Gap between validation loss and training loss - python-3.x

Below is a plot of validation loss and training loss for my CNN model.
The validation loss is decreasing with training loss but there is a gap between the two functions.
What does this mean? The model is not overfitting as the validation loss is decreasing, but is something wrong with the model because there is a gap between the two functions?
I'm new to this, so please help.
Validatoin loss

Overfitting is not necessarily accompanied by the flattening of the validation loss curve - the gap between the loss curves simply indicates that the model is learning relationships that do not apply to the validation data. The first thing I would check in such a scenario is the balance of the sets - do both training and validation sets comprise of an equal distribution of classes/values? Was the entire dataset properly shuffled before assigning 'training' and 'validation' tags to them?


How to handle extreme outlier in the prediction of Random Forest Regression Model

I have done Prediction by using Random Forest Regression and I have got r2score of 90% which is good for this dataset I guess, after checking MSE I got more than 1500 as result of mse. Then I checked the difference between Actual and predicted value, there I found that my model was predicted only one value very poorly and so the mse error is too high. Now how to handle the only one value that is been predicted very poorly by my rfr model?
In my training set I have similar kind of data as well and so my model should have learnt from that, but somehow my prediction for that only one value is poor? What is the problem?

I get different validation loss for almost same type of accuracy

I made two different convolution neural networks for a multi-class classification. And I tested the performance of the two networks using evaluate_generator function in keras. Both models give me comparable accuracies. One gives me 55.9% and the other one gives me 54.8%. However, the model that gives me 55.9% gives a validation loss of 5.37 and the other 1.24.
How can these test losses be so different when the accuracies are
similar. If anything I would expect the loss for the model with
55.9% accuracy to be lower but it's not.
Isn't loss the total sum of errors the network is making?
Insights would be appreciated.
Isn't loss the total sum of errors the network is making?
Well, not really. Loss function or cost function is a function that maps an event or values of one or more variables onto a real number intuitively representing some "cost" associated with the event.
For exaple, in regression tasks loss function can be mean squared error. In classification - binary or categorical crossentropy. These loss functions measure how your model understanding of data is close to the reality.
Why both loss and accuracy are high?
High loss doesn't mean you model don't know anything. In basic case you can think about it that the smaller the loss, the more confident the model is in its choice.
So model with the higher loss not really sure about its answers.
You can also read this discussion about high loss and accuracy
Even though the accuracies are similar, the loss value is not correlated when comparing different models.
Accuracy measures the fraction of correctly classified samples over the Total Population of your samples.
With regards to the loss value, from keras documentation:
Return value
For scalars, the loss value of the test (if the model does not have a merit function) or > a list of scalars (if the model computes another merit function).
If this doesn't help on your case (I don't have a way to reproduce the issue), please check the following known issues in keras, with regards to the evaluate_generator function:

Training loss curve decrease sharply

I am new at deep learning.
I have a dataset with 1001 values of human pose upper body. The model I trained for that has 4 Conv layers and 2 fully connected layers with ReLu and Dropout. This is the result I got after 200 iterations. Does anyone have any ideas about why the curve of training loss decreases in a sharp way?
I think probably I need more data, as my dataset concludes numerical values what do you think is the best data augmentation method I have to use here?

For regression model, why the validation set passed to have different metric result than the model.evaluate?

