Excel if statement to display if anything is in the row - excel

I don't really know how to search for this question or an appropriate title, so I hope that this will make sense.
I'm trying to construct an Excel spreadsheet to keep track of functions of a software that are currently have tests made for them. The spreadsheet looks something like below where A-F are placeholders for the tests and 1-5 are placeholders for functions.
| | A | B | C | D | E | F |
| 1 | X | | | | | X |
| 2 | | | | | | |
| 3 | | X | | | | |
| 4 | | | X | | | |
| 5 | | | | X | X | |
I would like to have another column at the end that would do something like this:
| | A | B | C | D | E | F | Tested? |
| 1 | X | | | | | X | Yes |
| 2 | | | | | | | No |
| 3 | | X | | | | | Yes |
| 4 | | | X | | | | Yes |
| 5 | | | | X | X | | Yes |
where the final column is an if statement that will display a conditional string base on if there are any entries in the row. I know that Excel's IF statements work something like this =IF(A1=10,"YES","NO") but I can't think how I would construct an IF statement that would print YES or NO based on whether there are any entries at all in the row.
EDIT: To add a little more detail. I've thought about constructing an IF statement like this: =IF(SUM(C3:AI3)>0, "YES", "NO") and this works essentially if I use 1s or 0s instead of X or O but I'd rather use the latter. Or really I'd just rather use strings instead of integers.

You can use following formula:

You're looking for the ISBLANK function.
Your solution should be something like this:
=IF(ISBLANK(A1:F1), "Yes","No")


excel cubset function to get 2 columns set

I am trying to use the cubset function to get a set of 2 columns. The data table is something like bellow:
| 1 | A | X |
| 1 | A | Y |
| 1 | B | X |
| 2 | A | Y |
| 2 | B | X |
| 2 | C | Y |
The code I running returns only 1 column set
=CUBSET("ThisWorkbookDataModel";"[TABLE].[CLIENT].&[1]*[TABLE].[PRODA].children";"result set")
The code I am trying to perform, I need to return both related columns PROD AND PRODB
=CUBSET("ThisWorkbookDataModel";"[TABLE].[CLIENT].&[1]*[TABLE].[PRODA].[PRODB].children";"result set")
result set
| A | X |
| A | Y |
| B | X |
So what is the correct way to write the code to retrieve both related columns ?
Appreciate any help

Excel count and sort rows satisfying multiple criteria across columns

I have a table that resembles something like the following:
| A | B | C | D| E | F |
| T1 | | TRUE | | | |
| T2 | TRUE | | | | |
| T3 | | TRUE | | TRUE | |
| T4 | TRUE | TRUE | | | |
| T5 | | | | | TRUE |
I want to rearrange rows according to the decreasing number of multiple activities each T supports i.e. more TRUE values a T has across columns, it comes at the top along with the count of TRUEs for each row.
How can I achieve that?

Calculating frequecy (Min/Max/Average) of order placement in Excel

I need to analyze Weekly order frequencies over last 1 year period to find out what is the min/max/average frequencies of orders for each product.
whether it is new or old,system should calculate the first occurrence of the order in the year as the starting week of the order. Min order frequency is difference between successive ordering weeks. If the first order is in wk 3 and the second order is in wk6, implies the order frequency is 3 weeks (=>6-3). Orders can be at any week in the past 52 weeks. Average order frequency = (52 - First order week) / no of weeks that have orders.
Attaching the excel for better understanding the issue.
Original image
| Product | wk1 | wk2 | wk3 | wk4 | wk5 | wk6 | wk7 | wk8 | wk9 | wk10 | wk11 | wk12 | wk13 | wk14 | wk15 | wk16 | wk17 | wk18 | wk19 | wk20 | wk21 | wk22 | wk23 | wk24 | wk25 | wk26 | wk27 | wk28 | wk29 | wk30 | wk31 | wk32 | wk33 | wk34 | wk35 | wk36 | wk37 | wk38 | wk39 | wk40 | wk41 | wk42 | wk43 | wk44 | wk45 | wk46 | wk47 | wk48 | wk49 | wk50 | wk51 | wk52 | Order start wk | Order frequency (Weeks) | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Min | Max | Average | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | (End wk - Start week)/No of times | |
| SKU 1 | | | | | | | | | y | | y | | y | | y | | y | | y | | y | | y | y | | | y | | y | | y | | y | | | | | | y | | y | | y | | y | | y | | y | | y | | 9 | 1 | 6 | 2.15 | |
| SKU 2 | | | | | | | y | | | | | | y | | | | | | y | | | | | | y | | | | | | y | | | | | | y | | | | | | y | | | | | | y | | | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 7.29 | |
| SKU 3 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | y | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | y | | | | | | | | y | | | | | | | | y | | | | | | 15 | 8 | 15 | 9.25 | |
So as mentioned #Barry Houdini solves the problem of finding the longest sequence of zeroes separated by ones elegantly here
You only have to change it slightly to check for repeated blank cells separated by 'y'. The only thing is that you don't want to include cells before the first 'y', and (although this isn't clear) may not want to include blank cells after the last 'y'.
The formula for MIN becomes
and the formula for MAX becomes (the same)
where you need to add 1 to make the results agree with the question because #Barry's formula counts numbers of blanks but OP wants interval between two successive y's. An array of ny+1 elements is generated where ny is the number of y's. This is because the FREQUENCY function returns an array with n+1 elements where n is the number of cut points (bins_array in documentation and because the column numbers of cells containing y are used as cut points so there are ny of them.
These are both array formulas and need to be entered with CtrlShiftEnter
The formula for the average is just

