If you're using GoDaddy
Just try changing your host name from 'customdomain.com' to '#'
That worked for me
I could never get the "recommended" CNAME record to work. I ended up just using the two IP's for the A record. It took about 5 minutes to propagate enough to get my site in a browser.
If you are customizing your url domian with Godaddy and Firebase, you need to do the following:
Remove your existing A record (domains from Godaddy has one A record by default).
Add the A records from the instructions found in your Firebase Console.
If you want to use www.yourdomain.com, you need to set up the subdomain in Godaddy Domain (Attached image).
Maybe this step is not necesary, but I also added CNAME found in my Firebase Console.
After this changes you need to wait a few hours. If you problem persists Firebase has an excellent support as #FrankvanPuffelen says above. They solved my problems fastly.
For me after adding those 3, that #Orkun Ozen and #SarkawtNoori mentioned:
CNAME with www
A with 1st IP
A with 2nd IP
(without touching the nameservers)
in the domain service site (in my case hostinger).
I added a new domain to Firebase and called it www.mydomain.com including to mydomain.com and it worked perfectly.... (though I had to wait for it to be secure).
I deleted the custom firebase hosting site and added it again, actually when I did that it automatically was set as "connected". I didn't need to set up verification records or wait for provisioning.
I just made a web app and pointed my custom domain (www.kuistouiuc.com) to kuistouiuc.azurewebsites.net
A Record from kuistouiuc.com to the IP address provided by azure settings
CName from www.kuistouiuc.com to kuistouiuc.azurewebsites.net
The website works fine when I type kuistouiuc.azurewebsites.net or www.kuistouiuc.com but gives me the error in the image when I try kuistouiuc.com
although the kuistouiuc.com is mapped to the IP address in the A Record
Why is this happening.I read the suggested article by the error and didn't help much as I followed exact directions
Although the docs claim it's enough to add A record for yourdomain.com and CNAME for *.yourdomain.com, it's not.
In addition to yourdomain.com, add www.yourdomain.com in Azure portal as well and it will work.
I'm not exactly sure if this is more of a DNS question or the nature of most PaaS's.
I purchased a domain from namecheap.com. I wanted to get a WordPress site up and running so I could start development so I went over to openshift, created an account and installed WordPress, which was very easy! Only one problem... I'm having issues trying to sync my domain name from namecheap with the application on openshift. I must admit I've always purchased the domain name and hosting together so I've never had to go this route so I'm not entirely sure this has anything to do with the fact openshift is a PaaS.
In openshift, I have the URL for my application applicationname-account.rhcloud.com and I've added an alias on my namecheap.com account which works for a redirect... If I go to my purchased domain, www.example.com, it will simply redirect me to example-account.rhcloud.com. But I do not want a redirect...
I guess I'm confused as to how you get a domain name that you've purchased from one company to a hosting company. Do I need to modify something on my namecheap account?
This document states that you need to add a bare CNAME record to your DNS setup (may be what you refer to as an alias)
then add an alias to your Openshift application using the rhc command line tool, eg:
rhc alias add example-account www.example.com
I have a domain name myapp.com with GoDaddy, and I've deployed the site to Azure, so now the app is in myapp.cloudapp.net.
I'm trying to set up a CNAME from www.myapp.com to myapp.cloudapp.net but it doesn't work after two days and I was wondering if I've done something wrong.
I've set up a CNAME record from www to myapp.cloudapp.net in my DNS Manager in GoDaddy, and a forwarding from myapp.com to www.myapp.com. I did this on Friday.
When I try to access myapp.com I get redirected to www.myapp.com, but then it says "Page not found", actually if I do a ping, it cannot resolve www.myapp.com, but it can resolve myapp.com.
Of course, if I try myapp.cloudapp.net it works perfectly.
There is still an A record in the DNS Manager, should I remove it? What may I be doing wrong?
Before this is moved to SuperUser, do you have a hosting account with GoDaddy? The reason I ask is because they don't handle your DNS for you unless you pay for hosting too.
This leaves you with two options
Pay for it
Get it free
I recommend trying the free option first