I have three projects :
1)NorthwindContextLib that holds my Northwind Context and my App.config file to connect to the sqlServer database
2)NorthwindEntitiesLib that holds the Northwind entities
3)NorthwindWeb being the user interface
In the Startup.cs file in NorthwindWeb , I wish to access the database connection held in the NorthwindContextLib config file. Is there a way of using an ExeConfigurationFileMap object that references the configuration file to use instead of the default application configuration file ?
Thanking you in anticipation
Using hazelcast 5.2.1
We are moving from a java-based config in a custom application to stand-alone serve with a yaml config, since we would like to use the public docker image as a base for a hazelcast member. We excpet to just add some jar files in ${HZ_HOME}bin/user-lib and a config file in ${HZ_HOME}/hazelcast.yaml.
Our config gets picked up, and the server starts. But when the clients try to put objects, things go bad. The server logs the error:
com.hazelcast.nio.serialization.HazelcastSerializationException: Cannot write null portable without explicitly registering class definition
How can we add ClassDefinition objects to the config?
We have classes implementing VersionedPortable, and have static ClassDefinition members for them.
Until now we have just added the class definitions programmatically while configuring the member instance in our own applications, but we cannot find a hook to do this when using yaml config?
I have just started my first loopback project and chosen loopback4 version for the application. Its purely a server application which will interact with databases (Redis and mongodb) and will call external API services due to micro-service architecture.
Now, I have 3 datasources in my application i.e. mongodb, Redis, and REST based datasource to call external services. I am facing 2 problems in going forward.
1. Environment specific configurations of Datasources: I need to maintain configuration for all three datasources according to the NODE_ENV environment variable. For lb3 i found this solution,
which does not work in lb4. One solution is to add configuration files having names mongodb.staging.json and mongodb.production.json and same for redis and rest datasources in directory src/datasources, and load this config according to NODE_ENV variable using if condition and pass it to the constructor of datasource. It works but it does not seem nice, as it should be application's responsibility to do this.
Can somebody suggest me lb3 equivalent solution for the above?
2. Calling External APIs via datasource: in lb4, To call external services its recommended to have a separate REST based datasource and its service to call it via controller. Now, In REST datasource config, one has to define a template of all the API calls which will happen to the external service https://loopback.io/doc/en/lb4/REST-connector.html#defining-a-custom-method-using-a-template.
As my application calls external service heavily with relatively large number of request parameters. It becomes really messy to declare each API call with its request params and to maintain this in the datasource config which will be environment specific.
Can somebody tell me a more robust and cleaner alternative of the above problem?
Thanks in advance!!
Using environment variables in datasource configs
The datasource config is simply a JSON file that's imported in into *.datasource.ts. Hence, you can replace that JSON file with a Typescript file and import it accordingly. LoopBack 4 does not provide any custom variable substitution mechanism. Instead, it is recommended to use process.env.
Recent CLI versions replace the JSON config in favour of using a single Typescript file:
import {inject} from '#loopback/core';
import {juggler} from '#loopback/repository';
const config = {
name: 'db',
connector: 'memory',
export class DbDataSource extends juggler.DataSource {
static dataSourceName = 'db';
static readonly defaultConfig = config;
#inject('datasources.config.db', {optional: true})
dsConfig: object = config,
) {
The dependency injection in the constructor allows you to override the config programmatically via the IoC container of the application.
Further reading
Calling external APIs without REST connector
The REST connector enforces a well-defined interface for querying external APIs so as to be able to do validation before sending out the request.
If this is not favourable, it is possible to create a new Service as a wrapper to the HTTP queries. From there, you can expose your own functions to handle requests to an external API. As Services do not need to follow a rigid structure, it is possible to customize it to your use-case.
It is also possible to create a new request directly inside the controller using either built-in or external libraries.
Overall, there isn't a 100% right or wrong way of doing certain things in LoopBack 4. Hence why the framework provides numerous ways to tackle the same issue.
Rather than having to change the URL passed in diet.listen() method on every server that I deploy my application on, there should be a better way to maintain such parameters in the application.
What options do we have to be able to manage such parameters?
You can create a '.json' file there at the root of the application and then do a require for the same. For example:
var configuration = require('./config.json');
The example expects you to save a file named 'config.json' with all your configuration as a JSON. The configuration object will hold all your settings that you might want to make dynamic and read at runtime.
Please help me to Create a controller and View form the Model and DB context of EDMX file which is in another Project of same solution.
I have two project named domain and DAL in the same solution. I have Created DB first. With help this DB and Entity Framework, I have created Edmx file in the DAL project. Now Try to create a view and controller using the Model and DB context of the project DAL in the project Domain.
I have received the following error.
Unable to retrieve metadata for 'DAL.Model.Exam'. Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information.
Structure of Solution
I have used DB in local server
connection string
<add name="OnlineDBEFEntities" connectionString="metadata=res://*/Model.OnlineDB.csdl|res://*/Model.OnlineDB.ssdl|res://*/Model.OnlineDB.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider connection string="data source=.;initial catalog=OnlineDBEF;persist security info=True;user id=sa;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;App=EntityFramework""
providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" /></connectionStrings>
I have an application that runs at several client sites. I have to support different DBMS at the locations (SQL Server, DB2, Oracle). I am converting the application from VC++ 6.0 with an ODBC based data layer to Visual Studio 2012 and would like to use Entity Framework (database first). I am having troubles changing the database provider at runtime in my sample application. I changed the connect string in the app.config from a SQL Server to DB2 connect string and changed the default connection factory. Now when I run the program I can connect to the database (at least there is no error) but when I iterate over the linq results I get the exception:
Unable to cast object of type 'IBM.Data.DB2.DB2Connection' to type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection'
Here is the program code:
private void btnList_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
using (var ListBill = new LB402_TestEntities())
var queryGroups = from Groups in ListBill.LB_Group
select Groups.GroupName;
foreach (string name in queryGroups)
The modifed portions of the app.config are:
<defaultConnectionFactory type="IBM.Data.DB2.Entity.DB2ConnectionFactory, EntityFramework" />
<add name="LB402_TestEntities" connectionString="metadata=res://*/LB402.csdl|res://*/LB402.ssdl|res://*/LB402.msl;provider=IBM.Data.DB2;provider connection string="Server=db210:50000;Database=LISTBILL;uid=uuuuu;pwd=ppppp;"" providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" />
From my searching and reading it seems like I should be able to do this, but I am obviously missing something.
Changing connection string is not enough. EDMX file consist of three part and one is provider specific (that is the .ssdl reference from connection string). You need to have this part for every database you need to support and you need to have EF provider for every such database. The problem is that EDMX designer does not support modelling for multiple providers. So you must either have separate EDMX for every database = huge duplicity or you must start maintaining SSDL files for other databases manually (it is XML).
You should make some small Proof-of-concept with code first mapping and DbContext API because it doesn't have these obstacles - SSDL is generated at runtime from code mapping and provider specified in connection string.