sequence number for same text VBA macros - excel

I am newbie in Macros VBA excel.
I am trying to write short code to display sequence number for same text VBA macros as shown in the screenshot. Please help me friends. I tried alot , some help will be really appreciated.
| Sequence | Subject |
| 1 | hello |
| 2 | hello |
| 3 | hello |
| 1 | Hi |
| 2 | Hi |
| 1 | come |
| 2 | come |
| 3 | come |
| 4 | come |
| 1 | go |


VBA - Using criteria list select and clear or select an replace values

Alright, I'm back. This time I'm trying to quickly select all of the values in a range which match values in a separate list, my first iteration will be to clear the contents of voided IDs, my second iteration will be to select those values and then replace them with corresponding new values.
I asked another question about VBA and was pointed in mentioning that I've tried to teach myself and find resources to work through these issues before but people seem to get pissed that I'm asking, if you could at least direct me to somewhere that I can learn about these matters (or even a place I can learn basic logic and have a list of usable functions without having to go through all the "How to make your first Excel VBA for some problem that nobody cares about" I would appreciate it)
Anyway I tried to watch a few videos and then hack together something but it seems pretty clear that the function they were using cannot be adapted for other uses. This is what I have at the moment:
Sub FilterElim()
finalRow = Range("g2").End(xlDown).Row
Range("A1").ClearContents _
Action:= xlClearContents, _
CriteriaRange: Range("Sheet4!B1:B10"), _
Unique:= False
End Sub
So based on some helpful questions I am making an edit to include an example and desired end
Example set:
Desired end result:
I presume I may need to perform a selection of some sort based on the Criteria before the ClearContents but I wasn't finding anything helpful on how to go about that. PLEASE and thank you.
| Contractor ID | Cont Name | Proj 1 | Proj 2 | Proj 3 | | | Old ID | Reconciliation |
| C1001 | Boba Fet | P1120 | | | | | P1001 | Void |
| C1003 | Jules Winnfield | P1031 | P1045 | | | | P1002 | P1010 |
| C1002 | Dom Cobb | P1001 | | | | | P1005 | Void |
| C1010 | Patrick Verona | P1020 | P1224 | P1251 | | | P1020 | Void |
| C1007 | Matt Damon | P1008 | P1005 | P1300 | | | P1045 | P1100 |
| C1004 | Ned Plimpton | P1002 | | | | | P1224 | P1300 |
| C1020 | Derek Zoolander | P1020 | P1290 | | | | | |
| C1009 | Charles Marlow | P1002 | P0090 | | | | | |
| C1011 | Robert Jordan | P1119 | | | | | | |
| C1015 | Perrin Aybara | P1200 | P1224 | | | | | |
| C1005 | Fuzzy Dunlop | P1005 | | | | | | |
| C1008 | Thomas A Anderson | P1001 | P1000 | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
What makes you go for a VBA solution ?
Hard to do much without a glance of you data and expected result.
Non VBA option:
For a VBA option, you can try:
Option Explicit
Sub update_id()
Dim D1 As Object: Set D1 = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
Dim R1 As Range: Set R1 = Range("A2:A32")
Dim R2 As Range: Set R2 = Range("E2:E15")
Dim Rtmp As Range
For Each Rtmp In R2
D1(Rtmp.Value) = Rtmp.Offset(0, 1).Value
Next Rtmp
For Each Rtmp In R1
If D1.exists(Rtmp.Value) Then Rtmp.Offset(0, 1) = D1(Rtmp.Value)
Next Rtmp
End Sub
Working on the following set up :
Again, without a better understanding of your data and your issue, its hard to be more precise.

Excel Formula to count all items in a group to see if the status is an Open status