Spotfire how to make calculation along one coloumn

I have a data table as below.I would like to create a new column called "Time Difference" which captures the time difference between [STAGE] start and [STAGE] end. Is there any way to do it without using data transformation?
Thank you!
Assuming each ID is unique, and your data is ordered by Time where Stage = Start is the first row for each ID and Stage = End is the last row for each ID, you can use this:
Concatenate(Min([Time]) OVER ([ID]),"-",Max([Time]) over ([ID]))
| ID | Stage | Action | Time | Time Difference |
| 1 | Start | approve | A | A-F |
| 1 | Process | approve | B | A-F |
| 1 | Process | approve | C | A-F |
| 1 | Process | approve | D | A-F |
| 1 | Process | decline | E | A-F |
| 1 | End | approve | F | A-F |
| 2 | Start | approve | G | G-I |
| 2 | Process | decline | H | G-I |
| 2 | End | approve | I | G-I |
If your data isn't already sorted, you can just apply a Rank() to fix this. Let me know if that's the case.
Concatenate(Min(If((Upper([Stage])="START") and (Upper([Action])="APPROVE"),Max([Time]) OVER ([ID]))) OVER ([ID]),"-",Min(If((Upper([Stage])="END") and (Upper([Action])="APPROVE"),Max([Time]) OVER ([ID]))) OVER ([ID]))
Concatenate(Min(If((Upper([Stage])="START") and (Upper([Action])="APPROVE"),[Time])) OVER ([ID]),"-",Min(If((Upper([Stage])="END") and (Upper([Action])="APPROVE"),[Time])) OVER ([ID]))
| ID | Stage | Action | Time | Time Difference |
| 1 | On hold | decline | A | C-H |
| 1 | Start | decline | B | C-H |
| 1 | Start | approve | C | C-H |
| 1 | Process | DECLINE | D | C-H |
| 1 | Process | approve | E | C-H |
| 1 | Process | approve | F | C-H |
| 1 | End | decline | G | C-H |
| 1 | End | approve | H | C-H |
| 2 | Start | approve | I | I-K |
| 2 | Process | decline | J | I-K |
| 2 | End | approve | K | I-K |

Reducing Rows by Grouping Data

I have a set of spreadsheets which define a set of business rules. These business rules are then processed by our system.
The users that create the spreadsheets do so naively and I have found that by factoring the data across rows - and thus reducing the number of rules - greatly improves performance of the system.
One of the "naively" structured spreadsheets might look like this:
| Rule Name | Criteron 1 | Criteron 2 | Criteron 3 | Criteron 4 | Accept |
| Rule 1 | A | B | C | | Yes |
| Rule 2 | A | C | C | | Yes |
| Rule 3 | A | D | C | | Yes |
| Rule 4 | A | E | C | | Yes |
| Rule 5 | A | F | C | | Yes |
| Rule 6 | A | B | D | | Yes |
| Rule 7 | A | C | D | | Yes |
| Rule 8 | A | D | D | | Yes |
| Rule 9 | A | E | D | | Yes |
| Rule 10 | A | F | D | | Yes |
| Rule 11 | A | B | E | | Yes |
| Rule 12 | A | C | E | | Yes |
| Rule 13 | A | D | E | | Yes |
| Rule 14 | A | E | E | | Yes |
| Rule 15 | A | F | E | | Yes |
| Rule 16 | | | | G | Yes |
| Rule 17 | | | | H | Yes |
| Rule 18 | | | | I | Yes |
| Rule 19 | | | | J | Yes |
| Rule 20 | | | | K | Yes |
| Rule 21 | | | | L | Yes |
| Rule 22 | | | | M | Yes |
| Rule 23 | | | | N | No |
| Rule 24 | | | | O | No |
| Rule 25 | | | | P | No |
| Rule 26 | | | | Q | No |
| Rule 27 | | | | R | No |
| Rule 28 | | | | S | No |
| Rule 29 | A | J | F | | No |
| Rule 30 | A | K | F | | No |
As an example, Rule 1 would be evaluated as:
IF (Criterion 1 == A) AND (Criterion 2 == B) AND (Criterion 3 == C) THEN Accept
Using a bit of thought and assuming we can use OR conditionals in our columns, the above can be reduced to:
| Rule Name | Criteron 1 | Criteron 2 | Criteron 3 | Criteron 4 | Accept |
| Rule 1 | A | B,C,D,E,F | C,D,E | | Yes |
| Rule 2 | | | |G,H,I,J,K,L,M| Yes |
| Rule 3 | | | |N,O,P,Q,R,S | No |
| Rule 4 | A | J,K | F | | No |
Rule 1 is now evaluated as follows:
IF (Criterion 1 == A) AND
(Criterion 2 == B OR Criterion 2 == C OR...) AND
(Criterion 3 == C OR Criterion 3 == D OR...) THEN Accept
Now, I've done this manually. What I want to know is: does Excel have in-built functionality to do this kind of grouping for me. If not, can anyone point me in the direction of an algorithm which will help me implement this efficiently?
this looks like a situation where you could query the table using ADO and OLE DB into an ADO Recordset using GROUP BY HAVING in the SQL Query, then dump the (grouped) results into your new sheet using CopyFromRecordset
Alternatively, perhaps a Pivot Table?
