How to disambiguate generic trait method call? - rust

I have the following code:
struct X { i: i32 }
trait MyTrait<T> {
fn hello(&self);
impl MyTrait<i32> for X {
fn hello(&self) { println!("I'm an i32") }
impl MyTrait<String> for X {
fn hello(&self) { println!("I'm a String") }
fn main() {
let f = X { i: 0 };
which obviously does not compile as the compiler cannot disambiguate to which trait the f.hello() belongs. So I'm getting the error
error[E0282]: type annotations needed
--> src\
17 | f.hello();
| ^^^^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `T` declared on the trait `MyTrait`
Is there any way to annotate the type of hello so I can tell the compiler to e.g. invoke MyTrait<String>::hello on f?

After some digging in I bumped into the "Fully Qualified Syntax for Disambiguation: Calling Methods with the Same Name" from the Rust Book. The situation can be adapted to mine, and one can use f as a receiver for the corresponding trait method
<X as MyTrait<String>>::hello(&f);
This compiles and works as intended.
Or even

You can use fully qualified function call syntax:
fn main() {
let f: X;
// shorthand form
// expanded form, with deduced type
<_ as MyTrait<String>>::hello(&f);
// expanded form, with explicit type
<X as MyTrait<String>>::hello(&f);
Run in Playground


Generic type parameters when calling non-generic trait methods

I have a trait Command<P> with two functions like this:
trait Client<P> {}
trait Command<P> {
fn help(&self) -> String;
fn exec(&self, client: &dyn Client<P>) -> String;
struct ListCommand {}
impl<P> Command<P> for ListCommand {
fn help(&self) -> String {
return "This is helptext".to_string();
fn exec(&self, client: &dyn Client<P>) -> String {
fn main() {
Rust complains I can't call in exec() with the following error:
error[E0282]: type annotations needed
--> src\
15 |
| ^^^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `P` declared on the trait `Command`
How can I specify the type annotations for calling methods on Self?
I can think of three ways:
<Self as Command<P>>::help(self) (or ListCommand instead of Self)
(self as &dyn Command<P>).help() (I wonder if there's a variation of this that doesn't involve dyn.)

implementing traits for dyn Fns

Today I was playing around with function traits. Though the example I show below might not practically be very useful, I do wonder why it doesn't compile.
pub fn do_something(o: &(dyn Other + 'static)) {
trait Other {
fn do_something_other(&self);
impl<A> Other for dyn Fn(A) {
fn do_something_other(&self) {
Here I implement a trait for a function type. This function type is generic over it's parameter. This means that if you were to do it like this:
pub fn do_something(o: &(dyn Other + 'static)) {
trait Other {
fn do_something_other(&self);
impl<F, A> Other for F where F: (Fn(A)) + 'static {
fn do_something_other(&self) {
you get an error stating a type parameter is unconstrained.
I get this and don't believe it's possible to do it with generics. But the dynamic approach, why doesn't it work? It gives the following error:
I don't understand this error. It states I pass a Fn(A) -> (), which doesn't implement Other. However, this error occurs literally in the implementation of Other. How can it not be implemented here?
My first thought was because each closure is its own type. If it has to do with this, I find the error very weird.
The first construction fails because you cannot convert a &dyn A into a &dyn B, even when implementing B for dyn A.
trait A {}
trait B {
fn do_thing(&self);
impl B for dyn A {
fn do_thing(&self) {
let b: &dyn B = self;
error[E0308]: mismatched types
--> src/
9 | let b: &dyn B = self;
| ------ ^^^^ expected trait `B`, found trait `A`
| |
| expected due to this
= note: expected reference `&dyn B`
found reference `&(dyn A + 'static)`
Well, you can convert traits but only with help from the source trait. But since in this case the source is Fn, that's not a route.
The second construction fails because Rust won't let you implement traits that can conflict. Trying to implement B for a type that implements A<_> will automatically be rejected because types can have multiple implementations of A<_>.
trait A<T> {}
trait B {
fn do_thing(&self);
impl<T, U> B for T where T: A<U> {
fn do_thing(&self) {}
error[E0207]: the type parameter `U` is not constrained by the impl trait, self type, or predicates
--> src/
7 | impl<T, U> B for T where T: A<U> {
| ^ unconstrained type parameter
Regarding Fns in particular, its somewhat hard to tell since usually function objects only implement a single Fn trait. However, the keyword is usually since you can enable a feature on nightly to do just that. And the trait system usually doesn't play favorites.
So what can you do? Well the first method is still functional, just you have to keep the implementation within the trait. You can use the second method if you use a concrete types for the function arguments.
You can conceivably implement Other for &dyn Fn(_) (implementing it on the reference and not the object itself). But that's not particularly convenient with how Fn objects are usually used.
pub fn do_something(o: &dyn Other) {}
trait Other {
fn do_something_other(&self);
impl<A> Other for &dyn Fn(A) {
fn do_something_other(&self) {
fn main() {
let closure: &dyn Fn(_) = &|x: i32| println!("x: {}", x);
// let closure = |x: i32| println!("x: {}", x);
// closure.do_something_other();
Another option would be to make the Other trait generic in order to constrain A, but that of course depends on how its designed to be used.