I am working in Excel 2016. I am trying to figure out how many projects I have that have not had any part of it started. For instance if my project id is 203784 and it has 3 parts to it where 2 are Complete and 1 was Not Started. I would not want to count that. If the project had 3 parts and 2 were Not Started 1 was assigned. I would want to count that as 1. Thank you in advance you your assistance.
| | A | B | C |
| 1 | Project ID | Position | Status |
| 2 | 203784 | Staff | Complete |
| 3 | 203784 | Staff | Complete |
| 4 | 203784 | Staff | Not Started |
| 5 | 203785 | Maintenance | Complete |
| 6 | 203785 | Maintenance | In Progress |
| 7 | 203786 | Grounds | Complete |
| 8 | 203787 | Nurse | Complete |
| 9 | 203788 | Teacher | Complete |
| 10 | 203788 | Teacher | Complete |
| 11 | 203788 | Teacher | Complete |
| 12 | 203789 | Transportation | Complete |
| 13 | 203789 | Transportation | Complete |
| 14 | 203789 | Transportation | Complete |
| 15 | 203790 | Evacuation | Complete |
| 16 | 203790 | Evacuation | Complete |
| 17 | 203791 | Implementation | Complete |
| 18 | 203792 | Knowledge Base | Not Started |
| 19 | 203792 | Knowledge Base | Not Started |
| 20 | 203793 | Janitor | Not Started |
| 21 | 203794 | Public Relations | In Progress |
| 22 | 203795 | HR | Complete |
| 23 | 203796 | Admin | Complete |
In this example. I would only want the count to show a total of 2. For project numbers 203792 and 203793.
One way would be to add a column (say Count) populated as:
=COUNTIFS(A:A,A2,C:C,"Complete")+COUNTIFS(A:A,A2,C:C,"In Progress")
and then create a PivotTable with Count as Filters and Project ID for Rows. Select 0 for the filter.

Microsoft Excel - Use a drop down list to extract data from another workbook

If i select an option from a drop down list, how do i then display data extracted from another workbook. So far, i have seen examples of showing single row data from another worksheet. But i have yet to see a method of extracting multiple rows and columns of data from a different workbook.
Week 1.xls:
| SKU | Description | Vendor Style |
| | | |
| 000001 | Description 1 | CA0080-03E |
| 000002 | Description 2 | EX1134-59D |
| 000003 | Description 3 | EM0132-59A |
| 000004 | Description 4 | EW8694-52D |
| 000005 | Description 5 | FC0003-18D |
| 000006 | Description 6 | EK2273-59E |
------------------------------------------------- ________ _
| SKU | Description | Vendor Style | |________|>| <---Drop Down List
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
If i choose, e.g. Week 1 in the drop down list. I want the data from Week 1.xls to fill in the table in Master.xls.
If i choose, e.g. Week 2 in the drop down list. I want the data from Week 2.xls to fill in the table in Master.xls.
Is this possible? I'm thinking vlookups may be involved here in order to point to each workbook.
Thank you.

Excel if statement to display if anything is in the row

I don't really know how to search for this question or an appropriate title, so I hope that this will make sense.
I'm trying to construct an Excel spreadsheet to keep track of functions of a software that are currently have tests made for them. The spreadsheet looks something like below where A-F are placeholders for the tests and 1-5 are placeholders for functions.
| | A | B | C | D | E | F |
| 1 | X | | | | | X |
| 2 | | | | | | |
| 3 | | X | | | | |
| 4 | | | X | | | |
| 5 | | | | X | X | |
I would like to have another column at the end that would do something like this:
| | A | B | C | D | E | F | Tested? |
| 1 | X | | | | | X | Yes |
| 2 | | | | | | | No |
| 3 | | X | | | | | Yes |
| 4 | | | X | | | | Yes |
| 5 | | | | X | X | | Yes |
where the final column is an if statement that will display a conditional string base on if there are any entries in the row. I know that Excel's IF statements work something like this =IF(A1=10,"YES","NO") but I can't think how I would construct an IF statement that would print YES or NO based on whether there are any entries at all in the row.
EDIT: To add a little more detail. I've thought about constructing an IF statement like this: =IF(SUM(C3:AI3)>0, "YES", "NO") and this works essentially if I use 1s or 0s instead of X or O but I'd rather use the latter. Or really I'd just rather use strings instead of integers.
You can use following formula:
You're looking for the ISBLANK function.
Your solution should be something like this:
=IF(ISBLANK(A1:F1), "Yes","No")

Create columns from column values in Excel

I have a data in Excel:
| Name | Category | Number |
| Alex | Portret | 3 |
| Alex | Other | 2 |
| Serge | Animals | 1 |
| Serge | Portret | 4 |
And I want to transform it to:
| Name | Portret | Other | Animals |
| Alex | 3 | 2 | 0 |
| Serge | 4 | 0 | 1 |
How can I do it in MS Excel ?
You can use a pivot table for that
Take a look at