I have a regression model with Euclidean distance as a loss function and RMSE as a metric evaluation (lower is better). When I passed my train, test sets to I have train_rmse, and test_rmse which their values made sense to me. But when I pass the test sets into model.evalute after loading the weight of the trained model I got different results which are approximately twice the result with And I am aware of the difference that should happen between the train evaluation and test evaluation as I know from Keras that :
the training loss is the average of the losses over each batch of training data. Because your model is changing over time, the loss over the first batches of an epoch is generally higher than over the last batches. On the other hand, the testing loss for an epoch is computed using the model as it is at the end of the epoch, resulting in a lower loss.
But here I am talking about the result of test-set passed to in which I beleived is evaluated on the final model. In Keras documentation, they said on validation argument that I am passing the test set in it:
validation_data: Data on which to evaluate the loss and any model metrics at the end of each epoch. The model will not be trained on this data.
When I searched about the problem I found several issues
1- Some people like here report that this issue is with the model itself if they have batch normalization layer,or if you do transfer learning and freeze some BN layers like here. my model has BN layers, and I did not freeze any layer. Also, I used the same model for the mulit-class classification problem (not regression) and the result was the same for test set in the and model.evaluate.
2- Other people like said that this is related with either the prediction or metric calculation like here, in which they found that this difference is related with the different of dtype for y_true and y_pred if someone is float32 and other float64 for example, then the metric calculation will be different. When they unified the dtype the problem is fixed.
I believed that the last case applied to me since in the regression task my labels now is tf.float32. My y_true labels already cast to tf.float32 through tfrecord, so I tried to cast the y_pred to tf.float32 before the rmse calculation, and I still have the difference in the result.
So My questions are:
Why this difference in results
To whom I should rely for test set, on result or model.evalute
I know that for training loss and accuracy, keras does a running average over the batches, and I know for model.evalute, these metric are calculated by taking all the dataset one time on the final model. But how the validation loss and accuracy calculated for validation set passed to
The problem was in the shape conflict between the y_true and y_pred. As for y_true label I save it in tfrecords as float single value and eventually will be with the size of [batch_size] while the regression model gives the prediction as [batch_size, 1] and then the result of tf.subtract(y_true, y_pred) in rmse equation will result in matrix of [batch_size, batch_sizze] and with taking the mean of this final one you will never guess it is wrong and the code will not throw any error but the calculation of rmse will be wrong. I am still working to make the shape consistent but still didn't find a good solution.

Validation loss in keras while training LSTM and stability of LSTM

I am using Keras now to train my LSTM model for a time series problem. My activation function is linear and the optimizer is Rmsprop.
However, i observe the tendency that while the training loss is decreasing slowly overtime, and fluctuate around a small value, the validation loss jumps up and down with a large variance.
Therefore, I come up with two questions:
1. Does the validation loss affect the training process? Will the algorithm look at the validation loss and slow down the learning rate in case it fluctuates alot?
2. How can i make the model more stable so that it will return a more stable values of validation loss?
Does the validation loss affect the training process?
No. The validation loss is just a small sample of data that is excluded from the training process. It is run through the network at the end of an epoch, to test how well training is going, so that you can check if the model is over fitting (i.e. training loss much < validation loss).
Fluctuation in validation loss
This is bit tougher to answer without the network or data. It could just mean that your model isn't converging well to unseen data, meaning that its not seeing a enough similar trends from training data to validation data, and each time the weights are adjusted to better suit the training data, the model becomes less accurate for the validation set. You could possibly turn down the learning rate, but if your training loss is decreasing slowly, the learning rate is probably fine. I think in this situation, you have to ask yourself a few questions. Do I have enough data? Does a true time series trend exist in my data? Have I normalized my data correctly? Is my network to large for the data I have?
I had this issue - while training loss was decreasing, the validation loss was not decreasing. I checked and found while I was using LSTM:
I simplified the model - instead of 20 layers, I opted for 8 layers.
Instead of scaling within range (-1,1), I choose (0,1), this right there reduced my validation loss by magnitude of one order
I reduced the batch size from 500 to 50 (just trial and error)
I added more features, which I thought intuitively would add some new intelligent information to the X->y pair
Possible reasons:
Your validation set is very small compare to your trainning set which usually happens. A little change of weights makes validation loss fluctuate much more than trainning loss. This may not neccessary mean that your model is overfiting. As long as the overall trendency of validation loss keeps decreasing.
May be your train and validation data are from different sources, they may have different distributions. This may happen when your data is time series, and you split your train/validation data by a specific timestamp.
Does the validation loss affect the training process?
No, validation(forward-pass-once) and training(forward-and-backward) are different processes. Hence a single forword pass does not change how would you train next.
Will the algorithm look at the validation loss and slow down the learning rate in case it fluctuates alot?
No, But I guess you can implement your own method to do so. However, one thing should be noted, the model is trying to learn the best solution to your cost function which are fed by trainning data only, so changing this learning rate by observing validation loss doesnt make too much sense.
How can i make the model more stable so that it will return a more stable values of validation loss?
The reasons are expained above. If it is the first case, enlarge validation set will make your loss looks more stable but it does NOT mean it fits better. My suggestion is as long as your are sure your model does not overfit (gap between train loss and validation loss are not too large ), you can just save the model which gives the lowest validation loss.
If its the second case, it can be complecated depend on your case. You could try to exclude samples in trainning set which are not "similar" with your validation set, or enlarge your model's capacity if you have enough data. Or perhapes add more metrics to monitor how well the training.