Pass a Struct<'a>::method as a `for<'a> Fn(&Foo<'a>)` for use in a closure

In my tests I had a helper function that runs a given method on differently configured objects, with a simplified version looking like this:
fn run_method<F>(f: F)
F: Fn(&Foo),
let to_test = vec![0i32];
.map(|param| {
let foo = Foo(*param);
// run_method(Foo::run);
This worked fine until I added references to the tested struct, making it "lifetime-annotated" (for lack of a proper term, I mean Foo<'a>).
Now I get an error indicating, I think, that Rust doesn't want to accept a Foo::method as a function that can be used with any given lifetime (i.e. F: for<'a> Fn(&Foo<'a>)), as required by the closure:
error[E0631]: type mismatch in function arguments
--> src/
3 | fn run(&self) {
| ------------- found signature of `for<'r> fn(&'r Foo<'_>) -> _`
54 | run_method(Foo::run);
| ^^^^^^^^^^ expected signature of `for<'r, 's> fn(&'r Foo<'s>) -> _`
note: required by `run_method`
--> src/
44 | fn run_method<F>(f: F) where F: Fn(&Foo) {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error[E0271]: type mismatch resolving `for<'r, 's> <for<'t0> fn(&'t0 Foo<'_>) {Foo::<'_>::run} as std::ops::FnOnce<(&'r Foo<'s>,)>>::Output == ()`
--> src/
54 | run_method(Foo::run);
| ^^^^^^^^^^ expected bound lifetime parameter, found concrete lifetime
note: required by `run_method`
--> src/
44 | fn run_method<F>(f: F) where F: Fn(&Foo) {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
I can work around the problem by avoiding closures (though I don't really understand how 'a gets constrained to be local to run_method - isn't the lifetime parameter supposed to be chosen by the caller?):
fn run_method<'a, F>(f: F)
F: Fn(&Foo<'a>),
let to_test = vec![&0i32];
for param in to_test {
let foo = Foo(param);
Can I fix this without rewriting? If not - is there a reason why this shouldn't work?
Complete code:
struct Foo<'a>(&'a i32);
impl<'a> Foo<'a> {
fn run(&self) {
println!("Hello {}", self.0);
fn run_method<F>(f: F)
F: Fn(&Foo),
//same as F: for<'a> Fn(&Foo<'a>) {
let to_test = vec![0i32];
.map(|param| {
let foo = Foo(param);
fn main() {
// This works:
// fn run_method<'a, F>(f: F)
// where
// F: Fn(&Foo<'a>),
// {
// let to_test = vec![&0i32];
// for param in to_test {
// let foo = Foo(param);
// f(&foo);
// }
// }
// The lifetime-less version:
// struct Foo(i32);
// impl Foo {
// fn run(&self) {
// println!("Hello {}", self.0);
// }
// }
// fn run_parser_method<F>(f: F)
// where
// F: Fn(&Foo),
// {
// let to_test = vec![0i32];
// to_test
// .iter()
// .map(|param| {
// let foo = Foo(*param);
// f(&foo);
// })
// .for_each(drop);
// }
// fn main() {
// run_parser_method(Foo::run);
// }
An overview of other questions about the same error code:
Expected bound lifetime parameter, found concrete lifetime is about mismatch between trait definition and implementation (trait { fn handle<'a>(); } vs impl<'a> { fn handle() {} })
Function references: expected bound lifetime parameter , found concrete lifetime [E0271] as well as Expected bound lifetime parameter, found concrete lifetime [E0271] is about a closure |args| {...} without explicit type annotations (|args: &[&str]|) not being accepted as a Fn(&[&str]) -> (); the answers don't explain why (the latter hints that it was not implemented in 2015)
Type mismatch "bound lifetime parameter" vs "concrete lifetime" when filling a collection from a closure is again about a closure without explicit type annotations specifying that it accepts a reference (let mut insert = |k| seq.insert(k); (1..10).cycle().take_while(insert)), which masks a more useful "borrowed data cannot be stored outside of its closure" error.
I can work around the problem by avoiding closures (though I don't really understand how 'a gets constrained to be local to run_method - isn't the lifetime parameter supposed to be chosen by the caller?)
It is. But when you rewrite it without closures, you have also put the reference inside the vec! invocation, so it is no longer constructed at runtime. Instead, the compiler can infer that to_test has type Vec<&'static i32>, and as 'static outlives any caller-chosen lifetime, there's no violation.
This fails to compile as you expect:
let to_test = vec![0i32];
for param in to_test.iter() {
let foo = Foo(param);
is there a reason why this shouldn't work?
Yes, because the type of run is constrained by the type of Foo. More specifically, you have a lifetime decided by the caller (implicitly, in the type for Foo), so you have to construct a Foo of that lifetime to invoke the given run reference on it.
Can I fix this without rewriting?
That depends.
If all your test values are literals, you can make 'static references.
If you're able and willing to rewrite run, it's possible to make it unconstrained by the type of Foo
impl<'a> Foo<'a> {
fn run<'s>(_self: &Foo<'s>) {
println!("Hello {}", _self.0);
But then it doesn't need to go in an impl block at all.
I think the solution provided in the comments is your best bet, because given that you don't care about your concrete Foo<'a> type, there's no need to give the method reference for that type.

How do I return an instance of a trait from a method?

I'm trying to create a function that returns an instance of the Shader trait. Here is my drastically simplified code:
trait Shader {}
struct MyShader;
impl Shader for MyShader {}
struct GraphicsContext;
impl GraphicsContext {
fn create_shader(&self) -> Shader {
let shader = MyShader;
fn main() {}
However I receive the following error:
error[E0277]: the trait bound `Shader + 'static: std::marker::Sized` is not satisfied
--> src/
10 | fn create_shader(&self) -> Shader {
| ^^^^^^ `Shader + 'static` does not have a constant size known at compile-time
= help: the trait `std::marker::Sized` is not implemented for `Shader + 'static`
= note: the return type of a function must have a statically known size
Newer versions of the compiler have this error:
error[E0277]: the size for values of type `(dyn Shader + 'static)` cannot be known at compilation time
--> src/
9 | fn create_shader(&self) -> Shader {
| ^^^^^^ doesn't have a size known at compile-time
= help: the trait `std::marker::Sized` is not implemented for `(dyn Shader + 'static)`
= note: to learn more, visit <>
= note: the return type of a function must have a statically known size
This makes sense as the compiler doesn't know the size of the trait, but nowhere can I find the recommended way of fixing this.
Passing back a reference with & wouldn't work as far as I know because the reference would outlive the lifetime of its creator.
Perhaps I need to use Box<T>?
Rust 1.26 and up
impl Trait now exists:
fn create_shader(&self) -> impl Shader {
let shader = MyShader;
It does have limitations, such as not being able to be used in a trait method and it cannot be used when the concrete return type is conditional. In those cases, you need to use the trait object answer below.
Rust 1.0 and up
You need to return a trait object of some kind, such as &T or Box<T>, and you're right that &T is impossible in this instance:
fn create_shader(&self) -> Box<Shader> {
let shader = MyShader;
See also:
What is the correct way to return an Iterator (or any other trait)?
Conditionally iterate over one of several possible iterators
I think this is what you were searching for; a simple factory implemented in Rust:
pub trait Command {
fn execute(&self) -> String;
struct AddCmd;
struct DeleteCmd;
impl Command for AddCmd {
fn execute(&self) -> String {
"It add".into()
impl Command for DeleteCmd {
fn execute(&self) -> String {
"It delete".into()
fn command(s: &str) -> Option<Box<Command + 'static>> {
match s {
"add" => Some(Box::new(AddCmd)),
"delete" => Some(Box::new(DeleteCmd)),
_ => None,
fn main() {
let a = command("add").unwrap();
let d = command("delete").unwrap();
println!("{}", a.execute());
println!("{}", d.execute());
I think you can use generics and static dispatch (I have no idea if those are the right terms, I just saw someone else use them) to create something like this.
This isn't exactly "returning as a trait", but it is letting functions use traits generically. The syntax is a little obscure, in my opinion, so it's easy to miss.
I asked Using generic iterators instead of specific list types about returning the Iterator trait. It gets ugly.
In the playground:
struct MyThing {
name: String,
trait MyTrait {
fn get_name(&self) -> String;
impl MyTrait for MyThing {
fn get_name(&self) -> String {
fn as_trait<T: MyTrait>(t: T) -> T {
fn main() {
let t = MyThing {
name: "James".to_string(),
let new_t = as_trait(t);
println!("Hello, world! {}", new_t.get_name());
return Box<shader>. As the size of the type must be fixed so you've to bound the object using box smart pointer.

The trait `A` is not implemented for the type `A`

I am trying to use a trait that has a function that takes a closure as argument, and then use it on a trait object.
trait A {
fn f<P>(&self, p: P) where P: Fn() -> ();
struct B {
a: Box<A>
impl B {
fn c(&self) {
self.a.f(|| {});
This snippet generates the following error:
the trait `A` is not implemented for the type `A` [E0277]
The version of rustc is rustc 1.0.0-beta.3 (5241bf9c3 2015-04-25) (built 2015-04-25).
The problem is that method f is not object-safe because it is generic, and hence it can't be called on a trait object. You will have to force its users to pass boxed closure:
trait A {
fn f(&self, p: Box<Fn() -> ()>);
I wonder why Rust allows Box<A> in the first place, I would expect an error there. And this particular error is really misleading. I would file a bug about this.
Alternatively, you can discard trait objects in favor of regular bounded generics, though it is not always possible.
